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Everything posted by Neco

  1. Chapter XVI: Fairy Tale Gone Bad Hello everybody to the last Chapter of Episode 16. After recently beating Ciel, we can finally head back to Reborn City. To describe the change in one word: amazing! I guess Adrienn and Co put really a lot of work into it. Anyways, Ame has some more work to handle and asks us to gather Victoria, Arclight and Adrienn. Doing so, we can do some adjustments to items and movesets (e.g. Drain Punch on Spike) and already inspect a bit of the City. When everyone is gathered, Ame explains her plan. As it seems, Meteor installed a base in Devon Corps, where coincidentally their leader, Lin, is currently too. Ame, Reborn's Champion plot twist, wants to settle things once and for all, needing our strength. Of course, we comply and meet Victoria and Arclight to storm the base. After a first battle, we find the tracer Adrienn and Ame carried who stormed the front in contrast to us. Oh oh, not a good sign. Some moments later, we start to get seperated even further, until we are alone. A last remark: Victoria finally isn't getting on our nerves, yay! It appears we were knocked out and wake up near a healing station- everybody who played a Pokemon game usually knows what this mean, battle time! We can only head into a cage, oppoising another cage, which Victoria fills. Afterwards, Lin declares our punishment: We have to battle each other in order to progress. The winner may pass, the loser will get punished. Of course, we battle Victoria. VS Apprentice Victoria A pretty easy battle, even though I'm slightly underlevelled. After the battle, Victoria is punished with electro shocks as we are allowed to continued. A few puzzles later, we find the next cage and are confronted with Arclight. Apparently, Adrienn refused to battle, but we agree to face Arclight without further ado. VS Dj Arclight Another rather easy battle. I had more problems in my regular run with him, so I actually feared him a bit. After winning, Arclight falls down a hole as we can progress. Shortly after, we witness how Lin defeats Ame. May I point out how I'm sceptical of this result? Alolan Ninetales loosing to Hydreigon? Nevertheless, we are forced to see how Lin commands her mon to kill Ame. I guess she really hated to be part of the game? As I knew what was happening, I was prepared now, but the first time I saw this I just went "WTF?!?". After this tragic scene, we move forward and solve yet another puzzle which completely destroys the feeling. Shortly after, we meet a panicking ZEL, who needs to secure the PULSE machines/mons. Of course, they challange us. VS Meteor Admin ZEL I needed three times to finally find a way to win. I almost transferred some Rare Candy from my main file, as I run out of ideas, honestly. After the battle, the factory is getting destroyed and ZEL changes. Or rather, I should say looses her multiple personalities. Quite a tragic end for ZEL and I can't wait to see more of his story. Anyways, we can continue and join our friends. Everybody is in relatively good shape but Arclight, who lost an eye. Of course, everybody wants revenge or protect the city, so we quickly have to regroup. In addition, Adrienn has a wish: we shall become the new champ after Ame passed away. Naturally, we agree and fulfill a task for Adrienn, before xe allows us to battle xer. Without further ado, this episodes final Gym Battle! VS Visionary Adrienn I have to admit, I underestimated Adrienn. I was convinced that Secret Sword would tear through xer team, but I was taught better. In my first try, I was completely destroyed and trained my team by feeding 20 Rare Candy (I wasn't willing to either battle Indra or the Grandhall trainers and you have more than enough money after the Circus arc), afterwards I needed two more tries to find a suitable team, which resulted in my fourth try above. Anyways, we gain our next badge, raising the level cap to 85, and the TM for Dazzling Gleam, which might come in handy. At this point, I'd love to say "Until next time~", however, this has to wait for a while, as we are done with the current episode. When E17 comes out, we can enter the Desert and potentially face Titania- which I, of course, plan to cover whenever I have enough time for this. Until then, I'l probably raise everybodies level and prepare a bit, including training new members, especially as new ones are now available. If anybody wants to know my thoughts about a Grass run or my thoughts on specific Grass types, feel free to ask- I might even write some form of rating, but this would have to wait for a while (: Finally, a huge thank you to anybody who followed this run! I'll probably post another playthrough whenever I have the time for it (2 weeks holidays ahead and stuff to do afterwards) and decide what I want to play (can't decide between some form of Wonderlocke or other mono-run). With this said, until next time~ guess I still managed to squeeze it in xD
  2. What I saw looks good, but I guess I have to get used to it. Turtwig looks good, but as it is my favourite Gen IV starter and one of my favourite starters throughout, I'll probably prefer the original even though the Delta one is Water xD But yeah, Game Freak should take some inspiration from those. Or hire some talented people
  3. I found it out after a quick google search... better than some bizarre fakemon, but I probably have to see them in action a bit xD I mean, what the hell happened to Bulbasaur ö.ö
