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Status Updates posted by Combat

  1. It just occurred to me that Undertale is the Minecraft of the recent years. Both are simple games with rudimentary graphics, are created by a independent developers, was made popular by Live Play troughs, and has a fandom that is killing itself.

  2. Sans is great and all, but this wretched avatar is more me.

  3. You waifu is not real! She died in Vietnam!

    1. Isa-Chu


      *le gasp* Don't you dare!

  4. Trying to find the perfect avatar is like trying to make a good looking RPG character. You spend an abundance of time doing so, and you end up hating it in the end.

  5. "I think his name was Bolwing." -Bolwing's Grave Stone

  6. I just watched the trailer for Detective Pikachu, and I'll be honest with you, I'm scared.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. starkidcosmo


      that pikachu is the stuff of nightmares

    3. Maelstrom


      fear for the franchise and disgust are indeed the only appropriate responses to this atrocity.

    4. CURIE


      ...I actually am kinda interested now. At rougly the equivalent of 10 American dollars, I might get it if I hear it's good. Unless they make Pikachu's english voice sound like a regular Pikachu's. Then screw them.

  7. Is it wrong that I want Looker to get his own spin off game?

    1. starkidcosmo


      nah I'd pay money for that

    2. krim


      As would I.

    3. Komodojoe


      inb4 that Sherlock Pikachu becomes his partner against crime.

      ... But in all seriousness, I would love to play a spinoff with him.

  8. Did you submit your status report to the administrator today?

    1. Arkhi


      Ikaru's not my boss

      Dan's not my boss

      Ame's... uh

  9. Well, I have a two and a half hour night class today. Wish me luck in staying awake!

  10. Who really want's to be a special snowflake? They all melt in the end.

    1. Exalted


      with time dont humans do the same

  11. Do you think Lyra is a good nickname for a Luxray?

    1. BreezyPonie


      Sure! It's a very sweet name ^^

  12. Well my winter vacation ends tomorrow, which means I'm probably going to be on more, so that's good I guess.

  13. "To fight the abyss, one must know it."

  14. Oh no it's all broken and on the floor!

  15. Hitting Grand Master rank in Mystery Dungeon is a little underwhelming...

  16. For anyone who hasn't quit the Undertale Fandom yet (I don't blame you if you have, its kind of imploded on itself) I want to reccomend the fan game Undertale Red. Even though it's only a single battle, the game itself feels like it belongs in the original game.

    1. Pocky


      I've played it before. It's pretty good for only one boss.

    2. Maelstrom


      I haven't even started in on the fandom.

  17. You spoony bard!

  18. Data, Connection, and Wikipedia articles. These were the increments chosen to create the perfect modern marvel. But Bill Gates accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction... Memes. Thus, the Internet was born!

    1. Arkhi


      This seems correct.

  19. So, has anyone here tried out Undertale Red? I was wondering if it was worth the download.

  20. Well, its done. Please be gentle.

    1. Sutoratosu


      My name is not Gentle. You are out of luck.

  21. Do you guys think it would be worth it to grind a Zubat up for Episode 16?

    1. Vinny


      A zubat? Nope.

      A Crobat however ;]

    2. Combat


      All I needed to hear, thanks!

  22. I should really replay Okami or The Last Story again before I leave, but a week really isn't enough time to finish Twilight Princess too...

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      Last story? That game was my first T rated game. And never finished it.

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