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Everything posted by NickCrash

  1. I believe that PS is more user-friendly than PO. You don't have to dowload a program (but that's just a minor issue) and you can alternate between teambuilding and battling easier and without losing one to focus on the other. The tiers have a slight difference, but you can always modify or ban some things in custom servers (usually found on psim.us, like frost-psim), which are outside the main PS. It is possible to run a league. You just have to register the info on a website, something that all the other leagues there do. Regarding the animations, personally I like them. They are not like the ones in the games that take long. They are short and make the battle more interesting without making you lose time. The battles last the same and they are more appealing. I started there and it was hard to adapt to PO. Lag and Hax are everywhere. PO just has more problems (as I found out that Aegislash doesn't like going back to its shield). About the server crash, the issue you might have on showdown's main, is that due to many people signing in at the same time, it doesn't allow you to log in. You might run into this: Apart from the full server we might encounter, showdown is much better than pokemononline
  2. Which characters should Pokken include?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sheep
    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Also remember about archetypes. Fighting games are always built with characters divided into different archetypes (the ranged attacker, the zoner, the glass cannon, the mighty glacier, the grapple-type...) so Pokken should include Pokemon that can fit in any of these archetypes. Also redundant ones should be avoided...

    4. NickCrash


      We saw that some have mega evolutions. Wouldn't that break the game if non-mega pokemon are added?

  3. That's if you also want to EV train in attack and speed. If you want defense, go to the Crustles. In general, route 3 and the trainers in Grand Hall.
  4. NickCrash


    It has a 5% rate and low levels, so be patient and bring something to wear it down.
  5. Please refer from double posting. This is a rule in this place. The admins should be in their way. Make Hiruruk proud.
  6. Indeed Jericho I was mistaken about its ability. However, the rest of the point stands. It still is a threat. I said that he has two steel attacks and ferro's does little damage.
  7. If you get burnt outside, does it magically heal when you dive into the sea? Apart from that, if we take any real life logic and put it underwater we would include so many different variations and complex mechanics that are not worth it to be implemented. To name a few: flying and bug types get soaked, special grass attacks should transform the field into eutrophication field, poison attacks should tranform the field into contaminated water field, and wood hammer should make it a "Moses field"
  8. NickCrash


    Hm, Berserk looks very nice in the anime version. I'm currently reading the manga Another question: Chespin, Froakie or Fennekin?
  9. Heracross really let itself go fat when it got mega. Welcome senor. Have fun and stay alive here, in the realm of poke-darkness.
  10. For the lucky ones to get Lanturn from the old lady, it's indeed OP. The same goes for Kingdra. Ground becomes neutral and Electric can instantly kill any water type met there. Well if these are the normal water fields, I am curious about what Amaria's getting.
  11. From a quick view of things, I've noticed 2 somewhat serious threats to your team: 1) Talonflame (classic). If you don't have time to put your rocks up or they manage to get rid of them, this might cause you serious problems. You'll most probably have to sacrifice a mon to change freely into Magnezone and get to 1hp before killing it. 2) Clefable (with magic bounce). It can get its calm mind up a bit and hit hard. Assuming you have it switch onto a ferrothorn to throw the rocks back, you should be cautious with when you change back to Magnezone, as they carry flamethrower. Magnezone is not specs so you might run onto a stall run with casualties. If you don't play this right or let it boost 2 calm minds before going to Magnezone (that in the case that you're stuck to another move due to previous usage and have to switch out and back in again), I don't believe the other guys can do much to it, even ferro's gyro ball.
  12. The important information is that the really good stuff is not available yet.
  13. My thought was a collaboration of some of the previous ones: We end up in the cave, in which we will have to pass difficult puzzles. Then we fight the dragon couple. Mom and Dad (could be nicknamed Lily and James Potter ). We kill them. Then we take the egg, which has some kind of problem. Then we will have to find Sapphira to help us bring it to life again.
  14. The circus one is quite straightforward. Bring money.
  15. Sheep should be on his way to transfer this to the Grand Hall. Welcome and be careful not to get eaten.This place melts steel, crushes rock, throws CO2 to fire and poisons waters, earth, sky and humans. A banana suffers the most threat with all the insects and voracious dark creatures lurking in the shadows. But hey, have fun, water the plants, break the ice and puff the magic Dragonair
  16. Alright, many hobbies, many interests, a pokemon reborn member who's now introduced properly. Welcome I guess you don't need the standard welcome poems. you'll never get a dragonite I hope you get well soon.
  17. NickCrash


