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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. Like I said, take your time. We can wait. ...Although we do love ripping into you when you're late, but that's what friends do, right?
  2. That almost seemed relevant. Please, you must realize how much I get the comment 'You've gotten so tall!' and such... please, I beg of you to treat me like I'm older. I can't stand the 'When I was your age' and such comments for much longer; I think I will go insane It's not your fault, just realize how much I must get this kind of stuff on a daily basis. It makes me want to tear my hair out that I can't have a normal conversation with someone older than I am without them bringing up something about my age, when the people my age are nearly impossible to talk to already.
  3. The defensive core SkarmBliss. And it never has stopped being annoying.
  4. I love it. Unique, and it looks like it'll murder anything that's not a ghost. I'm using it on the team I'm building now! Another thing I like to use that's rarely seen (however, it is on Smogon) is... BATON PASS SCIZOR Scizor @ Occa Berry/Leftovers EVs: 252 HP/ 40 Def/ 216 SpD IMPISH NATURE ~Swords Dance ~Agility ~Baton Pass ~Bullet Punch To someone that's never seen it before, they'll expect Banded Scizor, or if you use Swords Dance, Swords Dance Scizor and swich to a counter. Scizor's probably going to be able to take a Fire-type attack if he has an Occa Berry. Lefties are for the sake of added lifespan and maybe multiple passes. Bullet Punch is to try and fake your opponent out, and also so that you aren't Taunt Bait. Using the set is pretty easy. I tend to Agility first so that Scizor is able to outspeed more threats, and then Swords Dance. Who you're passing to is entirely of preference, seeing as any physical sweeper enjoys +2 Speed and +2 Attack. As of now, I'm passing to Guts Flame Orb Ursaring. The only thing to be really afraid of is Scarftran, so have a counter ready to eliminate him so that Baton Passing is almost a simple task.
  5. Haha, don't feel old, I already know I'm the youngest one here. By the way, I love that little person in your signature but I have no idea who he/she is. Also, I want that hat. Badly. The only hat over that I'd wear is a top hat. Dunno why, but I love those things.
  6. Boyo wins because the fact that we're talking about spoiler tags in an Apples to Apples game is really strange.
  7. No one wants to go out with someone like me. No one.
  8. ...The fact that anyone would ever want to go out with me is impossible. Terra deserves better...
  9. [quote name='Hyperlisk' post='3194' date='Aug 17 2010, 11:44 PM']Okay. Ame: The spoiler tag's html should be something like this instead of what it is: Instead of: [code]<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(0, 0, 0);">SPOILER</span>[/code] Make it: [code]<span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% rgb(0, 0, 0);" onmouseover="this.style.background='white'" onmouseout="this.style.background='black'">SPOILER</span>[/code] It'll probably look ugly, but work right. Change it if you want in the admin panel, I think.[/quote] I love how this [i]still[/i] doesn't have to do with Apples to Apples yet you quoted me.
  10. No one else has gotten Pikachu either... Seriously, Pikachu is so awesome. The only Pikachu I hate is the one that's in the newer Pokemon episodes... *groans*
  11. Well, that was a bit harsh...we're only trying to make it easier on you guys so you don't have to be here as often... Just because you're not trying to be mean doesn't mean you're not coming off as mean...
  12. Something I use that I've never seen before: SHARPEDO ANTI-LEAD Sharpedo @ Focus Sash EVs: 252 Atk/252 Speed/4 HP ADAMANT NATURE ~Aqua Jet ~Crunch ~Earthquake ~Zen Headbutt Basically, you can counter almost any lead using the appropriate moves. Use Aqua Jet ONLY as a finishing move, as Earthquake is stronger than STAB Aqua Jet. The only exception to this is against Aerodactyl, as Aqua Jet always outspeeds and 2HKOs it. If you really want to, you can try running Waterfall over Aqua Jet and using a Jolly Nature, but I like knowing that Sharpedo's using that incredible base 120 Attack to the fullest. If the opponent tries to set up Stealth Rock, you can usually take them out without taking any damage. The only lead you have to watch out for is Machamp, and that's only because DynamicPunch confuses you. If you get lucky, you'll end up taking Machamp down. If not, you've still got him within the range of being easily revenge killed. One of my favorite reasons to use this Sharpedo is because Rough Skin can sometimes break the opponent's Sash, which is always nice. Oh, and AZ, your set looks basically like a BellyZard being run on another Pokemon, except for Earthquake being replaced with ThunderPunch.
  13. [spoiler]Maybe you people should try coming up with an answer instead of talking about Spoiler tags... [/spoiler]
  14. [url="http://www.dragonflycave.com/newpay.aspx"][img]http://www.dragonflycave.com/wpay/pikachu.gif[/img][/url] Somewhat makes sense. And I love Pikachu.
  15. Amazing...you guys make me soooooo jealous because I lack any drawing skill whatsoever...
  16. Operation Dynamiris has been added. OMFG THE NAME IS A PUN OFF OF DYNAMITE AND IRIS! HAHAAHHAHAHAHHA IT'S SO FUNNY... ...not really.