  4. Why not. I'm normally not a fan of fakemon, but we'll see.
  5. Chapter XV: Ups and Downs So, with HM Waterfall in our possession, we can finally go and save Amaria/Titania. As soon as we reach the Water Treatment Centre, we see how Titania killed some Grunts and immediately continues to do so. As we head through the WTC, Tania slowly cools down and thanks to Taka, we can find our way. A Pulse battle later, the water is clean again. VS PULSE Swalot I needed two tries for Swalot. THe healing in the original field was mostly too much for my mons to overcome, at least without Deku using Curse. After cleaning the water and passing through the puzzle again (even though it is much easier now) we can finally face Taka. Apparently, Taka doesn't agree anymore with Meteor's ideals and methods after Lin took over, but still feels to work for them. He let's us take both the Saphire Bracelet and Amaria, but before going asks us to do him a favour. Guess I can show the battle. VS Meteor Admin Taka Gosh, he destroyed me in my first try and was still a pain during my second attempt. I originally planned to follow the story line in which I did not battle him and these two tries I needed to defeat him made me hate him to some point and ultimately made me not doing him a favour xD While we have to wait some more Episodes to see what the right decision is, I have the feeling not fighting him is the correct one, somehow. Anyways, after getting what we wanted, we have to hurry back to Amaria and Titania's mansion, as Meteor plans to attack it. On our way, we meet Jlulia and Florinia, so we aren't outnumbered as much anymore. Some strategy from Rini later, we form our defense (of course, our protagonist has to carry the weight) and start with battling some Grunts. After defeating them, Sirius and Fern pull of a trick... not that we already know how Fern is part of Meteor now. Sirius, do us all a favour and kill this brat. Please? Anyways, Julia doesn't manage to stop Blake, so we have to battle him and Fern. VS Agent Blake and Swag Jockey Fern I have to admit, this battle started with some misplays on my side when I sent in Santa so early. I'm just glad I continued, as this was my first try. Now, onwards to the Main Dish~ VS Orderly John and Meteor Leader Solaris Another first try victory and this battle felt much easier. Funny how Spike and Magnezone defeated most of their team. Anyways, Sirius revels how we was responsible in burning Charlotte's familiy's Mansion and wants to do the same here, but Titania prevents him, forcing Meteor retreat. With this out of the way, we can finally hunt some Seel! VS Skydancer Ciel Seel What. A. Freakin'. Pain in the ass. I don't know how many times I had to reset in order to win this battle or to just get a hold of her strategy. Soundproof on Santa pretty much trivializes her Altaria (i.e. her only mon I did not fear), but her team could easily sweep me. I was kinda lucky in this attempt, so I'll take it. I'm just glad my last weakness is out of the way, honestly. In addition, I think it is rather funny how Ciel seems to know which item we are carrying- whenever Lily was carrying a bossting Item, she ruined her flow with Thunderwave, whereas she used Air Slash (excluding one time) when she carried a Cheri Berry. Training mons like Lily and Fluffy a bit more coul've helped, but let's be honest: Indra is a bastard. When I tried to battle him, I got the colours I could hardly beat (and definitely not with the mons I needed to train *cough*). Anyways, with this new badge, we can finally head back to Reborn City, as we can now use Fly outside of battle. In addition, we may now raise our Level to 80 and get the semi-useful TM Acrobatics. Until next time~
  6. Chapter XIV: Memes, Memes, and More Memes So, after defeating Charlotte, we can head to Ametrine City. However, there is a certain obstacle we have to overcome first. VS Avalugg A rather short and uneventful fight. The real trouble comes soon enough. So, in Ametrine City we can finally start looking for Heather and soon learn how a Guardian Angel fed the town, preventing further chaos. I guess we can all tell who this Angel is? *wink wink* a girl with a Salamence *wink wink* Anyways, after learning about ZEL's backstory, we meet Blake. I don't know if I'm alone with it, but I hate this character even more than I do hate Fern and can't tell you how much I want my sweet lil' Spike smack his face whenever he tries to say something. Enough rambling. We soon learn how he is an Agent of Meteor and is willing to free Heather for the Ruby ring, which I naturally decline. This doesn't change anything, though, as Blake takes the ring anyways. Please, game, allow me to smack some Meteors x.x I'm sick of seeing how they attack people and manage to rob us (or other character) or attack them non stop. After meeting a now