    Have you by any chance given it an everstone to hold?
  18. When I did it, I happened to have Cofagrigus (holding brightpowder) and Skuntank in my team. Cofagrigus can survive a fire fang and curse. Use a fodder. When under half, he'll use full restore. That's where Skunk comes in and toxics. Expected EQ, change to flying type (here Swoobat). Second fodder (here Cofagrigus lives due to stone miss). HP less than half. Try to willowisp after full restore. Cofagrigus faints. Swoobat comes as fodder. Faints. Skuntank comes in in expected full restore and toxics afterwards. Curse + toxic(1st) damage. Change and use fodder. Curse + toxic (2nd) damage. Damage accumulates to 62%. Change to Skunk. Dies. Aftermath damage + Curse + toxic(3rd) = more than enough to kill and Blaziken to gain 10K of experience.
  19. NickCrash


    Welcome! What's your favorite part of the Krebs cycle?
  20. Welcome new Jirachi member!!! Make sure you have fun and lots of battles & ropeplay
  21. What's you favorite type?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      Hmm. Either Fire or Steel or Ground. I can't decide.

    3. Sonikku


      Steel. Hard bady BOI

    4. NickCrash


      Poison needs more love.

  22. You can do that or download ep11 or ep12 and get a duck for 1000
  23. Greetings newcomer! Enjoy your stay. If you thought this is a nice place, well you're right. However we tend to be more than willing to change your beliefs, ethics, reason, way of looking at the world, and of course perform rituals in which people learn to love music, videos, screentext, Roleplaying and of course... 8-bit graphics. Whether it burns or not, I shall quote Blane: "You better get a burn heal". Gingers usually leave the souls they reap outside of these walls. Inside you will find fairies, vikings, devils, ghosts, sheep, fish, cats, birds, inanimate objects, cute anime characters (watch out for the one with pink hair), and an invisible person whom you'll only notice in edited posts and game upgrades. What to do with us: Roleplay, compete in battles and dance, discuss about news and gossip, but most of all, have fun. Check everything.
  24. We can have whatever we want. T'is none of your concern, pirate.
  25. I'd cross out Shelly. We already have an E4 Bug trainer that turned evil. Giving them 2 doesn't make any sense. Thinking type-wise, we have Sigmund as the evil electric boss, Sirius for some poison, Fern for grass, so I would not expect Julia, Flobot or Aya to join. That leaves me with Radomus and Titania. The latter wouldn't surprise me much, as we've seen her secret meeting at the woods and we know she does have some connection. Radomus seems nice but he knows too much and reveals too little. He could be a sad father, who adopts Luna at the loss of his real daughter due to the meteors (sidestory: Anna is his daughter, but she was kidnapped at early age, he was asked for ransom, they told him she died, so she would not have any legitimate parents and give her to Sigmund) Serra is a viable choice. Either she joins to protect her son, or she is promised the beautiful world in which she's relevant again. The others: Shade: I don't really think that he really has any reason to join them. Usually Ghosts are neutral and care only for themselves, neither good nor evil. Otherwise, he is a pretty nice character, since he helps Anna. It wouldn't make any sense for him to join. Agate trio: Samson didn't even know Kiki died. No connection to the meteors. Ciel lives for the circus and Terra, oh Terra, she is quite crazy, so even if she wanted to join, they might not let her. Noel: Too cute and innocent to be the evil mastermind behind the whole sceme, who is the real reason behind the burning of the Tanzan cove house, and conspired with Sigmund to get all the children into custody, while appearing to be one of them, yet never participated in any experiment. Noel doesn't play with your rules, HE CREAtES TEHM!!! He uses Clefable in a normal team, and that tells you all you need to know about him. Hail Seadra!
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