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Everything posted by Rewer

  1. happy birthday skitty all lifes best 2 u
  2. happy birthday kamina youre the cutest ^__^ hope you have a great day #pigswag :Kappa:
  3. hi. i love you rupe. jelly change your name. bye.

  4. Trick2g's Udyr playstyle/build. Basically he just afk farms early and then perma splitpushes the rest of game (building dueling items)
  5. After you press Q on a minion you cant retaliate so you're vulnerable to being bullied in lane. Veigar doesnt have a weak early game, he has alot of base damage especially level 4, so you can bully your opponent out of lane and roam or kill him instead. This is what most (if not every) veigar guides say. What you described about top lane veigar being outraded is much worse in mid lane, since mid champions can attack with ranged spells :x edit: http://www.surrenderat20.net/2015/02/218-pbe-update.html#more AP statik shiv. ..................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. Veigar was never really a problem though, his win rate is average and he is never picked in competitive. He should not have the opportunity to just walk up to you without flash and two shot you in a teamfight unless you get caught out by him in a skirmish. He also has no defensive tools except his E and lol zhonyas so he can be focused down. Now they removed dfg, turned his q into a skillshot, and put a delay into his E. That's some big hit. ...But I think it is not as bad as the kassadin nerfs that just came out on pbe. Ult range down to 450 from 700. To compare it with auto attacks, that's going from jinx's auto range with rank 5 fishbones auto range to karthus/thresh auto range. That is absolutely insane. To be honest though I kinda love those nerfs because you know, f*ck kassadin, sorry kassadin mains, jk not sorry I hate you. And there is stuff like Xerath going around completely untouched. Hi I am pressing Q and the minion wave is gone. Hi im killing you with a combo from 75% HP and a hundred teemos away. @_@
  7. I think it's more about the concept of it since charm lost alot of it's relevance and that lowers her skillcap etc. It's still cc and it's still a great tool for catching people out of position but charm isn't punishing as it was before (most of the time it's 1 second cc, 60+0.5ap damage, and thats it), she will just spirit rush around doing alot of damage while being ridiculously mobile. I mean I don't even know why they did that change, there are worse things to look at (xerath...) and she wasn't that bad without dfg but yeah she's a bit too overtuned right now.
  8. Rewer - rvvr (NA) / suncrasher (BR)
  9. tfw 40 billion years teambuilder queues
  10. It's good to know that Piglet has a very strong player behind him too. Keithmcbrief was the top score for fantasy in week 1 (76,08 points). I can't wait to see him and Impact play as well though.
  11. tfw when you 1 shot a tank with fed annie and be like "omg i'll miss you" :_:
  12. oh my god that jinx skin is so good wtf *_*
  13. lulu ahri janna and corki are my favorites, im not sure why actually I just like them D:
  14. name: rvvr (na), suncrasher (br) i have 1 champ for each role but i mostly support i guess have high ping rank: silver 3 na / gold 5 br i carry jelly sometimes
  15. I dont think sunfire is a core item, it's a mid game item and you build it if you expect alot of mid game teamfights. Its a bad item late game, and you dont get this even in midgame if their ap carry is the one doing damage, in that case you get spirit visage and they can't touch you. You should probably go ranger/stalker devourer into bork in every game unless you are super behind because of getting cheesed or something. As for ranger vs stalker I prefer ranger because op but I guess stalker is viable especially if they have very gankable lanes like malzahar and shit because shyvana lacks cc. I dont like hydra at all but eh. Also boots of swiftness seems very situational, 99% of the time you should probably get tabi or mercs depending on their comp In short you afk farm for 20 minutes and hope your team doesnt feed then congrats youre a god ;]
  16. max q if you are in a hard lane, max w vs dueling dudes and e vs tanks go bork into tank items then ur gonna start crushing (unless u are behind, then get vamp into tank items then finish bork l8er) run 4 the carries in the fight, olaf sux at peeling (unless u already killed their carry). dont run in when ur team isnt fully commited or ur gonna die 1v5 olaf is snowbally if u get a kill top u can call ur jungler and jus dive the dude n put him on tilt
  17. HolE sh*t i take it back samsung white are gods now... ft the return of dade mejai tf
  18. yep. I'll root for blue or omg, they are both very likeable. Especially omg, their series vs shield was so hype
  19. White does have better players, but blue has much better coordination and especially pick and ban phase. White lost twice in bo5s against blue in ogn this season (3-1 in favor of blue in spring and summer semi finals), so I'd say blue is a clear favorite vs white, despite the latter going undefeated in round one. I do believe blue is the best team in the world right now. Also yeah I wanna believe in royal club but Uzi is gonna have a hard time carrying that team (he is the ad god though). They are china's third seed while edward is china's first seed, but edward looked sloppy lately.
  20. No matter what happens from now on in worlds, the highlight is KaBuM finishing off europe from the tournament. I'll never forget that game omfg get f*ckin destroyed alliance heuheuehueheu. It was also such perfect timing since wildcard teams were being bashed on reddit. I wanna see more upsets but I highly doubt it, finals are probably going to be blue vs shield. Maybe one of the chinese can surprise shield or white can surprise blue but I dont really see it (no one saw kabum trashing alliance so who knows)
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