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Everything posted by K_H

  1. Pah! I've seen better memes on the refuse pile of the Know Your Meme group! I'll pull out the big guns and teach y'all a lesson. Your input, BMIC?
  2. Looks like Shade got a bit upset at what you said... and he sent me. Jazz, your input. [EDIT]: Reverse Ninja'd ya, BMIC!
  3. NOOBLY, STOP PREDICTING AME!!! *readies a Razor Shell* What do you have to say in your defense of your actions?
  4. TFW you're worldbuilding for an upcoming RP with someone else in a PM and you suddenly realize that you're thinking like Hukuna and/or Stratos.
  5. His avatar is still Green; that's got to count for something. I actually preferred the old avatar, but do what you will with your profile, Viri. That's not to say that it's bad, just that I preferred the old one.
  6. Anna When the group was asked about whether or not they wanted snacks from the fridge, Anna shook her head, taking note of Mrs. Opium's ornery glance at Esyllt. "It's a kind offer, but I'm good for now." That's about when Anna noticed Arya send an ornery look of her own in Esyllt's direction, and she sighed in frustration before sitting down next to Arya and whispering into her ear, a look in her own eyes and eyebrows that said she was being very serious. "Just let her be, alright? Let Mother Opium handle the punishment, since she's got the highest rank of everyone here." Once she was done letting her roommate know to not start anything, she asked Mrs. Opium a question, her face returning to her normal neutral expression as she did so. "Pardon my asking, Mother Opium, but is there any way to distinguish the differences between a normal person and one of the Goddesses? I know that we've found two of them already, but who knows if that's all of them that are in this school or not? They did all take on human forms, after all."
  7. I'm good enough with names to rename the landmarks. Here's what I've renamed 'em so far. Stalwart peak -> Mt. Bastion Mt. Gravel -> Mt. Verdance Azumarine Lake -> Cobalitite Lake Shadowpine Thicket -> Highmoon Woods Starlite Woods -> Starlight Thicket Sanctum Archway and Darklight Tower won't be renamed, because those are actually some nice names for those places. Rivers that feed into and out of Azurine Lake might be a nice touch, especially if Darklight Tower is water-powered. Ruins to the west of the village would actually make sense if the human who made it through was part of a group of 5-6 humans. You think you can manage, Anstane?
  8. I was only referring to where the one-off took place. However, the map for the RP should have the valley surrounded by mountains so rugged that only the most determined of the most determined Protagonist Trainers could even have a chance of making it into the valley by going over the top; anyone else would be deterred by how long and difficult the journey is if one goes by foot. Outside of these mountains, there should be, at the absolute most, one small Human settlement within a radius of a few kilometers. Anything past that, and the terrain doesn't matter. You think you can manage that, Anstane?
  9. Even a bad map will suffice. I just need the sizes and locations of the major landmarks, in this case the cliff, tunnel, and boulders, and I can take it from there. A minor update: I've finished modeling and texturing the exteriors of the Pokéballs used. Now comes the hard part: Doing the same for the 'Mons and Human in question, as well as the Scalchops. Anstane?
  10. I'll provide you with something better: a screenshot of my progress. I also requested that someone else provide me with a map of the Battleground so that I can model it more easily. Spine?
  11. Nope. Noobly, don't predict Ame. She's not going to be here.
  12. Two of those are parts of ZEL's name... Is that a coincidence, or is it part of something bigger?
  13. I'm working on the OOC Thread and the Animation as we speak. Modeling and Rigging Pokémon and Pokéballs from scratch is harder than it looks, OK? I've only just got the Untextured Pokeball finished. If one of you wants to work on the Map of the area that the RP takes place in, that'd be really helpful. BMIC?
  14. Like I said, I'll be making a PMD-esque RP with us in it. We can continue it there. I can work off of your ending and make this session one of the in-universe legends about our group of 4. Anstane, you're up.
  15. ((And I show up from out of BMIC's first initial! How can I help you? )) Hearing the Glaceon mention my backstory and the Braixen mention their accessories, I decided to give them the longer version and explain what the ornaments were used for. "Oh, those are called 'earrings'; Humans use them as decoration when they feel like it, and Female Humans use them during their courtship rituals. As for my backstory, the one I said mid-battle is just the TL;DR version of it. The full version is as follows: "My original trainer was one of those people who call themselves 'Competitive Breeders', and I was the Starter that he chose at the beginning of his journey. Apparently, he found me to be not very good for what he wanted to do, and ended up releasing me in favor of some other water-type because, according to him, it had 'Perfect IVs', which is total TS in my opinion, and I have almost no clue what he was talking about when he said that. If I remember correctly, it was a Magikarp that I'd helped him catch. Even though he told me to scram, I kept an eye on him to see how he was doing for a while afterwards. He ended up leaving it in the daycare with a ditto before releasing the Magikarp and selling its children to other people who called themselves 'Competitive Battlers'. That's about when I got disgusted enough to stop keeping tabs on him, and left for good. I certainly hope that he gets his comeuppance at some point. In any case, I've been wandering here and there ever since, living off of what the land has been able to provide as I wander."
