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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by CJwilson33

  1. Sniper + Bullet seed

  2. sniper + water gun

  3. The thirst is real...Episode 14..

  4. bitches be like..

  5. What's good with episode fourteen?

    1. Tacos


      Patience dear child, perfection takes time

  6. My Snorlax sweeped my team and her team O.O

    1. Arkhi


      You should be worried if your Snorlax swept your own team.

    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Shoulda just had a flying type.

    3. CJwilson33


      I had Charizard, but once he went down all hell broke lose. I loved the Charlotte battle tho

  7. The VGC club at my college is the most weirdest out of all the clubs at my college. An I thought the sororities were weird...

  8. First day of college went well, no boob flashing yet tho >.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      First "day" of college went well, no boob flashing yet tho >.<

      There's your problem.

    3. Tempest


      ...we're you actively trying to avoid it, or are you in online college?

    4. CJwilson33


      I was taking online classes the first two semesters, but the thirst got real so I started going to the campus =p

  9. We need to go deeper

    1. Sutoratosu


      trying to go deeper is what got us into this mess in the first place, damn it...

  10. Waiting for episode 13....hope is here before August

    1. Abyssreaper99


      Ame said that it was going to release ep 13 for late July but since she spent a load of time on creating the interior of Ametrine Mountain, it's will probably be released in August... sorry.

    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      August ain´t far away, it´s just a month... One. Long. Month ( ;´Д`)

  11. Danm I got to stop thinking this is a search bar

  12. pokemon removed

  13. Its been forever since I have played pokemon back in my day we had Rubby and Sapphire lol

  14. after searching for weeks

    1. Felicity


      You fond the Status bar! 'Gratz

    2. CJwilson33


      Oh hehe thanks I meant to look for topic in forum search hehe

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