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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by LucidRain

  1. Kalva stared at the rising figure, the feeling of death and dread filling Kalva. But he stood his ground, his lips quivering and clutching unto Quina's Aetherball tightly. He was afraid, but he had decided to become strong - he mustn't run away...! Kalva squinted, bracing himself for the same attack that he had seen hit Lampy. Instead, he heard a crumbling sound and a big black fog as the monster was felled to Suzie's and Sableye's combined attack. D-did we win? Kalva straightened up, and watched the core fall down onto the floor. They had won, or at least made the cores dormant again. Quina - we won, we did it. Though he now wasn't quite sure what winning meant. And he seemed to have forgotten something crucial - ah! He put away Quina's Aetherball and splashed his way to Uno, whom Kalva had put leaning against a crystal wall, before he had to return Quina. He knelt down and, after some thought, Kalva lifted her up by her legs and torso. She was lighter than he thought - was she sick? She did look terribly thin... though Uno was quite tall and Kalva had barely any vision as he carried her over to Suzie. Kalva then stood in front of her, looking at her politely and asking permission by holding up Uno slightly. Suzie, may I rest Uno against you? He wasn't sure if Suzie would understand, but he had no hands free to text up a message.
  2. Visrii Visrii search for the Berserker through the rain, but despite the crashing sounds that had rung just few moments ago, he could not pinpoint the enemy location. Rain continued to pour down upon Visrii's armor, some even getting through his visor. Clammy water seeped through his clothes, but Visrii still stood stalwart in the downpour. Rain suppresses fire, which would have been strong against a Beast...perhaps this is not the best condition to wage battle against a Berserker. He returned inside where his Master was, his armor softly creaking after being out in the storm. "I'm sorry, Master - I cannot find the enemy. With the weather like this, I believe the best course of action is to retreat." Visrii then took up Master by the legs, like a knight carrying a princess. A tiny flame appeared over Marian, its heat warm against her. "I beg for your forgiveness in advance." With that, Visrii powered through the rain, jumping over people with huge leaps. His feet barely making a splash on the groundwater despite their incredible pace through the cityscape. The scenery became a blur of light and shade, only stopping in clarity as Visrii landed and bounded again. The warmth over Marian sizzled rain before they reached her, and warmed her in the cold air.
  3. Visrii "Master, I believe it will be more efficient if I were to carry you while we travel. It will be faster than walk-" Visrii stopped at the middle of his sentence as the sound of crashing rang out through the sound of rain. He didn't need to sense out to know that such cacophony was the work of a Servant, a Servant very close by. And by the periodic, reckless nature of the sound, he guessed it was either a very brash Saber, or more likely a Berserker. Tch, he had hoped that his first battle will be anything but a Berserker. They were usually brutish and stupidly powerful, and he could already dash out possibilities of alliance with them. He had to rely on his experience against Beasts to counter them, and his elements to his advantage. Visrii gave Marian an urgent look. "Master! A battle is upon us. Brace yourself." Brandishing his weapon, Visrii fixed his helmet back on, and his halberd began to whir as Visrii gathered power, readying himself for the incoming storm. Then he walked into the downpour, his eyes gleaning at the rooftops to find the Berserker. Julius "Alright then, church it is!" Julius said. After briefly tracking out where they had to go, Julius put away his map and the ether orbs he was using as a lantern dissipated. He went around and collected his few belongings, pack and raincoat. After making sure he had tidied up the place, he stood at the door-frame outside. Out there, there were people out to kill him. It was more apparent to him now, than when he made the decision. But he had made his choice. A semi-translucent white smoke floated off of Julius' raincoat as power coursed through his body. Ether-powering; rare, but powerful technique. He had only 3 orbs to work with, and it was going to be nowhere near the power of a Servant. But he still prided himself on being able to do it while maintaining a Servant. He breathed in deeply, and then he took off in the direction of the church with his yellow raincoat shielding him from the pelting rain. Running through the residential district streets, he left a wake of water splashes behind him as he took ether-boosted leaps across the occasional manholes and made his way down through to their destination.
