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Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Posty

  1. 4 minutes ago, andracass said:

    but hOW

    OMG FINE, this is like POST EP5.2020 CONTENT so you essentially somehow and somewhere with the power of friendship find the legendary orb of earfquek deep within the lair of the cellia sewers, why is it down there? idfk ask the devs lol xd so after you get this orb you hit it a bunch of times with a baseball bat which you find on the surface in a specific location in Cellia (huehue not saying where hAHA) and after you do this HUGE thunderclouds come down like BOOM and landorus (oh you thought it would be thundurus? guess you're mistaken) comes down and is like "the fuck is this" and spams earfquek tearing Cellia in two so then you put your bRaVe face on and be like "OI... stop this nonsense" and landorus gets reaallllllyyyy angry at you and fights you like 10 times before he is like, pfft fine you can have a catch at catching me..., SIKE then battles you another 10 times after then he is tired and you are like poof pokeball go and its caught, the end, gg, you have a landorus congratz.

  2. 2 hours ago, andracass said:

    @Posty where do i get landorus it is my favorite pokemon and if i dont have it i will die

    gosh i've already tOLD you further up wHERE you get it, what you want me to spoil the plot for episode 6 even more? pfffft landorus be like ima spem earfquek and poof you get it

  3. 38 minutes ago, BaratheonStag said:


    I'm at this part and i need to get past this guy to reach the strange man with blue hair for the distraction. but this guy just won't move, and there is no way around him. what do i do?

    download the recent patch. this has been fixed.


    14 minutes ago, DocDankDandy said:

    It seems Magneton's evolution method is broken. I got to the locked generator room and even inside leveling up Magneton does not trigger. Also, my opinion of this game so far is that it is a worthy successor to reborn. Honestly its probably better than rejuvination!


    Game.rxdata 67.25 kB · 0 downloads

    its not broken, it has been moved back lol

  4. So its been about a week since we dropped Episode 5 so its about time to drop the Obtainable List!


    So here.. go nuts.


    Use this thread as a place to ask each other where Pokemon are located (saves you asking in the AMA and on the Main Thread :D)


    Also to note, if someone wants to make a Location Guide for the Game, feel free! We will not personally be making one due to focusing our efforts on other aspects of the game so if you want to make one like Reborn's or Rejuvenation's then go for it! I do not mind at all pinning it for easy access for everyone!


    If you find a Pokemon that hasn't been listed on this list then please let me know, this took a good while to make and I made consistent edits due to changing Pokemon around, so its likely I've missed some.



    • Like 8
  5. 43 minutes ago, megaxflame said:

    so it seen like my computer wont let me download the patch so I cant fix the problem so is there any other way for me to get post her

    send me your save and ill do it for you


  6. 44 minutes ago, megaxflame said:

    so i think he's in my way and i cant do any thing about it bc i saved right after i battle him not knowing he was in my way 








    Download the patch. This has been fixed, if the problem still occurs, let us know

  7. 11 minutes ago, HippoSheep said:
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    Yeah thanks for clarifying. I heard that Hardy now drops a Darkium-z? Is there any way for us E4 players to pick one up or is that our price to pay for sinning and abusing broken scizor in E5? Haha 😛



    Gonna have to pay the price 😔


  8. 2 hours ago, Galarman19 said:

    I am at the groomer's house on route 1 and I am trying to increase my Budew's happiness. When speaking to the npc I have enough money for a grooming session but then she says I do not have enough money. I have at least over 1000 poke dollars and i can't get the haircut. I just recently downloaded the newest version of Pokemon Desolation with no save file from the previous version and this is the first bug I have come upon. The first annotation shows how much money I have; the second shows the result of the minor bug. Can this be fixed soon?

    Annotation 2020-07-06 110234.png

    Annotation 2020-07-06 110135.png

    Hiya so I realised the problem, for some reason it was asking for "1500 or more" instead of the set price of 800, this will be updated in the next patch but for now here, just download this map and replace it with the "existing map" in your Data Folder.Map108.rxdata

  9. 8 minutes ago, HippoSheep said:

    Pretty sure that got axed in E5. At least I know there were rumors about scyther/scizor getting postponed till later for being too powerful back in E4.

    I'll answer this, I decided last minute to axe the Scyther Egg from the Den, you can no longer get Scyther (til a later ep ofc). Reasons for this is that 1) It was too strong against Rosetta primarily and other battles in ep5, and 2) Hardy might have a Scizor but I thought it didn't make that much sense for him to be carrying a Scyther Egg around, so now he drops something else! Don't worry Scyther will be back but for now he is dead. I killed him.

  10. 1 hour ago, kezzakay91 said:

    hey just want to ask if there is a dicord server for this game

    I've mentioned this before but we don't have a public Desolation Discord, we do however hang around in the Reborn Discord! (we have a Desolation channel there also).

