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zimvader42 last won the day on October 6 2015

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6 Fledgling


About zimvader42

  • Birthday 12/24/1996

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    Filthy casual
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    Never telling on the Internet... is a dangerous place
  • Interests
    Drawing stuff, monsters, horror movies, biology, invader zim and other countless tv shows for nostalgic purposes (or just because they are soooo good), astronomy, the universe in general, stuff. And pokemon, that too.

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  1. If one punch man was made into a videogame....could you actually play as Saitama? and would that mean you could kill every boss in, well, one punch? Wouldn't play as, say, Genos make it at least just a bit harder in that case?

    1. Felicity


      I imagine it'd actually be aullet hell where you surrvive until the final moment where you actually hit the enemy.

    2. zimvader42


      Oh, I see. I had more like a hack-n-slash game in mind, but that makes more sense considering what Saitama's thing is

    3. Cepheus


      hack'n'slash as Saitama... yeah, let me just say:

      "consecutive normal Punches" - after every encounter the battlefield would be UTTERLY DESTROYED!

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