  4. Quina's mouth opened in shock as she flew across the chamber. Her own defensive manoeuvre had been used against her and Jet; outplayed by the cores. She pinwheeled through the air, and she saw Kalva's distraught and helpless face, his green hair floundering as he ran towards her. So...I'm not strong enough...to protect you... Quina landed in a heap in the water, impact cushioned by the liquid but she had taken too much damage. Her focus slipped out, Kalva's approaching form somehow getting more and more distant. I'm sorry. She thought, before consciousness completely slipped out of her grasp. Kalva held Quina's unconscious body, mortified at what had just transpired. No, no, no! His fingers fumbled for Quina's Aetherball, eyes and mind blind with a torrent of guilt and horror and shock. Quina! No, no - Quina, I, I'm so - Quina...! He barely managed to return Quina, but Kalva's breathing collapsed into a cascade of hiccups and ragged breaths, voices howling over each other in his head. Within a whirlwind of inner screams, a memory forced its way into Kalva's mind, obscured by the screams at first, but getting clearer and clear... "Kalva! You can't just run away like that! Not from a battle!" "I can't - I can't let them hurt Quina!" He signed desperately, his fingers barely forming coherent letters. Kalva had returned Quina from battle prematurely, as soon as she had been damaged a flying rock. Now, he had run into the chamber next door, holding Quina's Aetherball tightly within his arms. Kalva heard Gina's footsteps grow louder and louder. Kalva avoided her, instead looking away like a pouting child. He flinched slightly as Gina approached him and inched away. She stopped in front of him, and Kalva could see her shoes still tracking mud from the battleground. "Kalva, I, you..." Gina's great shoulders lifted up, and dropped down again in a heavy sigh. After a moment, her tone had changed - it was still Gina's firm tone, but her frustration's edge in her voice had subsided into something gentler. "Kalva, listen to me - look at me." Kalva glimpsed at Gina, who had now crouched down to his position. Reluctantly, Kalva's eyes slowly made its way to Gina. Her own eyes looked at him steadily, stern and piercing. Her gaze was too intense for Kalva, who looked down at his own feet again. "Kalva, I know. I understand. I understand if you want to run away - and you can. You don't have to be strong, and you don't have to be brave. Nothing can ever stop you from hiding away from everything." Kalva looked back up at her steely gaze, surprised by her words. Gina continued, "But...but if you ever change your mind; if you ever want to so desperately protect something," Gina looked at Quina's Aetherball, still tightly in Kalva's hands. "Then know this. You can only return through facing yourself." She emphasised her words by pointing to Kalva's heart. Then she stood back up."Well then, come to the dinner hall when you're dressed back into Cadet uniform, Kalva, and don't forget to return the Aetherball to the Administrator." Then she left Kalva there, who sat for a long time in the light of the battleground. Kalva gritted his teeth, voices subsiding into a single whimper. He had since hardly participated in any battles. Any sign of defeat, and he returned Quina right away, away from harm and hurt. Never again, he had vowed. It hurts... Tears, yet again. For the second time today, rivulettes of tears danced across his face and down into the water. He had failed to save Wailord. Now, he had failed to stop harm from reaching Quina - he had lost. If losing means it hurts this much, I'll...I'll... Kalva rocked back and forth on his feet. His breathing slowed down and gained form. ...but I'll do it. I'll do it. I-I think I know what you mean now, Gina...I think I am starting to know... He looked at Quina's Aetherball, unchanged from that moment. But everything else had changed. He too, had to change. He took a deep breath, still shaking but much steadier. His eyes remained gentle, but something fundamental had shifted... I'll get stronger. There's someone I need to protect.
  5. Julius "Right, let's find somewhere to stay..." Julius brought out his map, though it was rough and had hardly much detail to qualify as a proper map, it showed him the general features of the city. He moved an ether ball over it like a lamp, softly lighting up the small lettering on it. He weighed his options. Staying here was fine enough, but the district hall was most likely not very defensible. Hmm...ah, maybe the church? He remembered going to it once; it looked like a fortress, and surrounded by high buildings at the edge of the residential district. "Err, if we want an open space, we can try going to the church? It's across the Residential district, and I know it's got good geographic advantages." Visrii Visrii looked out into the rain. The storm would increase his lightning capabilities, but subdue his fire element. He'll keep that in mind. "Yes, Master. I cannot sense other Servants as of yet, but it would be best if we started to move. Master, I will enter spirit form for our travel." Or maybe the Assassin is on the move. Either case, Master is right. We can't just wait for someone to come to us. Visrii returned to a spirit form to lower the drain on his Master, and to avoid the rain when they had to go out. "Master, if I may suggest an option; there is most likely another competitor that would likely also be searching for an ally. Though it runs the risk of betrayal, it most likely can be beneficial to us if we ally cautiously." Something then occurred to Visrii. He re-materialised, and asked, "Master...may I also ask - at what speeds can you travel?"
