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Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. No, it's good to know. We are going to get water anyway...
  2. I have fished a lightningrod seaking (with almost perfect IVs (the only one under 30 is spA)) and it can be really useful early game. As soon as you get to Route1 it stops being so special. If you need a special attacker, Ludicolo is always a choice
  3. Apologies, I just didn't want the post to get too long. I'll edit it right away. edit: I can't find the way to delete the post. I assure you I'll refrain from double posting from now on
  4. I heard that Trapinch got available in the wild in some area added in ep.13, so is it worth it buying it?
  5. Whoa! Many things happened. Welcome to our new members!! You shall find nothing but glory here (and fun. actually more fun) Bad news: My cookies got deleted. I'll have to built teams from scratch. Excellent idea on fighting each other. I propose we also do monotype battles to see which types suit us and find out what we can do in harsh situations, when we'll have to bring up pokemon from types we don't really use. More on the chatroom!!! Nice one Notus. You earned us a player. We can decide who goes first rep in the autions, as soon as we decide on the types to bid. All in the chatroom. Edit: By the way, for the mascot pictures, I've got two that I'd like to nominate. I've got one that I love and one that's just the thing
  6. Try using an Azumarill. You can have a huge power offensive threat that wrecks competitive teams and turns them into ashes. Then you can breed it and have an HM slave Maril.
  7. Oh Sheep. At least include a pun in the end like Hilda does. Welcome to our community new member! Make sure to bother those who welcomed you with questions about everything. Except if you have a problem with math, don't ask iowayshay
  8. I want a Scizor

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. wallacethepig


      The best part about Scizor is that Rock does not in fact beat Scizors.

    3. KingRyan
    4. NickCrash


      True, true. You can only kill it with fire! I'm still worried about paper though

  9. Alright, 6 members in. We should wait one more day to gather more people. When that's done, we can all send our skype usernames to one person via pm, and decide when it's appropriate to have a skype conversation about the types, strategy, buying cores, get to know each other, etc (I have no microphone. If that's bothering we can do it outside of skype or just by typing)
  10. Who's best to have water if not the sailors? You can always have Grass if you like...
  11. Well Kanaya, you'd like a nice competition, wouldn't you? Welcome to the people! Notus, upgrade your post to include the new members please. That way more people might join (as they see a full list and not only 3 names)
  12. If it doesn't work well with this, you can all come to Vermillion, eat a steak and drink some of Notus's beer
  13. Why not a Moltres? Pink, Fabulous and Legendary bird....
  14. Merci for the warm welcome. Yes, now I have many people to ask (although I'll have to do it secretly from Vinny) No, you crushed my heart. I'll get some math problems ready for you. however I have a question: what is that...thing in your profil picture? Yes, I love certain anime (more of a manga person though)
  15. Welcome! Have fun. We already have many eeveelutions so you'll fit right in.
  16. Welcome Hiker!! You will be a valuable asset to our ranks. Patience though. I believe that Dragon, Water and Fighting will be the first options of many. Personally I am also rooting for Ground and Dark. Let us wait for the day of the auction though. (if we can get a sub-type, eg Bug, Grass or Ice, with few cores to back up our main 1 or 2, we'd be on a good start) I propose we organize an external forum in which we discuss about our decisions and strategy. A skype group would suffice. Open to suggestions.
  17. Feels good to be appreciated!! :D Vermillionaires!!!
  18. Vermillion: The city of the world's greatest badasses. We have strong, bulky sailors who roam through the endless sea, electrifying war veterans, and ruthless lumberjacks who will HM01 you without a second thought. Forget the fairies and the fabulous! We do it the hard way! The Vermillion way. people are kindly requested to join as we have a shortage of members
  19. Which team to choose?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sapphire


      Viridian-we're the cool team of underdogs!

    3. Vinny
    4. NickCrash


      That made me instantly like Vinny.

  20. Cain doesn't go down so easily. Read the story. You'll need a new Poison Gym Leader, as Correy is dead and his badge is no longer accepted.
  21. Alright, thank you all for the help and advice. Mr. fierce (&dry) north wind, I'll be sure to pay you a visit (and everything else on the forum). Sorry for any inconvenience caused by my lack of knowledge of how this forum works, but I'll catch up soon I hope.
  22. Good to know. Thank you all ! I saw some more posts and I noticed that people tend to forget about Hukuna-sempai... a lot. I suppose Mikzal that means "we don't really want people we don't know, but if you join we have no other choice" In order to play in PO, do I need to download any files? Vinny I am sorry, I wasn't aware. (I didn't mean to ask here, rather via a personal message)
  23. Hello Nexus. How are you?
  24. Thank you for the welcome. I happened to stumble upon a thread called "Zero Alliance". Would a novice in the forum like me benefit from such a game, or is it more directed towards the veterans of the group? Also, Hilda should I ask you if I have any questions to improve the team, to bypass obstacles in the game etc?
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