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Everything posted by Stars

  1. Continuing my theme of random Pokemon-related pictures, [url="http://videogames.yahoo.com/events/gamings-biggest-record-breakers/gamings-biggest-record-breakers/1408155/5"]this amazes and confuses me[/url].
  2. I always figured it was based on Beedrill shooting stingers at foes. *shrug*
  3. Bah, knew that would be too easy. =p N8's turn~
  4. Yay. Except now I have to think up a clue. =p [b]This pokemon is known for being used competitively at Lv 1.[/b]
  5. I think I remember reading about this. Was it Charmander?
  6. I love that the other Poke Place recommends Bug and Ghost types against Sabrina, despite this being a [i]really[/i] bad idea in Gen I. Jolteon, use Pin Missile!
  7. [quote name='mashew' post='3677' date='Aug 23 2010, 12:58 AM']Oh really N8 >.> why would you do that to me lol XD ummmmm is this a trick question cause SuperPower and EarthQuake can I think....... Ill go with A[/quote] STAB =/= Super Effective Just pointing that out.
  8. Love your new avatar, Boyo.
  9. I had some trading topics in there. People replied to them and everything. ...Then I never came online to actually do the trades. Point taken...
  10. The Wi-Fi forum seems to have gone poof during the restoration. =o
  11. True enough, but I hadn't noticed that until after I saw who had done it. =p
  12. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='3301' date='Aug 19 2010, 10:54 AM']MUST...POST...IN EVERY...ONE OF THESE...TOPICS...[/quote] Which is why I saw the board and thought [i]you[/i] were the one who had a little too much to drink at first. =p
  13. It does actually link to what looks like a free-to-play Pokemon mmo, but I only glanced at the site. It makes me sad because someone thought Kerberos was a pokemon. <_<;;
  14. I didn't know where else to put this, so *ching* a new topic. This advert makes me sad... [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v359/StarstormVGN/Pokemon/imgad.jpg[/img]
  15. We didn't forget about the physical attacker's non-STAB special attack, sir. =p
  16. Well, you did get a legendary.
  17. This is my most recent picture, taken just this afternoon. Because I finally got to see the movie~
  18. I do love me some spoiler tags. [spoiler]But these ones don't work the way I like. There's no mouseover reveal.[/spoiler]
  19. Kyogre. Against Groudon, it's got Water Spout or Ice Beam, and against everything else, permanent Rain is just plain beastly anyway.
  20. *slaps N8* [spoiler]^That's my submission~[/spoiler]
  21. [img]http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f278/katietiedrich/comic163b.png[/img] [quote]Someone still has to explain Bug > Dark to me. And why do all my friends wear glasses, what is this.[/quote]
  22. Stars

    Tailow vs Pidgey

    I'm going to call BS on this and be a *looks up which bird is which* Tailow. All of the Eeveelutions so far have had (what used to be) special types; none of them have physical types. Grass and Ice were the last two special types that didn't have Eeveelutions before 4th gen, so I think they're done with the little guy. (I would have liked to see a Flying Eevee though since there are no pure Flying types yet...)
  23. Gardevoir. Because it's Gardevoir. What else do you want me to say? Although I did have a pretty awesome Alakazam back in Red (who didn't?). I gave it Mega Kick and nicknamed it Psy-Kick because I [s]am[/s] was a dork. [quote name='AZKnight' post='3053' date='Aug 15 2010, 04:41 PM']And Stars, you couldn't have Charmander in Yellow when you fought Brock [/quote] Yeah...I'm really not sure what I was thinking when I said that... I know I wasn't thinking about FRLG because Charmander gets Metal Claw in those. =/
  24. Wow, I never would have realized that you're 11 years younger than me without those pics. I guess Pokemon and forums transcend age (except GFaqs).
  25. This is tough since the Water leader hasn't been revealed yet...
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