  6. Julius Julius looked around to room, briefly confused by the surrounding voice. Is, is that psychic...telepathy? He then nodded. "Right. I guess I'll attack the enemies when they're vulnerable then." Julius scratched his head. Though he was fairly sure he wasn't terribly weak, but he wasn't sure if he could win against other Masters in a fight. If anything, he guessed that the very rarely known ether magic could help in surprise elements. Proditor looked like a calculating type - after all, he had seen Strategy within Proditor's parameters. "Err, anyway...do you have a plan? Can you like, sense other Servants in the area?" Julius knew he'll have to face other Masters sooner or later, but he hoped that maybe he could ally with a reasonable looking one. Visrii "Axiom is my weapon, a halberd infused with electric and flame properties." Visrii stepped back to create room, and drew Axiom out, the weapon seemingly magnetised to his hand. The halberd was magnificently inscribed with golden runes, and on the handle, a small message inscribed on its handle, "Until sheep become lions." The weapon's blade glowed blue and red with power, two colours swirling within the silver blade. "With it, I am able to perform spells and reach much farther than physically capable. Its elemental properties allow me to pierce most forms of physical armour, and attack organic matter." Visrii looked about the room, then continued. "And as for Reignite..." Visrii seemed a little reluctant to demonstrate this technique, but continued, "It greatly increases my battling capabilities and adds a Void affinity upon my abilities, which greatly disrupts both physical and arcane defences. With the combination of Fire, Lightning and Void, I will be able to bypass powerful defences, both arcane and physical." "If I may, Master," Marian would feel a sense of draining as a small ball of quivering violet power appeared on Visrii's palm. The walls of the room shifted and groaned as the void's power pulled in on them. Then Visrii quickly dissipated the sphere so as not to destroy anything. "A side-effect is that for its duration, it requires a large amount of mana to sustain, and after its use my physical capabilities will be lowered. Therefore, this power is best used with restraint." Visrii returned his weapon and continued, "Summarily, my abilities do not have high physical strength, but I focus on piercing and agility to eliminate threats." Visrii then bowed respectfully. His Master's words were flattering, but Visrii could see doubt, even without psychic abilities. And in the context of this War, such a doubt was healthy and most likely accurate. He was only a little fish in a sea of sharks; in such a wide world of heroes, what could a simple Champion do? "I apologise if my abilities are not satisfactory. I will use the best of my abilities to serve you, Master."
  7. Julius "Oh. Right..." Julius nervously pressed his thumbnail against his finger, lost for what to do next. If only he had been described the details of the war more than just a vague idea of the objective, he wouldn't look this incompetent...! Julius focused on Proditor's form, trying to see what he had been told was his Servant's "parameters". After a brief moment, Julius exclaimed softly when he began to feel vague auras about Proditor at first, but getting sharper as Julius picked out individual traits. Eye of the Mind...Strategy...wow, that'a huge amount of mana control...and Mind Domination? That's quite powerful, if used right. After a while, Julius realised that he might have been staring at Proditor awkwardly. "Err, sorry. I think I have a bit of a grasp on what you can do now. You can control people's minds, right?" 3 white spheres of energy began to circle around Julius' right arm, raised as if to juggle them. The spheres made a small buzzing noise as Julius pushed them around in the air, luminescing slightly in the dim room. "I guess I should show you what I can do. I'm a ether magus - I can manipulate these spheres to strengthen physical capabilities or attack people directly...I'm err, only in training, but with time I think I can control more of them." Visrii "Thank you, Master." Visrii said with a small bow and stood up. His small stature still only reached Marian's mouth-level, and his face made him look younger than he was. Visrii tilted his head up and he had his first good look at his Master and at his surroundings. Visrii was careful not to look at Master directly in her eyes, however, he did notice the expensive-looking clothing and an equally extravagant looking house. Visrii was aware that the caste of royal families had long been abolished, yet a pseudo-class of nobility remained, whether or not people of times knew it or not. A noble? What is someone of her standing doing in a War? Visrii carefully started to speak, "Master, if I may ask, have you viewed at my parameters?"
