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About BlueCinder3423

  • Birthday January 19

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  1. can someone also pm me the oddkey location, been searching too long ​cries at copious amounts of raticate encounters
  2. I got my first exposure to the game when i was really young, probably around 4 years old, watching my sister play the original game Pokemon Red, then when she finally got tired of playing it over and over, she finally let me play it and here I am now
  3. lol I knew a legendary combo was gonna be the first one on here
  4. What if you could fuse any pokemon like you can with Kyurem and Zekrom/Reshiram? What do you think would be the most powerful combination?
  5. If pokemon were real, what type of pokemon would you use? One type? Or all different types? Also, who would your pokemon partner be?
  6. What game are you hyped up for? The Legend of Zelda Wii-U all the way!!!
  7. Does anyone know what the chance is to find a shiny in this game is? I cant seem to find the answer anywhere even though I'm sure I saw it somewhere...
  8. I've been getting into this game called Tap Titans recently
  9. I personally would think Lloyd from Tales of Symphonia would be a great addition to the game, and yeah Pyrrhon, he should've been in this game, along with wolf
  10. What new characters are you guys all voting for?
  11. Personally I like Cynthia's battle the best, just because it was always the right amount of challenging to me
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