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Everything posted by Ross_Andrews

  1. No problem. It's just coder slang that will help Amethyst and others.
  2. You do seem to have a problem here... All your randomised pokemon variables are set to 0, which would definetely mean you are going to miss a lot of Espurr - like events which you would encounter only with them set to 1, 2, 3 and so on (within the set limit of the code written for the event, usually just 1 or 2). That's why I asked you how old was your original save file. This problem usually happens because these variables are set at the beginning of the game. I would recommend starting over. Have you downloaded the last version of the game (The 02 Version) ? If not, then which version (the original or the 01 Version) ? You should report this problem in the bug reporting thread.
  3. Can you post your save file for me to take a look at?
  4. You say you have them... You must have completed this event in Episode 16 then? Are you using a new save file?
  5. I believe you need the Pokesnax? Let me check and I'll be here in about 2 minutes. That's weird, the event doesn't have any condition to actually appear. Espurr/Minccino will only react to you if you have Pokesnax though... Maybe you have a bugged savefile? Or you are using a save file from Episode 16?
  6. There is a difference between being unusable after a few gyms and completely steamrolling a gym leader. I wouldn't be surprised that due to the new moveset it would be moved after Julia. Since setting up on a pokemon that can either Encore or Quick Attack you is just OP, I would have started the battle with Voltorb, since it knows Sonic Boom at least.
  7. I can confirm that the event can either give you Galvantula or Vikavolt and it seems to be selected at the start of the game. By the way, the under the bridge event also has 2 prizes now: either a Pansear or a Panpour, with the same conditions as above. BTW, Sand Cloak Wormadam is OP against Julia thanks to gen 7. Look at my previous post in my profile about the gym battle.
  8. So I caught a Burmy just for completion's sake and I said: "Let me see what it can learn... HOLY S**T!". Upon evolution Sandy Wormadam now (Gen 7) learns Quiver Dance. I also got one with Hidden Power Ground. You can see where this is going, right? My battle with Julia started with her sending out Plusle, then kept spamming Quick Attack while I was spamming QD. It even hit me with Encore, forcing me to go do it 4 times. It went ballistic even on her Oricorio with my non-boosted Bug Bite, which was my only "check". This is the most one-sided gym battle I've ever had and I predict that @Amethyst may move Wormadam a bit further in the game. Imagine setting up against Florinia with a Thrash/Plant cloak with Ice/Fire/Flying/Bug or whatever else HP. Heck imagine a Double where you put both opponents' pokemon to sleep and then set up to oblivion and beyond. The only drawback may be the stats, but early game it may reck a few gyms in particular. What's your opinion? Any similar situation?
  9. Does anyone know where to find Alolan Rattata and Alolan Meowth?
  10. Did you put the game in a separate folder? If not, do it. If yes, then redownload.
  11. The save files are stored elsewhere on your computer in order to avoid this situation. In other words you can delete the older folder and continue with your older save files with the new episode.
  12. You don't need to update the game. Just get the files from the .zip or .rar file and plop it somewhere in a separate folder from the older version and play the game.
  13. All you need to do is download the game and then put it in a different folder then just start it up like normal.
  14. Yeah, it turns out that I can't remember my own guide's contents, but you're welcome! As for EP 17, I will try and do an extensive guide to comb through each region badge by badge. That means that, in order to be as correct as possible, it will be rather slow-going, as far as I can remember my past run in EP 16, which took at least a week .
  15. I would advise to wait a bit and just start anew on EP 17. It is currently in Beta and it will soon become available for all forum members. A lot of things will change, including, it seems, the Darumaka location. God willing, I may just update my location guide ( ). BTW you can just try and count the available pokemon from my guide, if you want.
  16. If I understood your message correctly, then I think you're confused. She isn't adding pokemon to the game as beta-testing is going on. They are already there and I am sure that Beta (and even Alpha) Testers were expected to find them and report them to Amethyst (whether or not there are bugs with the events or the locations). What Amethyst is doing is just revealing one pokemon at a time from an obtainable list devised before Alpha even began, as far as I know.
  17. If you're referring to the Quote button, then I was having problems since summer getting it to work. I always thought that it was a known site bug until it started working for me again for that recent post. Wasn't Breloom available after the restoration of the swamp (Can't remember it now due to a flu-riddled brain) ?
  18. It really depends all on whether we get Rock Climb. Based on EP16's maps, if we have RC AND the maps don't change, we can have access to Hydreigon and Tyranitar. If one of those things change, then it's anybody's guess.
  19. I believe I saw Larvitar in the Tanzan Cove Cave map. It needed Surf and Rock Climb to get to and it was just a pokemon tile in the map, with no code related to it. We could still get it if we get Rock Climb this episode and the map doesn't change. BTW the Quote button ACTUALLY WORKS NOW!!! Thanks Amethyst!
  20. @Amethyst Bummer... At least a slight sprite and name change to not infer to Ash would have been great though. That would have solved that problem.
  21. @Amethyst So is Ash-Greninja never going to show up in Reborn? Isn't its Ability just a Mega-Evolution upon killing an enemy?
  22. I bet we won't be getting Talonflame before Titania, though. Or the Field Effect would neuter Talonflame down to uselessness.
  23. +12 gen1-6 lines. From those 26, we'll be getting 20 So at least 10 more days unless Ame ups the rate Amethyst doesn't necessarily need to add new pokemon from those 26 lines. She can just update existing pokemon lines (hundreds of those). BTW, it seems like the Quote system is really broken. I needed to manually copy-paste this thing in order to quote the post above.
  24. I evolved mine by levelling it up in Angie's dimension where you fight her.
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