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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Jade

  1. ooo welcome to the forums too! Hope to see you around o/ Jaydz, Jade, Jayjay, you can call me what you want, if I know that you're referring to me :v thank you!!!!!
  2. I think that this topic is kinda unnecessary and don't add nothing to the community, since the developers won't change the game because there are plenty of people who don't like the story. Also I think Ame makes the game for her, not for the others. Of course you can express your opinion, but not in an ignorant way like you did. What needed to be said has already been said. Just quoting this. Have a good day ~
  3. By its design I think it will be very fragile, so it needs to be very fast to Toxic or Will-o-Wisp something. OR it will get more bulky with the evolutions. For some reason Salandit remembers me of Heatmor (?)
  4. I think its design is kinda... idk The idea is great, it's cool to see another lizard pokémon. The fire/poison combination is a long-awaited type matchup, finally Ken did it. Looks like Corrosion allows you to poison all Pokémon types (?) Anyway, I'm hoping to see its evolutions.
  5. thanks!!!!! Ooh, the Showdown Server, isn't it? I've been lurking in the server too, but I'm not too confident to trust in my english then I'm like whatamisupposedtosayhere adusdhjsadjasdhka whatifitypesomethingwrong aaaaaaaAAAAAAA howdoitypethatwordinenglish Also, I'm in the exam week at school, so I don't have much time. But next week I promise I'll appear sometime! PS: @RudeStyle I love your icon I wish I could play Overwatch too Looks like another game to my list of gamesthatiwouldliketoplaybuticantrn favoriting this video. Thank you!! IKR Like why can we hav one more season pls
  6. Thanks! Seriously? Thank youuuuuuuuu It took me like 2 hours but it's done Hope to see you too! owo too gifty i aprecciate it shit i was discovered i̶k̶r̶ ̶i̶ ̶m̶a̶r̶r̶i̶e̶d̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶f̶i̶r̶s̶t̶ ̶s̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶f̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶b̶u̶t̶ ̶n̶o̶w̶ ̶i̶m̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶l̶e̶a̶h̶ ̶a̶a̶a̶A̶A̶A̶ wut OH MY GOD ILL SAVE THIS FOR WHEN IM SAD or scared wut
  7. ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*~~i dont know how to start this so hav a gif~~*:・゚✧*:・゚✧ togedemaru sure is a cute little thingy aint it Hello, I'm Jade, new here, yeye I think you already got it. I joined the forums today just to 'help' with the guide written by Chubb. So I decided to stay here for a while maybe forever who knows Welp, I've been *lurking* around for a couple of... time, showing up is recommended, that's what mama says. Anyway anyway, now I should write a little about me? go les big boi jayds | He/His | Student | lieks bread When I found Reborn... god it's been almost thirtie yeas i remember my gramps telling me "yo dude u should play diz" good ol' times I think that all of you have already played Reborn, so I won't get any further here. It's a pretty amazing game, though, congratulations to all people involved in this project, seriously. (I also played Rejuvs and Desolation) I love Pokémon, it's been part of my life for quite a long time. I also love Nintendo, but I just played Pokémon, Zelda and Kirby so far. yeah no mario BUT DONT GET ME WRONG THERE I'd love to play other franchises like Kid Icarus, Fire Emblem and Bravely Default/Second. IF I HAD MUNYZZZ so i have to deal with that. I also would love to play Danganronpa and Persona, but it's the life amirite I'm currently playing Stardew Valley (I love the Harvest Moon franchise, although I have only played one game) and doing Undertale's genocide bcs i'm too completionist to just have the Neutral and the Pacifist ending. About music, I'm very ecletic, so have a look at what I'm listening atm I like to draw and sprite, but I haven't focused much on it, since i'm being too busy with school and all... so, yeah. Here's a thingy that I did a couple weeks ago. I also like to watch anime, cartoons and TV Shows. I don't watch too many, but I try to watch as much as possible. I'm currently watching Gravity Falls and IM ALREADY A BIG FAN HOW DO I STOP jk i dont wanna stop If you have interest, here's a couple of things I watch OR watched: The Flash (bae), Nanatsu no Taizai, Teen Wolf, SAO, One Piece (stopped at Dressrosa :[), Magi, Steven Universe (Stopped too), Daredevil (stahp), Gotham (guess what) and Shadowhunters. I think that's all I have to say. byby bb ALSO I HAV A PROJECT OF A FANGAME TOO expect to see it in the next thirtie yeas also dont mind correcting me since im not from a english-speaker country!!!1!!!
  8. There's a strategy that I always use when I'm battling Corey on the Corrosive Mist Field. If you have a Steel-type, save it for the Crobat, since the field changes the type of Air Cutter to Poison. Then, the Crobat can't hit you, which leaves you free to attack whenever you want. I use Klink to this strategy, since it learns Charge Beam and it's found very early in the game. Summing up: If Corey has only Crobat left and you have a Steel-type, you already won. Remember that it only works on the Corrosive Mist Field Great guide, though. I'll be happy to help you when I can :^)
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