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Dhanush D Bhatt

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dhanush D Bhatt

  1. I knew the stones were coming i feel it in my bones Gallade uses psy-shock
  2. Good to see you making an intro i should probably do mine too But i love math.......
  3. But couldn't get away from Charizard's Blast Burn (stones incoming.....i can feel it)
  4. Welcome to the forums!! Tell Helia to have fun in the forums and tell him that there is no escape from the madness that is Reborn (unless he has a memory eraser or something). Now for the team.........i suck at team building honestly. But there are a lot of people who can help. Where exactly is Helia stuck at or does Helia need help generally?
  5. @Yash pssst.......*make a wish*
  6. Not available cuz.....reasons Come on AR your time has come
  7. After that foul Azumarill started Playing Rough against your spiritomb
  8. 113 I don't really remember much bout yu-gi-oh. I preferred watching Duel Masters
  9. Cain x Terra.......i ship it OR Cain x IG Ame hue hue
  10. Granted but hardly anyone recognises you and you live a poor homeless life I wish the fanmade pokemon games were better
  11. I seem to have wrecked your party. Azery/Assery can you help me out?
  12. Aggron used iron tail (no sexual innuendo intended)
  13. 81 Meh not much of a fan of Dark chocolate. Milk chocolate however......
  14. Granted. Now you are dead. I wish my fridge actually had things i want to eat
  15. 79 What's better than a jar of cookies? Chocolate!! Nom nom nom
  16. Machamp used several karate chops on your exploud. Detectives are still collecting all the pieces.....
  17. Granted but the you mistakenly offend the sharpeners and they kill you (slowly) I wish i had more money (in real life)
  18. I love leftovers, malamar with Superpower/knock off/psych cut/toxic so much i use it in my ou team. It works wonders if you can get a few super powers off. But a lot of unexpected pokemon have u-turn so unless you already have around 2 superpowers, RIP Malamar
  19. 77 Meh why not? *helps my self to that wonderful assortment of cookies Edit: @turbo i just realised your interests say 'foghting games' lol Edit 2: @turbo i think you said high-five for the reference. My virtual hand is outstretched (eats cookies anyway)
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