changed Cal, he tells what we need to know and manages to slow down Blake. After a nice puzzle, We manage to walk near a den and free Heather. Some happy reuniting between the two girls later, we can move on and smack battle some Meteor grunts. First, we team up with Cal, afterwards with Shelly (I have to admit, I do like the development she undergoes in this part). Upon reaching the top of the mountain and entering the cave, we are stopped by Aster. Time for another interesting battle! VS Meteor Ace Aster All in all, not too difficult. Ruby was a bit disappointing, but I hardly trained him though. Of course, we have to battle Blake too, so let's go. VS Meteor Agent Blake This battle was a pain in the ass. I think in my third or fourth try I managed to win (not counting the times I had to reset because they immediately took out Jessie, as I was not willing to fight in his field). In this try Jessie was extremely lucky when it came to Blizzard, but I guess this is just justified after getting destroyed multiple times. Anyaways, we now learn how a certain Terra is responsible for the mess in Agate. Before Blake leaves, Heather and Cal arrive, taking back the Ruby Ring. With it being now in Heather's possession (and me being unsure whether I like it or not, but our character let's others rob him/her anyways), we can face Terra. After a Megaman.exe reference (at least for me, loved this show as a kiddie xD), we enter Glitch world. In order to please Terra haters, lets skip it. Not that much happens anyways worth noting. Nothing much but a new recruit! *cough* okay, time for a battle. VS PKMPKMNT M2 And, on we go. VS M3G4 T3RR4 Finally, type advantage for me! I defeated her in my first try and pretty much used my strategy from my regular run (however, I had Tentacruel set up the Toxic Spikes, who managed to actually defeat the Hippo and Roserade took out Quagsire). Giving Terra's Garchomp a chance to take out your team is a bad idea, so I really like the Toxic Spikes option and fight her with ease. Anyways, our Level Cap doesn't change and we can use Waterfall, finally. In addition, we get the TM Bullshit, which might become useful. After this battle, I picked a Life Orb for my Rose, which is a nice offensive boost~ I try to post the next Chapter tomorrow, if I have enough free time. Until next time~
  7. Those battles you think are impossible to win are always the most satisfying to get rid off
  8. I knew from my last run it would be easy for you. My Archeops and Gigalith destroyed most of her Team even though I did not EV train them ^^
  9. Rock Slide completely destroys Charlotte. Especially if you have a fast and hard hitter like Archeops and Stealth Rock support^^
  10. Chapter XIII: When Plants Extinguish Fire... ...you have to feel motivated. As a result, this Chapter follows rather quickly. Before posting the last part previously, I've already defeated Aster/Eclipse, so not much story left for me to play through. Anyways, while picking up our HM for Surf (Finally! Bye bye Hydro Pump on Ren), we have to see a scene between Amaria and Titania. We side with Amy (cause she > Tania, imo, which doesn't mean I hate Titania), but have to see how she still wants to commit suicide and jumps down a waterfall. Titania jumps too, so that somebody can take care of Amaria. Of course, she threatens us to go get her back up. Which requires the HM for Waterfall, which requires some other fetch quest. Yay! With a new task, we go head to Celestine Mountain and pass through it. On our way, we find Hardy and the poison siblings, pointing out how a giant iceberg blocks the way to Ametrine City- so no way to get there atm. We continue our Journey, just to get bombed by Pulse!Clawitzer attacks. Saphira protects us, but we have to take the long run to get to the next city. Some bombs later, our group splits and we team up with Aya. On our way, we soon accidentally meet Meteor Grunts, just to run into Aster and Eclipse. Eclipse isn't really motivated, but we stil have to battle them. VS Meteor Knight/Dame Aster & Eclipse A tough fight imo, especially when Aya makes some dubious choices. Above was my second try, in my first I led with shelly to rely on Sticky Web again, but their team is pretty slow, so it was a lost turn and put more pressure on me than I could handle; in the end, Vespiquen swept most of my team and I had only Spike left to handle Aromatisse (hint: not working). Believe it or not, Aya's decision were even worse, so I had even less regrets to rely on EQ, Discharge and Surf in my second try. Anyways, Eclipse decides to resign from Meteor and deactivates the Pulse!Clawitzer, even though this wasn't our goal. Sirius takes these words not well and "kills" Eclipse with his Chandelure by burning her soul (as much as I understood it, her body is still "intact"). Afterwards, he targets us, but