  16. OK, then, I'll get working on the RP. There have been several done before, and I can link you guys to 'em if you want. Anstane?
  17. ((If I ever create a PMD-esque RP, I'm probably going to use our RP Characters as members of one of the Teams. It's really shaping out nicely! That Blender Animation is also guaranteed to occur at some point. I just need to make the Models and such, and I'll be good to go.)) Seeing that the Trainer's Arcanine is barely standing, I take the opportunity to fire off the finishing blow, using Water Pulse. The air gets slightly drier as I pull moisture from the surrounding air and concentrate it into a ball between my forepaws, which I then lob at the feet of the Trainer's Arcanine. Upon contact with the ground, the ball explodes into a wall of water that washes over the enemy, knocking the Trainer's Arcanine unconscious. Seeing their last active 'mon go down, I turn to the others. "I'd say that we need to go into the cave now, before the Trainer gets any bright ideas, as well as a just-in-case for if they have any other Pokémon that they want to use." BMIC?
  18. ((You got that right on both counts, Jazz. Not only did I Post next, everyone loves a mage that does their job right.))
  19. Seeing the Trainer prepare to throw a capsule at the Glaceon, and hearing them tell their Delcatty to attack me, I knew that what I needed to do next was going to be a bit tricky, but it would be doable. Just as the trainer threw their pokeball, I threw one of my scalchops at it in the form of a Razor Shell, knocking the capsule off-course enough to avoid hitting any of us. That's about when the Delcatty pounced at me, but I'd readied myself for this, using my second scalchop, also in Razor Shell mode, to shield myself from the inbound attack. After catching my first scalchop, I spoke. "It's kinda funny, actually. My original Trainer Released me because I was, to put it in his words, 'Too Weak'. And now look at me: handling a Trainer with the assistance of others, and doing a fairly good job of it at that. To be completely frank with all of you, I'd say that the words about being captured for my own sake are..." I then heaved the Delcatty off of me, and then used Revenge, becoming surrounded in an orange aura before letting off a similarly-colored pulse of energy directed at my opponent. Sure, it might not be a STAB move, but it is Super Effective against a Normal Type, being a Fighting-type move. And with the doubled power from the fact that I was just attacked, it'd probably end up getting me the KO on my opponent. As used the move, I finished what I was saying. "...A LOAD OF TAUROS-SH*T!" ((OOC: this is a really fun one-off. I might consider animating it in Blender at some point. In any case, I call on you to see what happens next, Jazz.))
  20. Hey, some of us are avid RP-ers, myself prominently amongst them. Jazzmine?
  21. ((I'm not made of quartz. In any case, continuing the story.)) The first Arcanine's attack was deflected by my attack, and I peer out from behind the rock. What I see kind of surprises me a little: another Arcanine, this one not bound to a trianer, has joined in the fray, and was what took the next attack that the Trainer's Arcanine had fired off. Now that the playing field is a bit more even, I feel safer in coming out from behind the rock and dealing with the Trainer's Arcanine. Unfortunately for me, the Trainer has a sharp eye, and throws a Dive Ball at me. However, I see it coming, and whack it right back at them with a Razor Shell, scoring a direct hit to the head. Of course, they aren't sucked into it, but the do fall onto their rear, a bruise forming on their left cheek from where the deflected capsule whacked them upside the head. Now between their Arcanine and the injured Glaceon, I feel confident enough to stand and provide assistance to the Wild Arcanine standing next to me and facing the Grovyle. ((Microcrystalline Quartz (AKA Jasper for those of you who don't know their gemology), feel free to join in on the fun.))
  22. I might not be BMIC, but I certainly can continue the story. *FOOM* A loud noise to my left catches my attention, and I look over to see an Arcanine and a Grovyle, as well as what seems to be their trainer. The Arcanine is visibly radiating heat, like it had just used a fire blast or something. Near them, a wounded Glaceon is hiding in the snow, but they can't see it thanks to how it's camouflaging itself. However, with my different vantage point, I have an easier time seeing it than they do. It's a bit of a moot point, though, because the fire-dog is currently charging up another fiery attack. That Glaceon might be able to tank a single hit, but not a second one like the one it got hit by earlier. Snarling, I unleash my own attack from the side, throwing a Razor Shell on a trajectory that causes the fiery attack to be deflected back at the Grovyle. As I do so, I make sure to try my hardest to deflect the attack, since I know that the Grass-type has the advantage over me, and I don't want to need to face off against it. The attack is successfully deflected, but the Grovyle is still standing after the reflected attack ends. Frowning, I catch my Scalchop and take cover behind a nearby boulder. While I waited for the scalchop to return to me, I noticed a cave nearby, one that seems like it's too narrow for any of the three in the trainer's group to get through. However, the Grovyle stands between me and it, which is a bit irking... Will the Trainer take action against me, keep their focus on you, or divide their attention, Anstane?
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