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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Alistair

  1. Gimme motivation to study for my french test tomorrow ...

  2. Gimme motivation to study for my french test tomorrow ...

  3. Gimme motivation to study for my french test tomorrow ...

  4. Gimme motivation to study for my french test tomorrow ...

  5. I have exactly one shiny stone. Which mon is most worthy of it though?

  6. I have exactly one shiny stone. Which mon is most worthy of it though?

  7. I have exactly one shiny stone. Which mon is most worthy of it though?

  8. Shiny Beldum on Reborn, caught!

  9. After three months of being burrowed in her terrarium my spider has finally surfaced. She grew from two inches across to six and ate five crickets (or at least killed them and is saving them) in the course of a night. Considering I thought she was dead it was a Halloween miracle.

  10. Anyone know a good therapist?

  11. Anyone know a good therapist?

  12. John Wick on a killing spree is a Litwick.

  13. Merry Soookymas everyone!

  14. Beat Noel only to come so far to face of ARCEUS OF ALL THINGS?!?!@

  15. i wore a grim reaper suit with a sign that says "your grades" taped to the front today

  16. Happy Halloween, everyone!

  17. So E16 will give us Goomy and Beldum is still gonna be obtainable. People keep saying Ame is evil, but she's being pretty generous if anything

  18. So E16 will give us Goomy and Beldum is still gonna be obtainable. People keep saying Ame is evil, but she's being pretty generous if anything

  19. There are wasps building a nest in my window

  20. Is it so hard to keep a fire starter as a quadruped?

  21. Oh god the fireworks have begun ALREADY. and it's two days till Deepavali and I've got exams and this noise is horrible aaaaaugh

  22. This is for you to write Happy birthday on the comments! I am 22 today! :P

  23. An ace member that's a pilot is an aerial ace.

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