Aya interfers and gets taken as hostage... great. We can leave (not before we pick up the TM for Grass Knot) and meet with the resistance, Cain and Hardy in Calceon. In a pretty funny scene between Fern, Hardy and Saphira, Fern manages to piss us off anew. In a less pleasant scene, Laura looses her poisition in the Elite 4 and a certain Bennett takes his place. Great. In another scene, Charlotte tricks Meteor to buy us some time- especially for the Gym battle, which is probably what you want to read, right? However, a new recruit beforehand~ VS Firebug Charlotte Victory on my first real try, not counting the many times I had to reset so that both Quick Claws could activate (if I'm not mistaking, the chance for this is 4%). With this out of the way, Charlotte lost a huge amount of her offense, especially with the rain hurting her even more. Afterwards, the combination of Ren+Rini simply destroyed her team, taking her of every momentum she could get. Anyways, this new badge raises our level cap to 75, can now use Dive outside of battle, and get the pretty useless for this run TM Flamethrower. Before leaving, I post my team after defeating Charlotte to talk a bit of the other mons and their potential uses. Until next time~
  11. Chapter XII: Rise of the Terrawr A rather short chapter, as hardly anything happened. In fact, I feel like the events between two gym leaders slowly start to decrease; however, this doesn't mean that battles become easier. In fact, the battles I fear most are yet to come. Anyways, after reuniting with Cain, we soon realizing that something is wrong in Agate City (note: bear with me if the names are incorrect, I tend to mix the city names in the Circus part). Everybody is sleeping and the only persons we find are Hardy and Aya, sleeping on the ground. Before we can interact with them, Terra appears and knocks them away with a freaking oversized hammer. Terra in action; you either hate or love her, probably. I rather like her, but Reborn has no real characters I dislike to begin with, though. We flee into the circus and after meeting with its Ringmaster and three Gym Leaders; Samson (Fighting), Terra (Ground) and Ciel (Flying), are tasked with finding Hardy. Of course, our protagonist doesn't refuse and on we go. After heading through Route 2, we find a big villa, where Amaria and her Girlfriend Titania (Steel type leader, quite a few new leaders we've met), live. I already accidentally met Titania in Route 1, even though I tried to prevent it (then again, I don't know what triggers it; I passed multiple times by without triggering the Titania event). It seems Hardy is Tania's brother and resting in their apartement. We soon are informed by breaking TV news that Meteor is attacking two cities atop the mountain, with only a group led by Saphira acting as a form of defense. Of course, Hardy immediately wants to head there, but needs Surf first. The two girls have it, but don't want to give it to us without the respective Badge. So, we regroup anew at Agate Circus and face the next gym battle without further ado. VS Strong Man Samson Victory on my first try. All in all a pretty easy battle, allowing me for some misplays inbetween. Lily and Julia were probably more than enough to sweep his team. The boosted Quiver Dance, Petal Dance and Acrobatics are just ideal to counter (sweep) his team. I guess an easy battle before the next leader *shudder* Anyways, with a new badge our level cap doesn't increase, we can now use and pick up Surf and get the TM for Brick Break- which gives my Spike, temporarily, a usable fighting STAB (as I'm not exactly too big of a Hammer Arm fan) until Drain Punch is available. I'm currently preparing for Charlotte, we'll see how this battle goes. Until next time~
  12. @St0mpa While this set looks interesting and I might try it in the future, I currently don't feel like training another mon. But thanks anyways! Similar with Extrasensory: For adding it, I would need a new mon, which I currently don't feel like doing (soon). But pointing out the Chlorophyll part made me think of including a Sun-setter. Some of the Mons don't have many useful alternatives imo, so I rather picked them based on stats etc- conveniently, most of them had Chlorphyll. Maybe the following guy might help him utilizing their ability (which my Vileplume could need *cough*). Maybe not the strongest mon, but like this I do not need to (necessarily) include Sunny Day in somebody else's moveset. Again, this should be my last idea. If I get some other (or feel like including something else), I'll probably use my main file for some transferring in case I already left Reborn. Than again, I cannot wait to get some of the mons that are yet to come xD