  8. Visrii The light faded into a brilliant blue flash, accompanied by a gentle crackling of fire. Lit up by lightning arcing between metal surfaces within the room, Marian would see a small red-headed armoured figure kneeling in a knightly manner before her feet, his helmet under his arm and his other hand rested on his knee. His hair, fiery red and chaotic, contrasted the silver-blue armour and the pure white cape that was still buzzing with energy. An elegant golden crest of a phoenix intertwined with patterns of roses on the armour. Marian would feel an uneasy ineffable sense of chaos, but at the same time soothed by a knightly aura. His weapon, a long halberd shining with runes, indicated to her that he was a Lancer. A surprisingly mellow voice started to speak. "Greetings, Master. My name is Visrii Lutheim of Kyosis, Just Sword of the Divine, Guardian of Fire and now Servant to you, Master. It is an honor serving you." Visrii remained in the kneeling pose, as if waiting for a command from Marian to stand up. So duty calls, and I may take up arms once again against tides of Fate... Julius Julius had to admit to himself - he was a least a little bit intimidated by the Caster's size. He had already told himself that whoever he could be summoning could be anything, but still the towering figure was nothing short of intimidating. Now that the summoning was done, Julius also realised that he had absolutely no clue what to do now. Did he have to assert dominance or something? Order him around, maybe? He hoped not - he was never good at ordering people around. Julius decided that for now, he'll treat Proditor like a guest. After all - Proditor had taken his time out to help Julius out... or was that how it worked? Julius had only little explanation about the actual workings of the War. Well, priorities first. Proditor (was that his actual name or his title? And that's a weird title to have, too) seemed a little cramped in the storage room. "Good evening." Julius straightened up and returned the bow. "The pleasure is mine. Uh, do you want go out into a wider space?" Julius offered the exit door to the hall, which was much bigger than the storage.
  9. Julius Julius stared at the scrunched piece of paper, repeating the ritual's procedures over and over in his head. He had to get it right. He nervously fiddled with the empty vials in the dim light, candles playing a puppet show of shadows upon the ground where he had made his summoning circle. The storage-house of the district's hall was still dusty from the lack of visitors and Julius could still see the mothballs that lined the windows like silent spectators, but this was a place out of the elements and beyond prying eyes; anywhere else was too public or too small. Even though it was hardly cold in the room, Julius took his jacket on and off undecidedly. It wasn't that he was doubtful of his intentions; he had just as much determination than anyone. But with the rain pouring outside and the foul stench of drying blood, Julius could not help but feel an anxious headache for the coming War. Alright, he could not put off the ritual any longer. Double-checking the script for the last time, he licked his dried lips, breathed deeply to focus his magic and began to chant - in a half-whisper and quivering at first, but raising his voice as he continued. "Blood flows unhinderedStories of greatness intertwineMy body is yoursYour heart I desireBrandish your soul against my foesCome forth with me unto victory!" Stark white light bloomed from the circle, and Julius cowered before the luminescence.
  10. Servant - Visrii, the Just Champion of the Divine Master - Julius Carsten
  11. Hello! I'm eager to join, but I have a question - does this require much Fate knowledge? (other than the ones listed in the OP) I'm not quite an anime fan, you see, and truth be told I have no clue how much of this works. If it doesn't require too much in-depth Fate knowledge, I'll research the system to make up for it and produce a char within the week. Otherwise, however, I'll just be happy to read.
