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Snap Crackle Pop

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Everything posted by Snap Crackle Pop

  1. Umf... Wasabi roulet... wish me luck XD

    1. Arkhi


      But wasabi's good.

    2. HolyKnight


      Try an Habanero Roulet

    3. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Wasabi is good in the right amount, but my sadistic friend went a little crazy with the proportions... Amongst a group of 5 I got it 4/10 times- 3 of which I was last to chose- and you're forced to eat the whole thing... Habenero was actually used a while ago xD Any other suggestions?

  2. Octavia followed after, shoving the words of the old lady out of her mind so she could focus on the present. If they were lucky, they would be able to get a good view of a God being reborn. Not something many get to see and it would be a shame if she missed it pondering questions without answers.
  3. Cosplaying..... Pikachu..?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Vinny


      2014, not dressing up your Pikachu? Bro...

    3. HolyKnight


      They better have a second type

    4. Arkhi


      Why not dress up your Wailord?

      Or your Arceus?

  4. "Oh yeah," she mused, with slight surprise, having forgotten about the resurrection that was supposed to take place, funnily enough. Though, she was somewhat preoccupied with her thoughts. "Sure, why not," Octavia answered with a slight shrug, deciding it couldn't hurt. There would inevitably be a large crowd anyways, despite her preference for being alone, might as well watch with him. (OOookay, the Wynaut was not intentional)
  5. Hmm, I suppose I should have Alice wake up then? Not sure who's post it is at the moment
  6. I want a katana so badly right now ;_;

    1. Flux


      Straight swords ftw.

  7. Hmm... Interesting question with interesting answers xD I guess I'd wish for everyone to be happy constantly but that would be very well impossible, things are constantly changing and loss is a part of life. A lot of the time wishes carry unintended consequences too. I think I'd save my wish for something important if anything big were to happen, like a gigantic meteorite coming towards Earth that would destroy the planet. If I were being a bit more selfish I think I'd wish for partial immortality, to live for as long as I'd like but if I wanted to, I would be able to die. xD Who knows, maybe I'd wish to be a god > Much fun to be had that way
  8. Mhh, lots of ways. I gave a Duskull a focus band and used curse, I restarted until it kicked into effect and I watched as all but one of my team members were sweeped xD. Cheap but effective
  9. Out of icecubes so I tried using frozen razzberries instead in my iced tea. Life is good :3

    1. nevs


      hm creative how did it taste

    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Very fabulous :3

  10. Octavia stood silently in the moments after the old lady's departure, her gaze falling from the now empty chair to the ground beneath her feet, a blank expression on her face. I will be out of this city by day break... I suppose that means I won't get much sleep, huh... Many paths and possibilities but one thing is set in stone.. that also must mean I am going to have to make a choice between now and tomorrow... The wheels of fate are beginning to turn, eh? She sighed silently, flexing her fingers Did she have to be so vague? Why say anything in the first place when nothing important was learned? Or was there a reason I am not aware of? Why did she not speak a word to Eric after all this time? Was she only recently able to talk with people now? What the heck happened to her exactly? A thought flickered through Octavia's mind that almost made her laugh out loud, realizing how ridiculous it all was. Why me? People make choices and chose their fate- that is part of living, why say that to me in particular? I can't see anything that I could do that would even make a ripple in this world. Under what circumstances... "Wait...When did she become able to see the future?" Glancing at Eric after he broke the silence, she looked up to study the sky as she thought. Good question, was she always able to do that, or was that the result of the circumstances of her technical death? If the latter is the case, was that intentional? Was that the reason for the curse in the first place? If they got close enough to curse Princess Elisia, it would have been a lot easier to just up and kill her rather than risk the chance of her recovery. If such is the case, what were the intentions? Did they do that so that the trap would fall on someone like Eric's mentor? It would be a good disguise and would send most pursuers looking at the wrong people for the wrong reasons. Three years is a long time, whoever did it is now long gone. As Octavia thought, she chewed on her inner lip and cheek, making odd expressions in the process. I suppose most of these questions will be answered in time, but, I hate not knowing- particularly with something like this. "Do you have any idea who made Princess Elisa ill?" Octavia asked, turning her head to face Eric.
  11. Octavia nodded lightly after hearing his tale. Watching him the entire time and listening, there was a faint frown that crept on her face while she was still in thought. She was trying to formulate a response, although she didn't know what quite to say. She couldn't imaging what it would be like to be in that sort of situation, although she figured that if she was, she would be pretty tired of people saying that they're sorry. A strange smell caught her nose-- well not strange really for someone in her profession to smell mint and sage-- but it was out of place in a big city. "But... how? it is impossible for either to grow this high up in altitude... in this thin of an atmosphere..." Psh... that too. A small part of her thought sheepishly. "Very good, Eric." Startled, she turned to the source quickly, surprised that someone else was listening and Octavia quickly sized up the older lady. "But I must make one thing clear, I am very much still alive." "Wha..." Octavia murmured very faintly. It took her a few moments to realize that he older lady was Eric's mentor, but, wasn't she dead? Then it occurred to her- He did say that she was caught in a magic trap of some sorts, but, if she was dead, and here before them saying that she was alive, maybe it wasn't quite so simple. Physically dead perhaps...? She didn't know enough about magic to say, but she didn't know enough to say otherwise.
  12. stay beautiful, keep it ugly ;)