    There is also a private Desolation Discord which is only available for our Patreons (well Caz's I'm just saying ours because we work on the game lol), if anyone wants to know if theres a way to support Caz more, his Patreon link is located in the Desolation ep5 Thread! 

  11. Hey guys heads up. This AMA is more relating to questions about development, key aspects of the game and fun questions to ask us at the dev teamthis is not intended to be used to ask about in-game content, for example "wheres this key" or "is this TM/Pokemon available".


    Please if you want to ask questions about in-game stuff, go to the Discussions Section. If more questions are asked about in-game stuff, then I will be locking this thread, thank you.

    • Like 1
  12. 14 minutes ago, The Bookworm said:

    Talking to the Trapinch in the Silver Rise top house crashes the game


    could you send me your save, (if you updated to the recent patch dated 05/07/2020 then I think I know whats up)


  13. 29 minutes ago, Chrixai said:

    Is Hardy considered our main rival or is Fe- I mean Connor?

    *stares* yes it is Hardy! (and also Scarlett to an extent)

    Just now, Daniel Prithvi said:

    I have a problem. In the cellia library there seems to be an invisible wall which prevents me from speaking to jarred. What do I do?

    download the latest patch is what you should do, since this has been fixed!


    10 hours ago, Norm said:

    Just finished V5 and loved it! Might do a write up later if I feel like wasting everyone's time. I tend to get pretty wordy and am probably the worst complimenter ever, so I don't know if y'all need that type of smoke.


    Couple of Questions I'll put 'em in spoilers, just to be safe

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    - Can I get an F for my summer child Scizor? May his Bullet Punches rain on all non-believers...

    - As far as Fan Megas go, are there any more planned? I remember the V4 thread having a poll or something for future ones? I know they're hard to design, and it's easy to go a little overboard with them in terms of quantity and balance, but they are quite fun.

    - What is the planned scope of Desolation? Is it planned to be as big as Reborn and Rejuv, or is it going to be slightly smaller scale (Give or take story branching). For some reason I assume the latter, but I could easily be wrong.

    - How far will the story branch? Getting into spoilery territory here I know, but it seems that the Climax of V5 seems like a point of no return as far as most choices have gone (Most games that involve choices generally have a point of no return like that). 

    - Who are Y'all fav characters? I gotta say Ava and Garrett win best Girl/Boy respectively for me.



    lmao, appreciate it! we are happen you enjoy the new content!


    To answer your questions:


    1. F


    2. We have more stuff in store and planned out! we will be looking to add them in the future but I don't know if we will be doing a poll lol.


    3. So I've mentioned what our plan was before, for episode 5 it was mainly focusing on Character Revamps (Designs/Polish Ups/Overhauls) and Balance (Trainer Teams and Money). For Episode 6, we will be looking into maps and tilesets, some maps we have plans on remaking since they are slightly outdated. 


    4. Well considering the currently branches in the story...//shot sorry caz dont kill me please


    5. My favourite HAS to be Hardy, his character development is great, and I'm loving his overall background (also Amelia because damn Ruby redesigned her and made her look incredible).

    7 hours ago, GenEric said:

    Will there be a list of obtainable Pokémon soon? 


  15. 15 minutes ago, JustAnElite_ said:
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    Hi! Just wanted to ask if there are EV resetters are available? If so, where?


    Yeah as mentioned above, the only EV resetting mechanic currently in the game are the EV berries you can buy in the Manor, we may look into a potential "EV Resetter" as a Cellia Manor Upgrade though. 

    On 7/2/2020 at 7:32 PM, joelbinho said:

    I'm getting a mac soon and I wanted to know if save data from the windows version can be transferred to the mac version.

    Not 100% certain on this but it should be all fine? since all the save data are the same savefiles, it should work fine.

    11 hours ago, poop face said:

    So I finished the chapter, and it was great!

    How many Majira keys/orbs are available right now?

    Just want to know if I got all what's available.



    currently there are 3 keys and 1 orb available


  16. 9 minutes ago, Alilatias said:

    ...Jesus. Way to tell a story, Caz. 30 minutes in and the new chapter is already blowing my mind.


    Also, for some reason, my Roserade picked up Phantom Force and my Gardevoir somehow picked up Mystical Fire. I don't even remember what they had before, since it was like 2 years since I last touched that save file. (I think Roserade might have had Extrasensory before?)


  17. 26 minutes ago, EnoCl said:

    Hi all! My Gardevoire don't know Dazzlind Gleam but only Drining Kiss end when i try to run my save into 5.0.5 he don't have this move. He dont have any move in that slot end that slot result normal move.

    How can i fix this? I don't have any pokemon that know move Dazzling Gleam,  i have this TM, but i didn't use it.

    Tnx for help.

    As mentioned on the main post in this thread, Move IDs were adjusted when we updated to Gen 7 and thus a bunch of moves have been changed/wiped from existing movesets. This is a bug we cannot fix so you need to either use the move relearner or teach it a new move via TM. Apologies for any inconvenience!  

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