  12. Quina breathed out slowly. She could still feel the shards' call for help, but over that, she felt a powerful aura that enveloped all the cores. It must be the pixie core that had gathered up the aura, some sort of powerful boosting move that she had never seen before. This was bad - especially with such a power difference in the first place, she saw no easy way that they could defeat the Tree, not without something more than just their raw strength. Her red eyes darted back and forth between the cores and the tree, looking for a weakness. Tch, no. If there was something, Kalva would have spotted it and told her. She splashed around in the waist high water, forcing her head to work...water? The water that had previously had restorative properties; maybe she could put this to defensive use. Quickly as she can, she moved next to the Biding medicham and mustered up a Confusion on the water, attempting to build a watery dome around them. She might not be able to survive an incoming Razor Wind with consciousness, but with luck, maybe the medicham could strike back. Focusing entirely on maintaining the dome, she braced for impact. [Quina uses Confusion on the water, creating a water dome around Quina and Jet, aiming to lessen the impact of the Razor Wind]
  13. Kalva sprang to action as soon as he saw two figures being engulfed by the demonic wings. Kalva didn't recognise the new, skeleton-looking woman, but he knew that he needed to help. When the black aura dissipated, Kalva looked at Quina, and Quina nodded. Quina could fight on her own, and Kalva was needed elsewhere. He scrambled under the pressure that had returned in the chamber, but he managed to reach her. She seemed fine, but the pokemon who was fighting for her was badly injured. Having no healing supplies, Kalva could only think of one thing - returning the Chinchou will not heal them, but at least their conditions won't worsen. Kalva quickly searched the skeleton looking woman for the Chinchou's Aetherball, aiming to return the Chinchou to safety. [Kalva searches Uno for Lampy's Aetherball - if he succeeds, Kalva returns Lampy]
  14. It seems like the only way to resolve this situation is to now defeat the cores in battle and expend the Core's energies. It's like ... it's like Wailord, isn't it? Kalva felt a pang of guilt from the memory. We're helping them, right? Quina drew breath as she felt the aura resonating throughout the chamber. Fear? Despair? Pain? It was similar to Wailord's cries; a signal emanating from the cores themselves. She couldn't quite grasp the nature of the aura, it was quite alien to many others. But one fact remained clear - the very being of this Nexus was alive, alive and crying for help. She must put an end to this. As the Dread Core seemed as if it had switched into a defensive stance, she turned to the charging Pixie Core, and added her psychic attack on top of Ante's, aiming to disrupt its charging phase before it could discharge it. [Quina attacks Pixie Core with Confusion (104 Power)]
  15. Kalva straightened up as the gravity released its pressure on him, and wiped out the water from his brow. His throat and eyes still burned, but he felt a strange soothing resonance from deep within. The Shard had merged with the Core...is the Pixie Shard? With the pressure off him, Kalva had a chance to look around the chamber and spotted a fainted Crabrawler and Kai returning them. Kalva bit his lip in worry. The Crabrawler must have been hit by the Tree's wind attack. As long as they were in the Aetherball, at least their injuries won't get worse and he had seen worse than unconsciousness before, Kalva could never shake off anxiety when he saw an injured Pokemon. No; he had more pressing concerns to think about. Kalva sent out Quina, still wary of the Tree. It didn't seem to be emitting the same hostility like earlier, but nonetheless, it had lashed out at them earlier. Kalva couldn't spot anything of note to gain advantage in their battle, but perhaps he could see clearer at the core now that the rain had cleared out. [Kalva takes a look at the newly merged Core] Quina looked at the Tree, and back at Kalva, who looked rather ragged and tired. A little ways of battle must have transpired when she was in the Ball. She tilts her head quizzically. Were they attacking a tree? It didn't look particularly hostile, though it certainly did look like it was some sort of core. Nonetheless, she braced for a battle. [Quina joins the battle]
  16. Kalva was stunned by the immense pressure of the Tree. It felt as if he was getting torn from his very bones, and at the same time he was kept together by the same immense power. He couldn't breath, and yet air rushed forcibly into his lungs, forcing him alive. He staggered from the barrage of polar senses, his stomach churning. He only came to his senses when his weight suddenly seemed to double, knocking him off his feet and plunging his head into the shallow water. Pain burned through his throat and lungs, ripping him out of his daze and forcing him to comprehend. Kalva lifted his heavy head out of the water, coughing and sputtering. Everything hurt, and he was already exhausted from Wailord's battle. But his friends and Pokemon were fighting for him-! He simply could not afford to sit out. He leaned on a nearby crystal and nodded to Sena's quest. Verna's would not be able to fight effectively under the effect of the Tree's Gravity, while Quina's Teleport allowed her to be independent of gravity. Kalva grabbed Quina's Pokeball, readying himself for battle. He was about to send her out, when he felt a change in the rainfall direction. Strong wind. He didn't know what it was; but seeing as Taylor was using a defensive move, he sensed danger. He was to join the battle; but not yet. Kalva took shelter behind the crystal he was leaning on, gesturing at Sena to do the same. Through the rain, Kalva also noticed Cathode entering the battlefield. Kalva waved to her and pointed to the hole to the chamber where Terry was trapped in and mouthed Terry's name. If Cathode came from another entrance into the chamber, then surely she would be able to get help and free Terry! Kalva turned his attention back to the battle, his eyes searching the chamber for clues. There must be something that he could use to help in the battle. Sheer power would not win them the victory; there must be something that could turn the tides. [Kalva looks around in the battlefield for something to help in the battle]
