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  1. i want a guardian angel i can actually hang out with. i want her to hold me up like simba.

  2. there should be something like gofundme, except people donate me a mama.

  3. *lays on belly, crosses feet on my head, thinking*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Stormie


      my profile pic is actually what i look like irl. i have the smallest body type there is, and i'm a hardcore dancer.

      > w <

    3. RubyHeart


      So you're a cute, short, shy, dancer?

      Sounds pretty amazing

    4. Stormie


      awwwe.. did you get my hello?

  4. i haven't been playing cause i'm still trying to figure out if the game is too mature for me, but i still love the game, and like sharing ideas, so here goes. plus, maybe i'll find a way to have a friend play passed the rough story parts that are left or do come, so yea. i would make an item called safety net, or something. it would stop the pokemon from fleeing or roaring, and keep them at 1 hp. now, this item may not work for legendaries. that way, if anybody finds it fun to hunt the ones that run, this item wouldn't ruin that fun. i would make this item mainly with shinies in mind. that way, if a shiny uses self destruct or double edge, they'll stay at 1 hp. there's a little twisty logic about it, though. like, what if you run out of pokeballs? would the pokemon remain in your net as an npc so you could buy pokeballs, and come back? while that sounds possibly neat, idk if it bends the universe of the game too much. but, if i did do this trap thing, i'd make it where once you left the area to buy, the pokemon would recover to 100%, that way you have to fight all over again, and it kinda gives some of that challenge back. also, there's the feeling that you're trapping a pokemon alone by itself with no company.. so, i'd maybe have the net turn into a little home instead, when you ran. it would have food inside that you could maybe stock, and now that that pokemon has marked its territory there, you can lure that exact 1 back to the home with the berries, or whatever. so, that definitely explains how the pokemon could be at 100% when you returned. this sounds like a lot to do, but if i were a developer, i would personally try this idea to kinda eliminate the dread of losing a shiny catch forever. i know the shiny rate is raised and all, but still. if you're me, you could be pretty crushed if it was 1 of your favorite team choice pokemon, and there's still no telling how long it could take to find another again, if it selfdestructed or used roar. well, i think my idea is sweet and cute, so even if it's flawed somehow, it's worth sharing.
  5. i see shy people. > w <

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    2. Stormie


      i'm never shy of peers, but yea, ehe. you're right though. it's nice here.


    3. RubyHeart


      Shy people here, shy people there, shy people EVERYWHERE!~

    4. Stormie


      > w <

      this is why there needs to be a hug booth.

  6. how shy is everybody? can i get a taller, handsome lady to twirl me, or something? *holds out my hand* c:

  7. i want snoooow! *thrashes and wriggles tail rapidly*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      You could come up to Wyoming. Winter never truely ends here.

    3. Dhanush D Bhatt

      Dhanush D Bhatt

      Or go to canada eh

    4. Stormie










  8. oh, wow.. now, i haven't been able to play for my own reasons, but this is yet another way i can really appreciate this game. nice. . o . i don't know about boring, but this definitely sounds like what i was trying to get at with the uniqueness of each pokemon. but, this adds more than what i was saying. good point about unpredictability. it sounds like it could be more boring if we could just know every time. i've always found competitive battling fun. we're on the same page here. i think they are, like i've mentioned about people's comments on individuality, that sort of thing. but, you're right here, too. 31 points adds a lot to a single stat. that's a 1st turn, or avoiding being 1-shotted by a small fraction of health, and using a move like explosion or activating a signature move/special ability combo, turning the tables on your opponent. you have been graced. *pets sazane* - w -
  9. evolution works. yea, good mods. good job on all the article work. i like the onyx school. best pokemon adaption evar. . w .
  10. i like to compete, but i can't manage the breeding thing.. it's just way too much demand. i try to save before i grab a starter, and i can tend to use bad i.v.'s as an excuse to reload. cause, i think i have a good nature, but the ability is eh..iffy. so, i look at i.v.s, almost hoping they're bad, that way i can restart, and not feel guilty. - w -
  11. don't have nearly enough tolerance to spend hours on hours just trying to get a pokemon with perfect i.v.'s? how about you get 1 finally, and it turns out to have a bad nature? we're talking about a seriously long time that some of us are just too busy for. i /know/ i ain't got no time for that. but, instead of making people's ears bleed with old maymays, let's consider for a moment there were no i.v.'s. i mean sure, there could be a much easier way to get perfect i.v.'s, but for some unknown reason, i guess that's some sort of sin, cause i've never seen it done. personally, i kinda feel like deleting them entirely would possibly, just /maybe/ take away a bit of "feel", if you will, to that "variety" each pokemon has. i'm kinda torn between both thoughts.. any thoughts? i suppose i could've made this a poll, but i figure there's maybe been that poll already. so, how about just thoughts? maybe somebody can put into better words this "feel" thing? or, does anybody think i.v.'s were made so people would have more trouble being competitive on a global scale? *apparently, a 4 points difference between 2 pokemon's stats, or something, counts as the same stat capability. but, 27+ has to be enough of a difference to show in battle.
  12. anybody who's harshly unsweet to somebody for no reason should be made to pee their pants.

  13. i've been having a few issues playing, but if i can come back from it, i'll be sure to look into this. thanks guys, it helps.
  14. feeling a little depressed cause my sensitivity is making it hard to play the game.. (depressed cause i like reborn, and cause this happens to me a lot. a little kid like me can only handle so much..) please donate cheer-me-ups.. thankie. . A .

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. krim


      That could help. Also make sure to battle Sirius instead of the doctor and block the doctor later on. If you do you'll have the best scene in the game to look forward to.

    3. laggless01


      Ah, I didn't even know about that, will try it if the game is complete (sorry for the diversion).

      Listening closely to Cain is also pretty funny, and you'll meet a very interesting character in Ametrine circus...

    4. Stormie


      i'm no good with grudges.. i used to get them, and they were attached to overwhelming, debilitating hatred cuz i'm weak, and yea. thanks for all the input, guys.

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