  13. A person may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but what of the shed owner who keeps dull tools?

  14. "It allows me to mentally track where ever my journal goes." "And I've got another on it that'll stop anyone but myself or those I trust enough to give permission to from reading it's contents..." Octavia had already guessed the latter to be the case, but she still nodded. "I suppose it being stolen a blessing in disguise then," she murmured, looking down for a moment, the thought occurring to her now. "I wouldn't have any issues telling you how I caught the attention of the Guild, If you still want to hear it." She blinked, clearly surprised by the sudden offer. Well, this got her. Not only had misjudge him, but she also felt even worst from trying to read the journal in the first place. It was really quite stupid in hind sight, trying to read it just to know what he did to be noticed. She could have easily just asked what sort of things qualified as being noticed, from him or another worker there. "Well, if it's okay with you," she said. "I'd like to know," she paused before adding "my name is Octavia, by the way."
  15. Whoops! Accidentally said "weapon" instead of "instrument" whilst talking. That was interesting...

  16. Huh... I started watching Madoka Magica due to the recommendation of a friend but it's not that bad, just slow starting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, similar thing happened to me with Hitman Reborn. Had to ride out quite a few episodes until it got really good. (also I don't know that anime, if it even is one.....I am just assuming by the name lol)

    3. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Amazing is an understatement. I heard about Hitman Reborn, I need to work on that one xD

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Reborn is where my nickname Lupo di Fulmine comes from, so I recommend it for sure.

  17. "she's capable of shaping the world of her mind around someone else' mind" ^ When I first read Cassidy's sheet I thought it wasn't strictly set around making a person feel strictly terror, although, I thought she often used terror due to her personality. I thought it was closer to a sort of illusion ability. In that case, one could get quite creative
  18. Octavia nodded, accepting the apology. "That was understandable, given the circumstances, I probably would have reacted similarly," she said. Still, she was grateful that was cleared up, and now at least there was little chance of him knowing she tried to read his diary- so long as she didn't slip up speaking. "How did you guys manage to track the thief though?"
  19. Hate it when you get really into a band only to discover they broke up ;-;

  20. Alice glanced around at the people in the room, she gave a somewhat awkward but grateful smile. "Thank you again for letting us stay with you guys, I suppose we could all talk in the morning." With that, she picked up her backpack and exited downstairs, entering her new temporary room. She tossed her bag near the foot of the bed . Laughing faintly to herself as she took off her boots and undid her ponytail, letting it fan out as she sat on the bed. It was a certain type of drowsiness that hit her. She was well awake in one sense and yet half asleep in another. It was particularly annoying, she knew that if she tried to sleep she would only lay down for an hour with her eyes closed before opening her eyes and reading for the rest of the night. Deciding that this was a good time to play around with what she could do, she held out her hand. Focusing, Alice watched as a small ball appeared in her hand, sensing a slight drain on her body. When ever she played around with her energy manipulation, it heightened her senses in a way. It allowed her to see but not technically see energy that is scattered about. Through her eyes, when she was manipulating something, she could sort of see a faint glow around it, although, apparently no one else but her could see it. Closing her hand, the ball disappeared. She played around for a while, trying to maintain her concentration for as long as she could before letting it disperse, eventually falling into deep sleep.
  21. Octavia gave a light nod, returning the general coolness. Looking around and seeing that there wasn't really an easy path to the Library's roof, she took a breath of air, thinking briefly before choosing her next course of action. Examining the scythe for the button that expanded the handle earlier, she pressed it and watched as the handle retreated. Octavia took a few steps back, quickly calculating the amount of force would be best and choosing a good place to aim so it would be easiest to catch with no accidents, she threw the scythe. Octavia couldn't help herself as a slight smile flickered on her face from the idea of throwing scythe upwards to a group of people, handle retracted as it was.
  22. Ah memories... I remember for Christmas once, we shot down our tree with a pump action shot gun... Ah memories...

    1. Maelstrom


      red neck christmas?

    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Heh, apparently so. We spent our Christmas that time at our cabin away from the city so it was quite interesting

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