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  1. rpgmaker

    1. Garnet.


      try the bar above this one

      you also might want to try google.

  2. One pokemon I've found surprisingly useful on recent playthroughs for the early gyms (particularly Jullia) is Ratata/Raticate. It's fast and hustle boosted hyper fang OHKOs a lot of stuff early game. Missing sucks, but doesn't happen that often (for me at least).
  3. I pretty much only play adc these days, but my favorite champ will always be Veigar. First champion I bought when I started playing.
  4. With vileplume your best attacking options re gigadrain and moonblast, and with victreebell you get leafblade/powerwhip and knock off. Without looking at the type chart, I think that means Victreebell has better coverage. It depends on whether or not Vileplume's hidden power is usable (ie good type/power). Vileplume gets better support mvoes (toxic/aromatherapy), but they both get sleep powder. Vileplume is bulkier, Victreebel is much faster (still kind of slow, base 70). Ultimately up to you what you think your team needs. Vileplume is a better defensive option, while victreebel is better offensively.
  5. I'd say if you want a good cotton guard user, ampharos is your mon. It has an unusually good movepool for reborn and only one weakness.
  6. Your bets chance at success is Torchic, but I threw out a vote for turtwig the swagturtle
  7. I think dark pulse provides better coverage than signal beam for porygon-Z, because then you can hit ghosts for super effective damage.
  8. Some of the maps are based on reborn, but most of them were places from Pokemon Red/Blue, like Mt. Moon, Rocket Hideout, The route leading to Victory Road, Cerulean cave, and one or to others that escape me right now.
  9. Wizardchu


    You can evolve it all the way up to Porygon Z and make it a monstrous special attacker. Tri attack is an obvious choice, and dark pulse lets you hit ghosts for super effective damage and steel//rock for neutral. The other two move slots are up to you; you can run psychic/shadowball/agility/nastyplot/discharge whatever. Also, you can run hyper beam for the lulz (150 base power + adaptability + 135 base Special attack = death)
  10. I experienced this error. According to the person who fixed it for me, it happened because I took the north entrance to Ametrine mountain, rather than the one down by the waterfall. I have no idea why that would cause the error, but someone smarter than me told me so and I believe them.
  11. Waterfall Nation best nation. We need a flag though.
  12. Of all the adcs with low (<550) base range, I'd only call graves and maybe quinn bursty. The others (Kog, Sivir, Jinx, Urgot) have different tradeoffs for their low range, be it range steroids, innate tankiness, or defensive spells. Keep in mind that graves passive also makes him a fair bit tankier than other adcs, which is one reason why he can operate at low ranges. I picture post range nerf Lucian being very similar to Graves, but with far more sustained damage and comparable mobility to make up for his lack of tankiness. He's also got a more optimal build path for a low range adc (BotRK, Triforce, and Ghostblade synergize much better with Lucian's kit than Graves).
  13. Bit late to the party, summoner name is Wizardchu.
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