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zimvader42 last won the day on October 6 2015

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6 Fledgling


About zimvader42

  • Birthday 12/24/1996

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  • Alias
    Filthy casual
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    Never telling on the Internet... is a dangerous place
  • Interests
    Drawing stuff, monsters, horror movies, biology, invader zim and other countless tv shows for nostalgic purposes (or just because they are soooo good), astronomy, the universe in general, stuff. And pokemon, that too.

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  1. Oh geez Rick, what is this place?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. zimvader42


      Oh Rick I-I-I I don't feel well Rick, all these people are weird and sweaty I-I can't take it and what is all that Pokémon stuff? I wanna go home Rick, y-y-you have to take us home

    3. Tringus


      You see this, Morty? This is a Pokeball... It's what used to capture Pokemon. *burps* Pokemon are magical creatures you can catch, and enslave, Morty. You gotta catch 'em all, Morty! *burps again* YOU GOTTA CATCH 'EM ALL, MORTY!

    4. zimvader42


      Rick I don't like these things like w-what even is this, a bunch of eggs? they're a bunch of eggs, I can't slave a bunch of eggs Rick, this place is messed up and these people too

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