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zimvader42 last won the day on October 6 2015

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6 Fledgling


About zimvader42

  • Birthday 12/24/1996

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    Filthy casual
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    Never telling on the Internet... is a dangerous place
  • Interests
    Drawing stuff, monsters, horror movies, biology, invader zim and other countless tv shows for nostalgic purposes (or just because they are soooo good), astronomy, the universe in general, stuff. And pokemon, that too.

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  1. Is about to put knife into knife cupboard. Mom tries to grab it because WHY NOT and I instinctively draw my hand with the knife away from her. She almost cut herself when trying to grab it. Her first words? "don't move your hand when I'm trying to grab the knife". Right, because you SHOULD try to take a knife (by the blade) from someone holding a knife, RIGHT?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      It WAS stupid of her. I was in scouts as a kid, and am a general blade enthusiast... and you definitely DON'T fucking try to take a knife from someone by the blade...

    3. Shamitako


      One of the families I used to visit a lot when I was younger insisted that you should always carry the knife by the blade so you wouldn't hurt anyone.

      My family insist you should always carry it at arm's length and pointing towards the floor

      I usually hold it in such a way that the blade is concealed by my arm

      In each of these scenarios, reaching to grab a knife from someone without saying anything will end badly

    4. Shamitako


      *my family insisted

      We no longer have "knife rules" for whatever reason

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