  13. Team Update As announced, the Update of my Team/Sqaud; the training I did is finally over~ That's everyone I trained so far and (potentially) plan to use against the coming bosses (excluding new mons yet to come) turned out to be more than I thought, whoops. Items will probably change most of the time, so what you see here might not be equipped all the time. If anybody has any ideas for improvement/adjustments, feel free to leave them below. I haven't yet progressed with the story, as I still have to do some shopping and want to make sure I have as many (useful) TM's/items/etc as possible before leaving the town. So, until next time~
  14. Chapter XI: Darkness' Embrace As announced, the next Chapter follows rather quickly, even though it won't be that long. Right after we defeated won against Radomus, all of the light goes out and we are forced to roam through the dark. Never a good sign, right? Right. After a while, we walk into a group of Meteor Grunts, lead by El (I forgot to manage that Radomus brainwahed him into being his buttler Elias- not working anymore). As it seems, they waited for us being worn down after the gym battle to abduct us- luckily, though, they did not manage to capture Cain, who comes and saves us thanks. Now, it is revealed that El is part of the Elite 4 wtf, Ame, please pay attention on who you elect and we are allowed to flee. Of course, Grunts block our way through the Labyrinth and even if we defeat one, they won't move. In moments like these, I always regret how our protagonist doesn't use his Pokémpn more directly- he/she/xe wouldn't need to kill them, but I'm sure someone like Hana's Spike would easily be able to move a Grunt a few feet away without hurting him or her too much. However, rant over. Heading in the other direction, we quickly meet Radomus, undercover as a Meteor Grunt. He creates a passage for us, but wants to have the Amethyst Bracelet for a while. Assuming he really is our buddy, I guess it is relatively save with him, even though I'm not completely sure of that. Anyways, in order to find Luna, the only person captured by El, we have to explore Reborn's black market: 7th Street. As we are part of a local gang, it shouldn't be too much of a problem to get there. Exploring 7th Street again, we fight the remaints of Magma Gang (finally a challenge), get rid off Ms Craudburry, and collect some items and TMs. Of course, we find Bennett, who is apparantly lying in order to lure us into a trap. In order to give Bennett the illusion of his superiority, we agree to "help" him and walk into his trap not that we could progress otherwise. As this part has hardly any Screenshots, time to include two. We now get imprissoned, just to get free again thanks to Klefki guy (whose name I cannot remember for some reason, sorry). We head through El's Sanctum, pass by some incompetent religious fanatics, and solve a puzzle centering around religious psalms (is that how it's called? Don't ask me about religions, please xD). With everything out of the way, we can now save Luna. Of course, we aren't alone, as Cain, Radomus, and G.Gardevoir join us. Without much problems, Luna is set free, and Bennett gets mocked good girl Gardevoir. Before departing, Luna agrees to battle us. Of course we comply and directly head into her valley. As much as Bennett is a creep, he follows us, naturally, as he cannot pass through the Valley himself. He wants to apologize to Luna and kindly asks us to leave- which we naturally decline. After a while, we finally meet Luna, just to see how Bennett tells her how much he loves her. Luna leaves us alone, Bennett turns crazy and needs our keys to get to her. Great. VS Lepidopterist Bennett Victory on my first try. With better items, this fight was much easier, especially as this field isn't as troublesome as Serra's Mirrors. Bennett whines a bit more and tells us he wants his revenge and that Luna is going to regret one day to have refused him. With him out of the way, we can finally battle Luna. VS Dark Dreamer Luna (I deleted the Battle screen, whoopsie) Pretty much an easy battle. Originally, I planned to use solely Shelly, but she was unable to one shot her Bisharp with one Sword Dance, and Luna never let me use two. Guess it worked out nonetheless, though. Now, we get the next badge, raising our level cap to 65, as well as getting the TM for Dark Pulse (could be useful in some cases, we'll see). The next Chapter will probably have to wait some time. I want to train some more (especially getting rid off some flaws in IV) and prepare before leaving Reborn. I'll probably post an Update with my team members before covering the content up to Samson. So, until next time~
