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Status Replies posted by Hexagoen

  1. It's better to be hated, than to be invisible.

  2. Yo. Anyone here have 750 rupees they want to donate? I want to do something here. Its okay of you cant, just asking. (thanks btw if you can~)

  3. Bravely Default: The Fairy Flies. Bravo game! Bravo! For your clever title.

  4. Bravely Second: So I'm beginning to visit the last continent... please, PLEASE don't be repetitive and pull the same exact trick as the first game... :c


  6. Bravely Second: Is resetting the game several times against Aimee until you defeat her one time when all your party members are alive a symptom of OCD? It just bugs me when someone's dead and unable to recieve exp, okay?!

  7. How does one feel sins crawling on their back?

  8. What's your favorite cereal?

  9. The fuck is up with all these big shot youtubers getting hate. Some i can sympathize and understand like the fine bros and their bullshit copyright shit and leafyishere and his fuck up, but then we get people like bashur and toby being accused by god knows what and these people eventually just give up (not really with toby hes still going strong) but still, you just gotta pity these youtubers, and how they get fucking accused just because people just cant accept the fact that they are famous....

  10. The fuck is up with all these big shot youtubers getting hate. Some i can sympathize and understand like the fine bros and their bullshit copyright shit and leafyishere and his fuck up, but then we get people like bashur and toby being accused by god knows what and these people eventually just give up (not really with toby hes still going strong) but still, you just gotta pity these youtubers, and how they get fucking accused just because people just cant accept the fact that they are famous....

  11. Oh. My. God. Today I found out that I went to elementary school with one of my high schoolers that was held back a couple years.

  12. Bravely Second Superboss go!

  13. Dr. Shedinja: Medinja. French Shedinja: Ledinja. Sleepy Shedinja: Bedinja. Married Shedinja: Wedinja.

  14. I got them moves like jagger.

  15. Can't wait till the update no pressure

  16. Loving Bravely Second. Absolutely loving it.

  17. Rate ORAS out of 10

  18. Spiderman dies in Batman vs superman =(

  19. I just found out all of the other first clarinets are away tomorrow so I'm soloing the first part. I'm already the worst first, so this is going to be awful :(

  20. The greatest question. Would you smooch a ghost?

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