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zimvader42 last won the day on October 6 2015

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6 Fledgling


About zimvader42

  • Birthday 12/24/1996

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    Filthy casual
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    Never telling on the Internet... is a dangerous place
  • Interests
    Drawing stuff, monsters, horror movies, biology, invader zim and other countless tv shows for nostalgic purposes (or just because they are soooo good), astronomy, the universe in general, stuff. And pokemon, that too.

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  1. Just came back from the supermarket with a pizza. The guy in front of me in the cash line.... he was so, normal, and yet... I don't really know why but being behind him in the line I had a feeling so horrible, like if I was afraid of him for no reason. It was so uncanny that the guy was like 35-40, dressed like an old man, all he was buying were 6 packs of oreo's, and when the cashier got his stuff he said.not.a.single.word. Nothing at all, he didn't move his arms when walking out...

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    2. zimvader42


      Yeah but this was difference that getting bad vibes; this gas being in that line and being genuinely afraid of the person with no previous thought, feeling or signal for it. I had just read this kind of stuff in CPs, but I swear I somehow just instinctively feared the guy as you said.

    3. zimvader42


      *this was differenT

      *this Was

      ...God I can't write today...

    4. zimvader42


      @Sorreah I know right? But the worst is that the guy bought SIX PACKS at once! No wonder I got afraid -3- ...

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