  17. Kalva's brow creased with worry. Kalva was stubborn and unreasonable at times; but now, he was emotionally exhausted. He could conceive no ideas on how to pull Terry out with their own strength. With Wailord, they had their partners to trust and accomplish such feats. This time there was no possible way to break Terry out. Kalva returned quickly to Terry, and if possible, squeezed Terry's hands as a gesture of promise. They'd get help and return. Then swiftly, he returned Quina, squeezed through the gap, into the light. Quina didn't even shift while Kalva ran around the chamber. She knew. That Shard was a time-bomb they didn't know the countdown to, and it could unravel in an instant at any moment - endangering everyone in the vicinity. Terry was trapped inside the crystal chamber with it; with no bearing on where they were, they didn't even know when help will come either. It wasn't just them leaving to get help - they most likely had to leave altogether. A burning pit inside her, she made no movement to convey this idea to Kalva. If he realized this, then there would be nothing in the world that would convince Kalva to leave Terry's side. She closed her eyes and prayed for Kalva to never know as he returned her.
  18. Kalva held his breath above the water as their combined strike hit Wailord, flinching as if the hit had hit him in place of her. With Wailord’s last roar, Kalva’s barely kept composure broke, and slowly, like a waterfall after storm, tears fell from his face. With a silent wail he wept for the death of the Wailord, all the Pokémon he had held in his arms in their death before, and the Pokémon he will have to sit by their death afterward too. He felt so helpless, every time he had to stay by their side during their passing. But neither could he leave their side; it was the least he could ever do. Kalva was trapped between mourning and leaving, and he had always chosen to mourn the death of all Pokemon as if they were his own friend. But the world did not give him any more time to mourn now. Barely moments later he felt the whirlpool suck him under. He desperately tried to hold onto something, but swiped at empty current, only being able to give a pointless flail before the waters completely consumed him. Kalva gasped as they fell through into the crystal chamber, staggering a little as he tried to shake away his disorientation. As soon as he regained his bearings he looked around for Quina, who had thankfully landed close to him, shaken but unharmed. They shared a quick hug of relief before Quina sat back in his hoodie, resting from the battle with Wailord. You’re safe, you’re safe… I’m alright, Quina, you’re safe… Kalva still hiccupped from his crying, eyes swollen a little, but he forced a smile. Quina was safe. Though the weight of their actions had cut deep, Kalva felt a little solace when he saw Taylor take Wailord’s egg. Taylor would keep the egg safe, and Wailord’s light would live on. He’ll just have to help Taylor protect the egg until they could find somewhere safe for the egg. Kalva spent a moment or two calming down before trying to look around him. Trying to, anyway; the crystals were too bright, nauseating him simply from their radiance. He half-closed his eyes to filter some of the brightness out, managing to see Terry pick up the shard of the micro-nexus. He had read about the shards before; but never really managed to observe one for himself. After all – they were very dangerous to carry; they could expand any moment when the Shard is charged once more, and when they do, they’ll expand explosively. He only could ponder for a moment before Sena’s Supersonic rang out, stunning him from the amplified sound. Kalva blocked his ears and ducked down, dizzy from everything being so loud and bright. Terry was trying to tell him something, but with no avail. Kalva couldn’t even try to lip-read from the bright light, and it was as if the world’s volume had been turned mute. I can’t even write anything with the brightness…we need to get out of here, quickly. He stood looking around, trying to find a way to get out of this chamber that had assaulted so many of his senses. Kalva noticed Taylor being unfazed by the noise that had deafened everyone else. Taylor was rather mysterious, Kalva had come to note, but most definitely capable. Taylor had asked Morelull to move before they had descended, rather than trying to force their way through, and even gained the trust of one of the members. Unlike Kalva, Taylor was calm in the tragic struggle against Wailord. If he was to trust anyone with Wailord’s egg, it would be Taylor. Kalva followed Taylor’s line of sight and noticed the small hole in the chamber’s wall. He looked back to check if they hadn’t missed anything or left anything behind, and walked quickly through the chamber’s exit.
