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Everything posted by LilyX

  1. I can quickly breed you one. Do you care for good IVs? (I don´t want to breed a perfect IV one, because that takes forever when Hidden Power is involved...) Edit: Oops, nevermind....now it has perfect IVs...(as perfect as they can be for HP ice at least).
  2. I don´t quite get your point. A Weavile (that literally dies to a priority attack) beats your team and the game is to blame?
  3. I´ll request the trade in 1 minute from now.
  4. I´m ready. Just need your name to request the trade. May I ask what you need them for?
  5. "or" means you only need one of the two? I have both. Don´t need anything in return.
  6. Okay, according to my Dex, you can find it in the cave where you found the event one AND in the cave that can be entered through north Chrysolia Forest (where you would have been able to find Torkoal btw.).
  7. And lastly: Do you need the location of Seviper? I can look it up since it´s registered in my Dex.
  8. Okay, just trade me something you really don´t need. I´m gonna release it anyways. I´ll request the trade again.
  9. Do you want the perfect Magikarp back? I don´t need it, have my own.
  10. Okay, I´ll request the trade now.
  11. Alright. Found everything except the Seviper. But you can catch that in the wild anyways, it´s not (just) an event Pokemon. I´ll need your trading name, then I can request the trade.
  12. do you need the actual pokemon you mentioned or one of their evolution line? i have roserade for example, but no roselia.
  13. Okay, these reasons seem acceptable. I´ll check which Pokemon I can give you. When are you able to trade?
  14. Alright. I´ll see what I can trade and you can just check back here if I wasn´t able to provide any Pokemon!
  15. What I meant was if you could give him/her all six Pokemon. Easier than trading with you and me, since you seem to have all of them anyways
  16. That is nice of you. Do you want to trade MarcosEduardo all of them? It´s probably just easier than trading with two people.
  17. May I ask why you want to trade them? Spinda and Torkoal for example are pretty easy to catch. Anyways, I could probably give you most of them.
  18. LilyX


    Still in need of the Totodile?
  19. I don´t know the exact values of the Snax, but if you care about the money, blue moon ice cream is the best you can do.
  20. Please remind me if I don´t remember!
  21. I should have a spare one. We can trade tomorrow if you want. I don´t need anything in return, just give me a mon you don´t need anymore.
  22. Same here, I spent a lot of time breeding one (on a safe file without shiny charm) and shortly after, they took it away Thanks for the sprites!
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