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Nyaagisa The Maid

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Nyaagisa The Maid last won the day on April 7 2018

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84 Samaritan


About Nyaagisa The Maid

  • Birthday 08/21/1993

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  • Alias
    Nyaagisa, Nagisa
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    Blue Moon Ice Cream Shop
  • Interests
    JoJo, Stands. Plus Occult and Mythology. Urban legends are OK too~

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  1. This year on Crunchyroll Anime Awards:

    Yuri On Ice, Yuri On Ice, Yuri On Ice and Yuri on Ice...


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      I understand your point. While it is said many anime could won the best animation, most heartwarming scene, best op, best ed, and best couple, the awards may only includes the ones that are streamed by Crunchyroll. And Crunchy's community (probably) mostly consists of normal/new anime watchers, which may not used to main anime tropes, heavy concepts, and adaptations.

      When we are talking about less weeb watchers, Sport genre may the one they stick to. In fact, sport genre, that close to real life, has the highest fanbase than any other genre. Given that YoI is an original anime, that has no prior fanbase, and detailed choreography sequence, of course that will attract those watchers. Don't forget the fujoshi fanbase

    3. Felicity


      I mean midway through, the animation takes a nose dive for the skating. It didn't deserve so many awards. Maybe a few but not THAT many.

    4. Maelstrom


      The animation doesn't get worse. I think you are mistaking 'worse animation' with "that's the same animation we saw before but that's because the sport itself repeats performances because it is harder than they make it look and it requires copious amounts of repetition and practice but since it's mostly the same I'm going to falsely mis-lable it as worse" sort of thing.


      I'm not yet hearing specific categories in which it was outperformed, but more repetitions of "It arbitrarily has too many awards, some of those should go to someone else like [mumble, mumble]."


      I haven't looked at the other anime you mentioned, Nagisa, but the small synopsis of Kiznaiver sounds really promising. Totally wanna watch it now. Normally, I'm talking about how the synopsis sounds like garbage for an anime but the anime itself is better than that. It have to be careful that this isn't the opposite. I will have to watch it to see whether the execution of such an interesting idea of shared pain meets the expectation.

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