  19. Quina had been caught off guard from Wailord's Dive, having hiding behind Verna to avoid Supersonic. Without time to gather her energy to Teleport, she flew through the air like a wax doll, all the while trying to sense Wailord. She narrowly missed a jutted rock and was swallowed whole by the dark water below. But before she could flail for her life, she felt something rise from below her, pushing her above the water, allowing her to find footing again. Kalva had swam to her location after he too, had been knocked into the water by Wailord, and she was now sitting on his head. There was no gesture or anything from Kalva, but she knew what she had to do. She gathered her strength from the midst of the dark pool and threw a Confusion at Wailord.
  20. I'll look into this, and see what I come up with. Edit: After a bit of thinking, I reckon I won't join this one. Looks pretty fun though, so good luck to those who're joining.
  21. Kalva covered his eyes with his arms as the wave splashed over him, tiny fragments of crystal cutting into his clothes. As he wiped the water off his face, he saw 3 stone nails sticking out of Wailord's back, blood streaming out like a crimson geyser. They had succeeded in dropping the stalactites, but Kalva nearly lurched from what he and Quina had just done - they were killing Wailord. Wailord's scream sounded like a sickening prose that nailed this fact to him. Kalva grabbed his head, forcing himself to focus on the battle. After what Quina was risking herself in, he couldn't afford to break down again. O-one...two...three... Reciting numbers over and over, he once again pointed the A-Comm upwards to illuminate the cavern a little and located Verna for Quina. Quina heard what Sena had asked Kalva, and following Kalva's hand signals, swiftly located Verna and Teleported behind Verna. She wasn't sure if this was protection enough - Wailord could very easily cover them both with its Dive...but perhaps Sena was thinking of trying to get her out of the range of Supersonic.
  22. Hello! Pigeon here. Sorry to say, but I'll have to drop the RP. The RP was going too fast for me - and in light of the fact that I may have to leave overseas soon and will be able to catch up to the RP even less...I think it's best for everyone for me to drop this RP. Thanks for the fun, and I hope to see you in some other RP! -Pigeon
  23. Quina's stature crumbled as Wailord's Noble Roar continued to rock the cavern unopposed. She had made a mistake - instead of focusing on dodging, she should have retaliated to the thunderous roar somehow. Now she felt it jarring her concentration, throwing her off-kilter. No, she must concentrate. She saw the Wailord recoiling from Morelull's Flash, and took cover behind a nearby rock from the debri. Now this was her chance - she didn't have much to hit Wailord, but hopefully it would help. She was preparing to hit Wailord with Confusion when she noticed Kalva looking intently at her, then up at the ceiling. She followed Kalva's gaze - stalactites, hanging above Wailord. She quickly caught onto Kalva's wordless message. With what little power she had, Quina caught some of the debris from Wailord's flailing with Confusion and threw it up against the stalactites.
  24. Quina didn't like to do this as much as Kalva - but now she had to battle, and analyse this situation critically. Wailord had just Dived out of their vision, surprisingly fast for whom she had thought to be incapacitated. Perhaps it wasn't Wailord who was attacking them; it was the crystals controlling Wailord. She was far too weak herself to mount an effective assault against Wailord, but perhaps even by simply stalling they could deplete the crystal's energy and put Wailord to rest. That meant she had to dodge Wailord's attacks as much as possible - even one hit from Wailord's attack would knock her and any of her teammates for sure. She noted quickly that the whole place was a large 12 meter circle. As long as they kept strafing at the right time, perhaps they could avoid Wailord's Dive attacks. She wasn't particularly fast on foot, but Teleport will be fast enough. With the help of Flash and/or Sleep Powder, they may be able to land a few attacks or two. She attempted to fathom where Wailord was psychically, then readied to Teleport out of Wailord's attack. Kalva understood what Quina was trying to do. Bait for Wailord-no-the crystal's dive, and dodge every time with Teleport. But this plan couldn't drag out. Not only would Teleport eventually drain Quina out, but all the while, Wailord would be tearing herself apart. No - he must end this quickly, for Wailord, for Quina and for his friends. There must be a way... Kalva held up the A-Comm above his head like a flashlight, illuminating the area in part and looked for a way to end Wailord's rampage early. Perhaps a loose stalagmite to drop?
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