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Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Posty

  1. 23 hours ago, Nooooooo said:


    Are difficulty modes planned in V6 or after?

    As of right now, we do not have any plans on introducing difficulty modes for the game, maybe this will change in the future? who knows, we can include them however we would then need to include 3 sets for each trainer in the game (casual, normal and intense) , which as you can imagine will take a very long time when we could be using that time to improve other aspects of the game. We are completely open though for the community to create their own difficulty versions of the game to upload here like the community have done with "Memeborn" and "Reborn Alt Forms". If we do decide to introduce difficulty modes, don't expect them for EP6, it will be for a future future episode! 

  2. :)


    Doc has been updated! sorry for the delay on this one, I'm currently quite busy with Uni Assignments which are due around the 18th, so overall I've been a bit slow! But yeah we are getting through Gen 3 quite nicely, keep it coming!


    Also could Hycrox chuck me a dm~





  3. Wow Posty is on fire with these updates lol (i've lost my mind with these titles)


    Document has been updated! we're driving through Gen 3 so keep it up everybody~ loving the recent drive for pumping out Shinies it's been great!


    Also one more thing, a bunch of you have noticed a post made in the Discussions by Khrona (some nerd a good pal) about the creation of Silvally Shinies for Desolation, if you wish to take part in helping him create/edit the Shiny Silvallies he has made, then check out the link here: 


    If you create a Silvally, please upload it to this side thread INCLUDING the back sprite, I will then later take them and add them to the folder (if we approve of them ofc)


    Thats all for now folks~ 




    • Like 1
  4. 7 hours ago, sayar said:

    In regards, to e6, will Connor get a personality change in the next update, or will i have to settle with him being a oversmart idiot. (I have no problems with him being a nerd, but i really hated his dialogues in the short time i played deso😂)


    Woooooooooow, can't believe you've called him an oversmart idiot 😔 well you see at the start of the game he is a bit of a smug ass punk, but later on he develops :O we don't have plans on changing up his personality early game, but he definitely will get character development!


    4 hours ago, Progfan_r said:

    Sorry if this has already been asked before, but I have a few questions.

    • To my knowledge, there are no Field notes or any place where we can read up on the field effects. What's the reason for this? Is there any plan to introduce such a feature in the future?
    • Will the PC be able to achieve perfection form for one of their pokemon?
    • Is there a page where I can read the stats and other details of customer megas and perfection forms?
    • Apart from custom megas and perfection forms, is there any other battle mechanic that you're looking to implement in the future? (For instance, the concept of crests from Rejuvenation)

    I know some of these questions come close to spoiler territory, but I would appreciate if you can answer them. Thanks!


    Hiya! its no worries what so ever, we haven't had questions opened in a while anyways so~


    1 - So the field notes.. haha, we planned on having them within the files for EP5 however we fell short of time/we just overall forgot to put it bluntly. On top of that the fields that you really needed notes for are either used once (Cloud Field) or are essentially somewhat the same as another field in Reborn. However in EP6 we are developing these fields to have more of a personality, so there will be a Field Notes in EP6! and if we forget then please shout at me until I make one.


    2 - who knows.. 


    3 - There isn't a page like that here on the forums, we may make one in the future, orrrr if someone wants to develop a wiki for Pokemon Desolation, then we do not mind if the stats/other details are posted there! Tbh if someone wants to make a Megas/Perfection page here, then drop me a dm, i'll have a chat with the gang and we can decide how to go about it.


    4 - As of right now, we have no plans of any extra battle mechanic to be implemented in the near future, this may change though! Our main focus is developing the concept of "Perfection Form", custom Megas are just an extra thing because damn, when a custom Mega is done right its gorgeous~

    • Like 1
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  5. 20 minutes ago, lilyawaka said:

    hello yes i have a question for posty


    am i still allowed to play this game while drinking microwaved tea 


    absolutely not, if you DARE drink your hideous microwaved tea while playing our game, I will personally rock up and buy you a kettle, and also commit a few crimes out of sheer ANGER and DISGUST at the sins you have commited.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
    • Hmm 2
    • Sad 1
  6. With the addition of Crimson to our team, we have decided to reopen the Dev Q&A! So if you have any burning questions, feel free to ask them here! If its directed at any of us, or in general go for it!


    However let me remind you that this Q&A is Strictly Questions directed at the Devs about development, characters, fun stuff, etc and NOT a place to ask about INGAME Content such as "Where do I find the Ice Stone" or "Where is Lucario located?" If you want to ask these questions, either ask them in the Discussions thread OR in the Desolation channel in the Reborn Discord! If this thread goes off topic again then we will swiftly lock it until further notice. 


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  7. An update within 24 hours of the last update?!? oh my god


    So due to the increased amount of responses since the last update (20+ in 24hrs, y'all are crazy), We've already gone through and updated the Doc


    So yeah continue to go crazy aaaa


    Keep it up! 



  8. Generation Update


    Hey y'all, as the title says.. its time we move onto Generation 3! Cheers for all the work in grinding out the rest of Generation 2~


    What this means is that, we will only be accepting submissions from Generation 3, so please keep that in mind when you are submitting your Shinies. Any Shinies submitting from a different Generation will be immediately rejected.


    Hope you see what y'all get up to x



    • Thanks 1
  9. On time update! On time update!


    Doc has been updated! we only need 3 more Shinies to complete Generation 2! so the moment we've accepted them 3, I will move onto the next Gen immediately


    Also could Edo please dm me about their Submission


    Lets get it!




  10. Actually an on time update?? holy FUDGE CAKES


    We've made a hefty amount of progress already in Generation 2 hot damn, cheers for all the submissions guys! Doc has been updated and we are actually only 8 away from moving onto Generation 3!