  15. Chapter X: Bless You Hey there! After recently defeating Noel, it is now time to continue the journey. This and the next Chakpter should be relatively short, so let's go~ As usual, we are tasked to look for the still missing Saphira. Meanwhile, Tanzan Mountain goes boom and I guess we all now what this means? After a bit of walking and finding a new passage inside the mountain, we soon meet Saphira again, who apparantly "doesn't go down so easily". She did not only destroy Meteors base, but also aquired the Amethyst and Ruby Jewelry- which we shall guard so that the children can have a break. Yay? Guess we're getting targeted now. Of course, we do no complain and do as we are told. After walking through the Mountain, we finally find Route 1 to start our Adventure. As nice as the area is, one of the first sights is rather unpleasant: Fern. As usual, he bitches around and wants to prove how inferior he is. VS Swag Jockey Fern As you might see, I trained a bit, so this fight was more than easy. Walking through Route 1 (I'll solve the Puzzle after Luna), I head East to find a giant castle in the middle of nowhere. If I remember correctly its name in Vanhalen, where we meet Luna (Dark-type Leader), Radomus (Psychic-type Leader) and his talking (Gossip) Gardevoir (did I mention how much I love Gardevoir already? No? Now you know xD). Upon meeting Luna, we finally know who El is chasing. In addition, she now claims that Radomus is her father (would be interesting to know if Radomus x Serra was a thing in the past?)... Anyways, Radomus agrees to fight us in an offical Gym battle, but before doing this, Cain arrives and we have to battle him to decide who shall fight first. VS Pretty Boy Cain I don't know in how far you can see it, but my motivation for this battle was somewhat rather low. In fact, so low that I stopped playing in my first try xD What you saw is the second try and other than Gengar, a pretty easy battle. Time to have our Gym Battle... I guess? Everybody who read through Noel knows it's not so easy. The light goes out and suddenly, G.Gardevoir is... well, pretend she's missing. In addition, El sent a letter: he's willing to trade Luna for Gardevoir. Radomus is not interested (remember Gardevoir's typing and movepool?), while everybody freaks out... Of course, we are going to free Gardevoir, while Luna has to stay here. Radomus even agrees to follow us, if not motivated. (Note: Even though I took no Screenshots, Radomus always changes his outfits, which makes me love this character even further). El can only hide in one place, and upon entering the Grand Stairway, we see him take a turn. Of course we follow him, just to realize how we are under the Stairway, again. While we walk down there, we soon meet Adrienn. Xe is a non-binary, but more about this later on. Xe seems to trust El and wants us to hand over Luna- of course, she thinks it is a good idea to hand over Amethyst and Ruby. Always a good idea to give the bad guys what they want *cough*. Gardevoir has enough of waiting and takes Amethyst herself, ugh. Cain has to intervene so she doesn't take Ruby as well. In moments like these I HATE to see how passive our protagonist is, doing nothing, and letting Cain interfere so that we have at least Ruby left (thanks). The group continues, we solve some puzzles, and Radomus/Adrienn make sure to confuse everybody even more. At the end, we reach a mysterious door which shall seal a meteorite containing Arceus power (if I'm not mistaken). Some religious blabbering later, Gardevoir is revealed to be a Ditto (plot twist xD) and turns into Arceus. Guess El wants to demonstrate the true power of the Lord, *sigh*. VS Parson El Not counting my resets, this was victory on my second try. In the first he pissed me off with far too many effective Judgments (only one was not), so I decided to play cheap as well. With Dittoceus defeated, G.Gardevoir appears and Radomus states he could call her anytime, as she could simply teleport away. So much for a damsel in distress. Radomus than commands his Gardevoir to take El out via Hypnosis so we can finally leave. However, upon leaving the whole cave, the Door suddenly opens... and Adrienn finds a City xe does not know. Apparantly, xe was stuck in time down in the cave- what xe perceived as an hour, was actually some decades. Furthermore, it is revealed that Adrienn is the League's Fairy-type Leader and xer willingness to rebuild the City. In order to do so, she soon contacts Ame. With this out of the way, we can now finally face Radomus. Solving his Chess Puzzles (guess playing it as a child helped), we can now face him. VS Grandmaster Radomus All in all, not a very difficult battle (first try victory). Getting rid off Reuniclus and later Slowking helps immensly, as they are his only Trick Room setter (if I'm not mistaken). Radomus team is pretty slow, which made it rather easy for me (Kim was the only slow mon I had used, which could theoretically could've spammed Shadow Sneak for extra momentum). Training a bit beforehand helped, too, I guess. Afterwards, we get our next badge, which raises the level Cap to 65, as well as the TM for Trick Room- which I might not use (only might, depending on how I fare against Blake and Charlotte, who should be pretty fast if I remember correctly). I'll cover the next part relatively soon (as I already defeated Luna), so until next time~
