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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Juniper

  1. I don't want to get in the middle of something but unless either of you know for certain (due to some kind of actual expertise in the field of dietary science) I would recommend not getting to worked up over it. Different people eat different things, it's no big deal.
  2. LOL over 20lbs of flavor..
  3. Who can tell me where the hell Charlotte is hiding? ¬¬

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pyon Pyon Kyuu!~
    3. Felicity


      gonna be the first girl to get powers. Calling it

    4. Simon


      damn, was gonna say the sauce as well :T

  4. aaaaaand why is ther so much suicide in this game...

    1. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      They're bitches plain n simple.

    2. Juniper
    3. Darvan Korematsu

      Darvan Korematsu

      Corey's a real little bitch who can't accept loss. That's really it.

  5. I HATE spiders.... So damn much........

  6. Why in your avatar does the electrode look uncomfortable? doesn't he know he has a type advantage??
    1. Cepheus


      yeah... you need sleep powder from those trees around that route

      and get a powder vial at the circus from a clown-vendor

  7. It's okay, I don't eat healthily. I am greatful not to have diabetes or weight issues. I guess the moral of the story is that I live unhealthily as hell and yet I'm still alive and (well..healthy.....?). Perhaps some day it'll all catch up to me 0_0
  8. Can I ask exactly what person was on crack when they came up with Terra?.... 0_0

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Juniper


      I DISRESPECTED YOUR MOM'S B00TY LAST NIGHT.... I mean.. no. not at all. Just admiring such a colorful and creative character.

    3. Shadow Tack
    4. SnowGlaceon


      It was probably Ame.

  9. Actually believe what? 0_0 Do you mean to tell me that pink marshmallows aren't even a fruit??
  10. no, no, no, you're doing it all wrong. Use chocolate instead. there's no sugar in chocolate AND it'll provide just as much sweetness!
  11. tut, tut. must get more healthy!
  12. Proof that all 4 buttons are the same size https://gyazo.com/7f8dbd9c3b2614f90b41aa9f2fc3d779

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Anvilicious


      I think it's the long lines at the sides of the top buttons that give them the illusion of being thinner.

    3. Juniper


      I think it's haunted

    4. Cepheus
  13. It tasted delightful. and I only sacrificed 2 years of my life!
  14. My advice, never buy second hand anything from gamestop. I have bought 3 games and 1 console (Ps3) from them, all second hand, all deffective* Also, I got my 3ds by trading in my dsi+20€. it's some kinda "limited edition Red 3DS!!" or something.
  15. https://gyazo.com/6e214ba905d6a0169deabbf217ac7cbb SECOND sprite ever, still don't make fun.
    1. Juniper


      the yellow buttons are all 1 pixel size. I don't know why some of them look smaller x.x

    2. Omega_Ra1der


      That is actually pretty good.

    3. Juniper
  16. I was wondering why so few people seemed to be online. then I noticed it was Monday.

    1. Omega_Ra1der


      Skool in america. I am here because I am a Canadian.

  17. I am aware that I have started too many topics today but I have to do something in the intervals between grinding for Luna to keep my sanity SOOOOO: Let me tell you a little bit about my breakfast. Today, I decided I should eat something healthy, because I have vowed never to exercise for the rest of my life after my kickboxing grading (I passed, hooray for me) and I need to eat healthy or else I could.... die or something. Anyway, there I am in my kitchen and I open up the drawer and I pull out three ingredients to make breakfast. -Marshmallows -Chocolate -A cereal called "Honey Balls" I proceeded to put all of these ingredients on a plate (It seems I have no bowls at the moment) and swiftly placed this monstrous concoction in the microwave-oven for aproximately 1 minute. "How is this healthy?" I hear (with telepathy) you ask. Well, Ordinarily, I would eat some cereal like "shredded wheat" or "weetabix" (eww) and put granulated (castor) sugar on it for flavor. But today, not a single grain of granulated sugar was on my breakfast. I'm proud of myself. If you read this post, please feel free to discuss your overwhelming disgust at my fine-gourmet cuisine below. Thank you for your time. Warm regards, Juuzou.
  18. So, two items I currently want to find. Number one: Honey. Where is the honey at? how am I supposed to add a sweet flavor to my healthy tree-bark diet without honey?? Number two: the mining tool (whatever it's called) I am on like the 8th gym or something and still don't have it. Where is it???????? D: D: D: D: D: Thanks in advance, Juuzou.
  19. typed out the pokemon theme song in poem format with editted words in full on a forum. Then I accidentally clicked on the "Reborn" banner at the top of the page before I posted it. You guys are missing out on my lyrical genius.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Heeeey, no worries XD. I'm incredibly thick at times to.

    3. Juniper


      it worked! well, some of it was still there. and then my internet stopped working.... anyway thanks for the help :)

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ayyyyyyyyy, No problem. Glad ya got it back. And some is always better than nothing. Good luck with it there and glad I could help.

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