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About Raspbeh

  • Birthday 10/29/1991

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  1. No bad news for the moment... fingers crossed, i'm not even in Paris but i won't leave my house this week-end. My daughter hardly wanted to go to the local fair (300k inhabitants here), we won't. We may be in a war, there is no army, it's just sad and disgusting.
  2. First penta :')

  3. I run a fantasy league with 3 friends but i'm pumped about a 8-players league if it's open.
  4. Can confirm. Stuff : Zhonya/Rabadon/Luden's Echo/Void Staff/Magic pen boots/Lich bane - 850 AP. Passive : 231 + 597 every third attack [+80% slow for 3s] Q : 290 + 670 Passive W : Deals 26% of missing health to enemies' under 30% of their max hp Shield W : 950-1000 E : 340 Ult : 1600 Regen from ult : 200 + 57% damages taken last 4s 6s cd with this stuff on Q and E. Ult cd is ridiculous (and these damages...). Really fun to play, currently overpowered by far. Edit : Screenshots bug, sorry
  5. Fun to play, i'll try to estimate chimes appearance radius but it looks like a lvl 3 Xerath ultimate range.
  6. Nunu Bot acquired. Time to Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha some games.

    1. Magus


      That is all I did yesterday. Ha-ha-ha

    2. Jelly
    3. Raspbeh


      MMMMH... Delicious.

  7. Yup, Florinia gave me nightmares too, for my mono Dark type. Then i read new field effects like "sand attack *2". Mightyena does know Sand Attack/Howl and learn Crunch from Move Relearner. Profit. Enjoy a good ride. Edit : As far as i can remember, Shelly obliterated me too, Dark type ftwl.
  8. Lvl 20 ! Burn him ! [i've a lvl 10 or 11 smurf if you wanna grind someday, IGN : BestPoppyAfrica.]
  9. Poro Rider Sejuani, my body is ready.

    1. AeroWraith


      That skin is awesome, along with some of the other skins that were added. Who wouldn't want to ride a poro into battle? XD

    2. Rielly987


      Meh its a little pricey for only a Poro to ride on. They didnt do anything with the particles so its still below Bear Rider for me.

    3. Raspbeh


      I agree that it's probably the worst skin (particules, recall, etc...) this year but it's Sejuani on a fucking poro.

  10. Was quite stressful about my Poppy jungle since 4.20 but he went kinda well. Dat diving possibilities (every gank botlane is a slaughter) though.

  11. Thanks to dev team, just finished the episode, it was awesome...rer than i expected.
  12. Did read "Sacramento" so np. Wynaut a baby Reborn team in EUW if we've enough players.
  13. If some EUW players (yeah, those fools) wanna try somethin', jungler here (same IGN).
  14. Fiddle top double hextech revolver op ! [banana for scale :

    1. AeroWraith


      The "redemptions" XD

    2. Raspbeh


      Second game, a Riven ignite + Shaco jungle ignite decided to shit on me... while my adc was carrying hard, worth.

  15. stop hyping me now i'm hyped wp
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