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Everything posted by N8theGr8

  1. I didn't say it was a lot, I said you had too much. Different meanings.
  2. Bullet, Kitty had one too many drinks last night, m'kay? (I'd go with it if I were you)...
  3. It doesn't really matter. Does anyone actually read the logs? Other than of course, for the Investigation Squad.
  4. Touché. I can't edit the names of the thingies though. Like the subforums and such.
  5. A combination as incredibly fitting as Skarmbliss.
  6. OMG Best strategy evaaaaaarrrrrrr... Oh, and on the serious side, you may want to give credit to Arkeis.com for your avatar in your sig. EDIT: Hey, I'm a Psychic, and my avatar's a holy Gardevoir! ANOTHER POINTLESS EDIT: Thanks for giving Arkeis credit. Those sprites are epic and I want other people to be able to find them.
  7. I DID IT! I POSTED IN EVERY ONE OF THESE INSANE THREADS!!!!! Wait, I didn't do this one yet... I HAVE NOW!!!!! HELL YEAH!!!!!!
  8. [img]http://www.pixeljoint.com/files/icons/waffle__r1922203301.gif[/img]
  9. Yes, Kitty, we all know how incredibly perfect and super awesome and mror you are.
  10. SPOILER ALERT: [color=#000000;background:#000000;' onmouseover="this.style.color='#FFFFFF'" onmouseout="this.style.color='#000000']Mew.[/color]
  11. Miss Kitty is often seen as a sweeper in OU, but can also be a viable supporter, seeing its moves such as Mew, Mao, and Meow.
  12. [img]http://www.projectbag.com/pokemon/pics/mew04.jpg[/img]
  13. I really want to learn what 'Kabooshi' means. MUST...POST...IN EVERY...ONE OF THESE...TOPICS...
  14. Here's my team: SKITTY ~Mror ~Mew ~Meow ~Mow
  15. Don't worry, I made a battle scene for you: I had to upload it to DeviantArt which I just made because the attachment was too large. Anyway, here it is: [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/231/7/0/This_is_Sparta__Pokemon_Cats_by_N8theGr800.jpg[/img]
  16. It appears that Kitty had one too many drinks last night...luff you <3
  17. Stallrein without hail is not functional. That's like Jolteon in Trick Room. It doesn't work.
  18. I love how everyone payed no attention to the giant 'Are you a wizard?' picture. Oh, and Mashew's post is an oxymoron.
  19. Haha, don't worry about it, it's just something that really, really gets old after a while. I still try and draw every now and then, and I think I did A -somewhat decent- Lucario.
  20. But Stallrein is utterly useless without Hail support.
  21. [img]http://www.myconfinedspace.com/wp-content/uploads/tdomf/145756/are%20you%20a%20wizard-525x700.jpg[/img] There was no other place to show this beautiful picture.
  22. The one about Lan dating Shelly.
  23. Pedobear approves of Mashew's comment: [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_jWNhyMUpjSE/Sbm6PB1_6jI/AAAAAAAAC_0/Sho4qWL5Dq4/s400/pedo-bear-seal-of-approval.png[/img] Yes, of course this was necessary. Also, ironically, Knight was calling others perverts in his comment, but then proceeded to talk about Kitty feeding Ame rasperries...in a lingerie? WTF?
  24. Oh, fun, lets do something with a little less bias... [img]http://arkeis.com/images/pokemonfactory/garchomp.png[/img] VS. [img]http://arkeis.com/images/pokemonfactory/walrein.png[/img] CLASH OF THE LEADERS' POKEMON: RAWRCHOMP VS. TUB-O-LARD/STALLREIN Obamasnow's hail is up, neither have any boosts or Substitutes. Images were again taken from [url="http://arkeis.com/home.htm"]here.[/url]
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