  16. Chapter IX: Timeout Hey again, time to continue this run. After previously defeating Serra, we can now buy the medicine we need to cure Nostra/Anna. As the group doesn't yet now what to do, everybody agrees it would be good if Noel battles us. Before going into too much detail, roster adjustments first~ Okay, with this out of the way, we can finally battle Noel. What, to early for a Gym battle already? You're right! Saphira, Reborn's Dragon Leader and Charlotte's/Laura's older sister, suddenly appears, warning the group that Meteor is going to attack the Mansion. The children are going to hide and Laura, Saphira and our protagonist shall defend the Mansion. Two of Sigmund's Orderlies try to soften us up, before the main dish arrives. VS Meteor Admin Sirius I thought this battle would be difficult... is Cain such a pain in the double battle? Always remembered Sirius as beeing more of a threat... Anyways, we manage to defend Charlotte and Shelly, but Laura gets taken out (Sigmund directly attacks her) and the twins get abducted. Now, Saphira declares that we shall accompany her in attacking Meteor and saving the twins. However, a bit of rambling beforehand: I think Sirius' double standard is quite amusing. For him, it is apprantely okay when Meteor performs terroist attacks which probably hurt (and kill) civilians, Solaris and Sigmund (even though the latter isn't exactly a member of Meteor, he works with them) attacking people with their Pokemon directly and Solaris using his Garchomp to kill people (Kiki). But, if Saphira kills some grunts, she's crazy. Yeah, right, make me want to kill you even more. I pity every one but some freaking terrorists. Okay, enough rambling. We soon meet Saphira in Tanzan Mountain, who immediately creates a passage with her Dragonite. We follow her and soon find two Meteor corpses. Starts good. After some battling we reach Sirius, Sigmund and ZEL and get informed of what's creating the confusion in Spinel Town: a Pulse Abra which randomly teleports things. Apparently, they plan to use this power to get behind the Stairway-portal. Guess you're doing everythin right. As it seems, Lin, Meteor's true leader, is coming, which makes Sirius wet his pants. They teleport Saphira and us away to prevent more problems. Will definitely work So, as we slowly head through the new cavern we are now in, we soon realize that something isn't right. After walking through some suddenly appearing tunnels, we find a new threat: a giant Steelix. VS Steelix So, with this battle over, Saphira tames and rides Steelix to get some revenge on Meteor, saving the twins on the go. We are, meanwhile, tasked with stopping the Pulse. Which we do, even though it helps Meteor, too. VS Meteor Admin ZEL I used a second try for this fight after realizing how Curse is not working thanks to Magic Bound. With another strategy, rather easy. As I feel like covering the next fight rather than the story, a summary: Lin arrives, who doesn't belives we are a new recruit, Saphira attacks the base with Steelix, gets defeated by Lin and her Hydreigon, Sigmund thinks he has seen Lin somewhere already, and we flee. Back in the Mansion, everyone wonders about Saphira's fate, and Noel is the only one who believes she's dead. Pessimist Time for our Gym battle, when everybody is down. Great idea! VS Prodigy Noel I am always careful when fighting Noel, as he can be a royal pain in the ass. Even though I won in my first try, I could've definitely played better (especially as Roserade could probably one shot everything with Venoshock other than Swellow, maybe). Thanks to perma rain in the region, his HP fire was pretty useless, even with field boost for fire types. We gain another badge, which raises our level cap to 60 and the TM for Hidden Power- could be useful for some coverage, so I guess I should check some types of my mons. Until next time~
  17. I can say for myself: I somehow prefer reading a battle rather than seeing it. Or maybe I'm just used to it? Dunno. (Not that I hate videos, but I'm more attentive while reading xD)
  18. Roserade can be pretty strong and could be used in different ways. In case Cryogonal would be too much of a problem I'd have probably tried priority moves instead xD
