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Nyaagisa The Maid

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Nyaagisa The Maid last won the day on April 7 2018

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84 Samaritan


About Nyaagisa The Maid

  • Birthday 08/21/1993

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  • Alias
    Nyaagisa, Nagisa
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    Blue Moon Ice Cream Shop
  • Interests
    JoJo, Stands. Plus Occult and Mythology. Urban legends are OK too~

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  1. My uncle that works as an engineer told me to be different than standards (don't do standard things) and always be confident or at least look confident during job interviews. Do beginning to learn how to create your own game engine is good?

    1. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      It's a good skill to have! But, don't force yourself to do things that you don't want to. Just be yourself! :D 

    2. FairFamily


      Sometimes the standard things are standard for a reason, the standard is the method that withstood the powers of time for a reason. That is not to say that innovation is unnecessary but if you don't learn from the past your doomed to make the mistakes of your predecessor. What in my opinion is important is understanding, with understanding comes innovation, individuality and confidence. With that in mind if you find a game engine that satisfies your desires why bother recreating it? If you don't find it and you have the time, skill and motivation  to create one go ahead. Just don't waste time and effort to reinvent the wheel.

    3. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      I do love games and want to create one of my own for the longest time but I don't know how. I talked about how I create a game for my final year degree project and how the project is kinda roasted (and I use game engine). He said to me that its good for me to create something different than your classmates but since I used game engine for it, he said if I created the game from scratch (create my own engine), my project wouldn't roasted. He even added that if you have something you created on your own, and you can show it to the panels during interview, the may think high about you (for doing something different than the rest) even if you don't really have excellent grades.


      I take his word highly. He is an engineer and the branch manager of the company at neighboring country.


      P/s: I really want to make a game. And I did, though its incomplete. It maybe a bad one but its my product of sweat, blood and tears. I regret nothing (maybe a bit).

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