  17. A THEORY: What if...the Nightmare Corey lived through was...Shade? What if Shade was trying to punish him for acting so poorly towards Heather? It's possible...seeing as Shade seems to only appear in Luna's dreams to comfort her...maybe the same happens to Heather?
  18. Just a reminder, automods are only going to kick people if they're spamming, and the smarter trolls out there aren't going to spam, they're just going to try and annoy the living shit out of us.
  19. Guess what? I have logs this time! OPERATION: GHOST BUSTER SUBJECT: SHADE SOURCE: LUNA [quote]Will won the battle! Will: Sometimes the hardest battle is against yourself... [Reborn]Luna's Houndoom fainted! Will: Game, set, and match. Will: Good game. Will: Thank you for the battle. Mashew18: gg you 2 Yami and DArk Princess >> N8theGr8: Hey Luna! Mashew18: N8 ill do it Will: My plan worked out, it turns... Drusicus von Hearts stopped watching the battle. N8theGr8: o_o' Mashew18: Hey Dark Princess~~ Can I please ask you a question~ please♥ [Reborn]Luna: ...You have overcome the greatest of energies... The eye into the soul of eternity. though its beauty is tarnished, your eyes shine with hope... [Reborn]Luna: I pray you farewell... Oh? Will: Do you re-write that every time? Lara: That's a very pretty ending speech. N8theGr8: She probably has it saved somewhere Mashew18: Its just a question I we have been wondering about...... Do you know anything about the ghost leader Shade by any chance? [Reborn]Luna: Shade? Yes, why do you ask? Mashew18: Any information would help us GREATLY Mashew18: Can you please tell us or me if you would like~ Mashew18: We were.. .challenged by someone to find something out about him and if you have any info can you please share it [Reborn]Luna: Well... I really don't know much about him... I apologize... I've only seen him in my dreams. [Reborn]Luna: He's always been very kind. Mashew18: Can you describe them? [Reborn]Luna: He comes when I'm feeling lonely... Mashew18: If you want I mean Will: Hohohoo... Of course he shows up in peoples dreams... Will: How ghost-ish! [Reborn]Luna: The dreams... I barely remember. I just know that he was there. [Reborn]Luna: And he always made me feel better... Mashew18: Were they good dreams? did he talk in any way? Will: It'd be funny if you became lucid while having them. Mashew18: Will >> Will: Hmhm~ [Reborn]Luna: Of course he speaks... [Reborn]Luna: Haha, that wouldn't be very comforting otherwise~ N8theGr8: About anything in particular? Mashew18: What does he say little DArk Princess? Lara: Boys, it's not right to pry that deep... XD Mashew18: Lara.... >> Will: I am doing no such thing, it's all Mashew. N8theGr8: She doesn't have to answer if she doesn't like. [Reborn]Luna: Wha? It's nothing like that, Lara... N8theGr8: It's soley her decision. [Reborn]Luna: ...Actually to be honest... N8theGr8: *solely [Reborn]Luna: I don't remember what he says... Mashew18: I have made that perfectly Clear she can not answer anything [Reborn]Luna: But it does make me feel better. I know that much. Will: Start a dream Journal, you'll be able to remeber better. Mashew18: Ooooh.. Ok thank you Dark Princess~♥ </3 lol[/quote] INFORMATION GAINED: Oh boy, talk about a TON of information! Turns out Shade is capable of communication through dreams! Luna claims that Shade makes her feel better at night. However, she does not remember any portion of her dreams whatsoever. I know it sounds strange, but this really reminds me of Gardevoir from Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1. Maybe Shade uses the same means to communicate through dreams...? PLEASE GIVE YOUR THOUGHTS!
  20. I dunno Mashew...the silent ones always have the most secrets inside them...
  21. OPERATION: Ghost Buster SUBJECT: Shade SOURCE: Blake I don't have logs, of course, but after my *WINNING* battle against Blake, he didn't seem to know anything about Shade either. However, he didn't directly answer he question so he COULD possibly know something. From my memory: "Me: Do you happen to know ANYTHING about the Ghost leader, Shade? Blake: Why would I? *LATER* Me:Well, it would be nice if you could tell use anything. Blake: Alright. Blake: Are you listening? Me:Of Course. Blake:...anything." After that, he left without any other word. I don't know whether that was just Blake being himself or him trying to hide something. Oh, and I have no idea about Julia and Florinia. I had no idea she was that hostile! It doesn't seem to make sense... INFORMATION GAINED: Blake probably knows nothing about Shade, but there is a slight chance that he was trying to hide something.
  22. Thanks for keeping the logs. Like I said, it's very risky relying on me to do this, as my client constantly and irregularly crashes.
  23. I'll go with Kyogre. Most variants carry Ice Beam, so even if Drought is going, Groudon gets pounded into the ground with an Ice Beam or two. I have to say that I'm more of a fan of Groudon though. But Groudon will be outspeeded and can only EQ Kyogre, which probably won't kill it. I like calling Kyogre (Ky-Row-Gey) Gey rhymes with Key.
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