  19. Chapter VIII: So much Salt Recently, we got past Aya and can no head on to saving the children, as we can finally use Strength outside of battle. So we meet Cain near the Railnet and start exploring the surroundings- with only one free way we can easily choose which way we want to follow. This way leads to the old Yureyu Building and guess who we find there: Team Meteor. We start raiding the building and kicking some butts, ultimately freeing the kids. Charlotte appears to be extra useful with her tricks and I always think it is funny how she tricks Meteor Grunts, in general. Some battles later, all but Heather and Anna are free. Time to save those two. I think up to now, I mostly fought Sirius and most of the Playthroughs I followed did the same. As a result, I feel like exploring another path and fight Dr. Geezer. Relieving to kick his ass finally after the torturing he has done. VS Dr. Geezer Sigmund Connel Okayish battle, first try victory, as his Electric STAB isn't working too well on my Grass types, his coverage was the only way to get rid off two mons. Cain was frustrating to watch, too- why spamm Poison Tail with lowered Atk instead of a field bossted Shadow Ball as you've done before against the Grunts? Geez. He at least took most of the attacks. So, we can free Heather and watch as Sirius takes a Pendant from Anna. If I remember correctly, they should now own both Ruby and Amethyst- doesn't start very well (I'm not sure if they get Heather's Ruby or not). Team Meteor flees as they have what they want, so we can go as well. Opening the door to the Railnet lets us walk right out of Reborn City, allowing us to breath some fresh air. As soon as we do it, though, Heather departs with her Salamence, without having said a word since meeting her again. Great. Cain tries to follow her. Anna/Nostra are getting ill, so the group hurries to Charlotte's family Mansion, where we meet Laura, one of her older sisters. She takes care of Anna and after some chit chat we are tasked to get some medicine from Spinnel Town. However, before we do some, it's time to do other stuff. Back in Reborn City, I start with battling Magma Gang, who cannot defeat me even with type advantage. Afterwards, I start mining, but the sake of me am unable to find the fossil I want, but the two extra Sun Stones I'll need and some Plates. After finding a Helix, Armor and two Skull Fossils, I'm sick of mining and transfer a Lileep from my main file: After training (and evolving, which I forgot to capture, whoops) Rini, we now go to Spinel Town. Let's just say the city is chaos, as things randomly appear and disappear and earthquakes shake the town. Beore we can enter the Pokemart, we see how it disappears as well. Great. Now, it is on top of a big Villa. There, we meet Serra, this towns Gym leader, her awful son Bennett and El, a religous fanatic. To keep my sanity, I'll skip this part and just write about the battles- I just wanna get over it asap xD Note: I took no notes in these batlles (other than a "Fuck off" for Bennett), so please bear with me if I forget some things (in the case of Serra, images are enough, though). VS Lepidopterist Bennett What a *censored* *censored* *censored*, gosh. His strategy is just a piece of *censored*. I think I somehow defeated him after 3 or 4 tries, but was swearing basically all the time. The fact that Hydro Pump missed and wasn't reflected pissed be off big time, otherwise Ren could've probably kill more than just two of his hellish bugs. When I heard how El declared him, a Bug type specialist spamming Quiver Dance and an abnormaly boosted Signal Beam loosing to a Grass Type specialist, I felt like killing not just killing Bennett, but El too. What a cheap fight. Time for a rather enjoyable fight against his mother. VS Beauty Queen Serra This damn Cryogonal got me off guard. I never thought it has a Base Speed of 105, so I had to reset in my second try (never ended the first) until Sticky Web hits (otherwise, Rose couldn't outspeed parts of her team, probably). Finding a mon that could survive a hit afterwards was painful too, but thank God Spike has a ton of HP. With this monster out of the way, Rose could spamm Metronome boosted Mirror Shots, which are boosted by the field (double in power, always hit, and always lower accuracy; I couldn't say no to such an effective move which she cannot resist). I was lucky Glaceon and Jynx missed their attacks, but to prevent overleveling I gave Rose a Common Candy- with a few extra points in Sp. Atk he could've probably swept more, but well, victory is victory. Now, Serra, please slaughter your son. Compared to Bennet, this fight was much easier for me and created less salt and swearing. Anyways, the new Badge raises the Level Cap to 55 and we get the TM for Frost Breath- pretty useless for this run. I'm pretty neutral towards Serra, so I hope she gets some more screen time in the future to change my opinion (or get one rather). In this run, I start to hate her for giving birth to Bennett, though. Until next time~
  20. Finally finished reading through your posts and watching your videos. As always, a great run. Keep it up!
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