    Keep em coming lads~



    • Like 1
  11. Shiny Project Update! Shiny Project Update!


    Hey Y'all! Big News! we've completed Generation 1!! wooooo yeeeaaah lets goooo.. well not really.. we still need to accept a Mewtwo Shiny lmao


    But since its one Pokemon with 2 Megas, its about time we move on.


    As of today we are finally finally moving onto Generation 2! So this means that ALL Submissions must be from the 2nd Generation of Pokemon, with exceptions of Mewtwo, and Later Generation Evolutions.


    Cheers for the continued hard work! keep it up guys



    • Thanks 3
  12. why the hell have I been up for 20 hours and updating the doc at 2am lol


    Hiya y'all, sorry for the late update but doc has been updated! we only have 8 more shinies to go from Gen 1 so submit submit submit!


    cheers again for the support~



  13. what the heck you're updating this at 22:22pm?


    yes. yes i am.


    Doc has been updated! we need only 16 more Pokemon to completed Generation 1 then we can finally move onto Generation 2! so work together, make some banging Shinies and we'll MOVE


    Loving all the work guys, keep it up!





    • Like 1
  14. Posty you should be fired for this oh my god another late update?..//shot dead


    Hi y'all, yeah sorry about the delay with this, past few weeks have been uhh how to describe it.. a series of ups and downs and this has skipped my mind, I'll do better in providing more updates!


    Anyways Doc has been updated, we only need 27 more Pokemon to complete Generation 1 and move onto Generation 2! keep it guys!


    And once again, since the Project has slowed down a lot, share this project with spriters and in other servers (if this sort of stuff is allowed ofc lmao) and spread the word of the Shiny Project! its been nice to see some new faces pop up over the past few weeks and credit to everyone who has kept making Shinies and submitting, lets get this done everyone! 


    Once again cheers for the support!



    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, J-Awesome_One said:

    I have a question. What if the line continues into another Generation? For example, Onix and Steelix. Would you accept Onix and then wait for Gen 1 to be done to then go onto Gen 2 or would you accept both at the same time?

    Evolutions are the exception, if you do Onix, for continuity sake still do Steelix and its Mega. They will be accepted at the same time.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  16. This has been a little while whoops


    Hiya all! firstly I just want to apologise for the delay with this update! I took a weeks break off Reborn to focus on other stuff hence why I didn't update last week, but now I'm back and revamped so this will be updated weekly again! Got a few little updates for you all today.


    Firstly, well the document has been updated! so go check it out!


    Secondly which is the main update, I will be changing how we go about accepting Shinies. From this point onwards, the Shiny Project will be completed in Generations. So Posty what do you mean by this? Lemme tell you, from now on, we will be working on the Shiny Project from Generation 1 to Generation 8, so we will only be accepting Shinies from the current Generation we are on. For example, As of right now we have 89/151 Shinies completed for Generation 1, until we have completed this Generation, aka had every single Pokemon receive a Shiny Sprite, THEN we will move onto Generation 2. What this means is that, if you were to submit a Generation 4 Shiny while we are on Generation 1, it will not be accepted! (or well until we get to that Generation). Cheers to Zumi for giving me advice on this, I believe they did something similar for their Shiny Project for Rejuvenation. Hopefully this will speed up the process! I will update the main part so newcomers will understand.


    Finally, the Shiny Project has slowed down a bit, which I expected as much due to well, schools starting up again and other stuff. So guys! please post this Project around in servers and maybe forums! (if they don't mind ofc lmao) I would love to see new people take part in creating Shinies! We really wanna get this project completed, we are over halfway now! Cheers for all the support guys, we appreciate all the comments, fanart and everything else! 


    Cheers again x



    • Like 3
  17. Weekly Update, Weekly Update


    As per usual the document has been updated! we have had over 600+ responses now which is, hot damn, I say that every week I swear. Keep the Shinies going! advertise the project! lets keep this project going! 

    • Like 1
  18. Hiya! firstly we appreciate the comments! glad you were able to enjoy it!


    Secondly yes, the custom Megas do have extra moves for them and will get more in the future, funny enough you suggest Mightyena as we already gave it Shadow Claw and Shadow Sneak (i think we gave it Shadow Sneak, cant remember but it'll defo be an available move in ep6) and as for the other Megas? Cinccino has already had Play Rough added to its moveset :]

    • Thanks 1
  19. Its that time of the week again!


    Doc has been updated! go have a look and such ya know the drill this point.


    Now I want to make a point about some of the submissions we have gotten lately, over the past few weeks we have been receiving a bunch of Shinies which have already been marked as completed on the Shiny Document, this is fine but I wanna put an emphasis on the ones we haven't completed yet. This ain't saying you shouldn't submit Shinies that have already been accepted but I want to make clear that we will be prioritising the ones that haven't been completed, looking through 4 sets of a Shiny which have already been completed is somewhat a waste of time, and we would prefer to see newer Shinies come in!


    That said, could the following people yeet me a dm: 


    Lazarus Ryuto

  20. 3 hours ago, Hannelore said:


    I had a look through bugs in troubleshooting but didn't find anything about this; apologies if I missed something obvious!


    I unlocked the house on the snowy hill where you can interact with Trapinch but when I saw yes to it joining I get an error message and the game crashes. I'm pretty sure I'm updated to the latest patch but is there a way to check? I'm replaying after the last episode update to get different storylines and I definitely didn't have this issue in my last save file.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated 🙂 




    update your game, this has been fixed, make sure you're on the latest update before reporting.

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