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Everything posted by RubyHeart

  1. Just walk over and say hi The group I'm with right now is friendly enough Though Mary might be the one to Charley horse your character
  2. Mary was happy to hear that she was welcome to hang around the two. She also giggled a little as she noticed Lexi's face turn red. "It's going to be so nice to have friends right away." She thought to herself. "Alrighty then!~ I'll be happy to get to know the both of ya better~ Now then, before I forget to ask, what do you two think of the school? Oh but we don't have to go over that right now, we can talk more over lunch." Mary pressed her hands together in joy, the joy of making two new friends.
  3. "Yes, Sir!" Lucia exclaimed, paying no mind to the poor archer boy whom is stuck with forty push ups. Not knowing much of what do to in another free period, she walked over to the nearest wall to rest against as she didn't feel like talking with anyone else after Zach made her feel a little embarrassed.
  4. Welcome to the world of Magical Girls~ Please enjoy your stay while you watch cute girls doing cute thingys all while magically transforming to beat up bad guys and unknown creatures~ Which is almost every young girls dream~ other than being a princess
  5. Don'cha worry about a thing~ 'Cause every little thingy, is gonna be alright Just to get this out of the way then Mary Alexi (That's marry a Lexi, to you) Born November 14th and whatever year would make her 16
  6. "I must thank your kind words, Zach. I took pride in forging every weapon, and helping to repair other's equipment, although I don't seem to show joy about smithing. I must admit that my original reason for running the shop was to step up for my father after he past away." Lucia spoke up as she continued. "I have chosen to join this little training group here because I feel like I have to do more than just make the things I love. I feel like I have to use them for what they were meant to use for. Besides, if I were to die, I would want to die while helping our kingdom and while doing the thing I love."
  7. It didn't take long for a pink haired girl to walk over to greet both Lexi and Riley. "Hey there!~ It is my pleasure to introduce myself to the both of you. I am Mary, Mary Alexi. Oh, but don't worry, I don't mean it like 'I will marry a Lexi' or anything, I'm honest about it really just being my name." Mary said as she wore a dorky smile. She quickly spoke up again in a more serious tone. "Now then. I was just wondering if you two were already deciding on being partners. If not then I would like to ask the both of you, if one of you would consider being a partner with me. Even if you both decline, would it be alright if we can be friends? It's always nice to have friends, ya know~" She smiled brightly as she reached the end of what she wanted to say, as she then waited for a response while having both fingers crossed behind her back. ((Her crossing her fingers is showing that she is hoping for something to go through. Not because she is acting like the cake... because the cake is a lie))
  8. Opium Institution is our school We are the Heroines of the story ALL WHILE WE MAKE HEROIN~~ I see what ya did there, Alexususususus ^w^
  9. Flame body or Turboblaze Flame body because if you touch me, and I don't like you, then you will be burned before I attack you Turboblaze because I don't give a Dan about your ability, I'mma just smack you in the face no matter what. But if I could make my own ability then it would be that every type, but ground type attacks, are turned into fire. I would call this Flarealize (Flare-a-lize) You are so very deserving of this owo
  10. People of Earth. I bring you gifts of compassion~ Here is 100,000,000KG of nuclear waste~

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RubyHeart


      Of course it does~

    3. Sutoratosu


      The amount of Radiological Weapons in the world is going to freaking sky-rocket thanks to this...

    4. Sutoratosu


      It's like oprah, only with terrorist, soldiers...

      "And you get a Dirty-bomb, and you get a dirty-bomb, EVERYBODY gets a dirty-bomb!"

  11. Dobby, just take the love and go We all know how much you want to stop being single, but I'm not helping with that in anyway~
  12. Happy Valentines Day, to everyone here at Reborn!~ As most of you know, or at least think, Valentines day (February 14), is a day when it is traditional to send a card, often anonymously, to a person one is romantically involved with or attracted to. Although I think we can put a little more meaning into this so everyone can be involved, though it's still nothing much~ Valentines day is a day of love, right? Yes indeed it is~ However, love doesn't have to be in a "dating relationship" because we can all love our friends and hold each of them dear to us. Friends are awesome, and almost always there for us. So although it may seem weird, it's not like asking all your friends to be your valentine And that is what this is about... why I random chose to type out this whole thingy~ As a reminder that almost everyone here at Reborn can be considered my friend, and just to say that you all mean a lot to me ^w^ That is just about all I had to say~ So have a wonderpful valentines day everyone, and keep those who you care for, as friends, family, or loved ones, close in your mind ~~~and heart~~~
  13. Sooo, there is a shade of pink called "tickle me pink".... now then... where did that Eva go >:D

  14. Lucia blushed with slight embarrassment when she noticed the golden haired boy talking to her. "Wh-who, me? Um... Thanks I guess." Her voice went back to normal before she spoke up again. "I'm not from anywhere special, just a small village outside the city where I helped my father around his black smith shop. In fact I only recently started up as a black smith here." Lucia looked down at the ground as she continued. "I know, I'm boring."
  15. I gave into temptation.... must fulfill childhood dream..... MUST DOOO IT Forum Name: RubyHeart Character Name: Mary Alexi Age: 16 Personality: Mary acts hyper active and cheerful around random people and people she just met. She likes to be around people, no matter who they are, though she doesn't mean a lot of what she says while in a "hyper state." She regrets a lot of what she says if it may have harmed anyone, and she over thinks many things, leading her to be quiet and lost in thought while she thinks about how stupid she can act, ultimately putting her self esteem down. With her contently putting herself down this leads to her wanted to talk to more people so she can distract herself from negative thoughts, only to repeat the process of negative thinking afterwards. She means to be kindhearted and nice, but mostly fails to put her own thoughts into words. Appearance: 5'6 in height, average body type, long charm pink coloured hair, deep purple eye colour. cup size: You don't need to know~ Line of Belief: Practicing Alexus Modifier: Pulse
  16. Oh, believe me..I'm done with that Kelsey girl xD Eh,we all make mistakes, so late at night updates are easy to forgive. Now then, back to dealing with the man who just tried to seduce Lucia...
  17. Well Lucia didn't draw her sword yet, she's just ready to pull it out if needed. But I guess I can work with this... because trying to talk to people is more important But I already don't like where this is going xD I see what you mean by "other plans"
  18. Corny Love talk is Corny... But is also so awesome ♥

    1. Shanco


      I can attest to this

  19. First battle about to happen? Totally not going in head first right off the bat... lol nope~ I already did.... "Also.... thanks to you stupid men.... " -Here lies Lucia's attempts at romancing Kelsey-
  20. Lucia places her hand on Kelsey's shoulder. "You're an amazing person, and don't you forget that." Lucia then looked into the distance to see what everyone else was looking at. "I don't think this will be very fun... but it may be eventful. I'll just have to ask about what's going on between those two, but I should keep my sword ready at hand." She got ready to draw her rapier as she headed over to the man and the boy, ready to ask about the situation.
  21. In a world... Where Kam isn't a newb who uses luck to win every game.... oh wait... there isn't a world like that

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. RubyHeart


      Masochist Hukuna-senpai...

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Did...did you just call me Senpai?

    4. Shamitako


      *Stabs Huk* There you go ^^

  22. Stupid memories being stupid and coming back whenever I don't need them... YaY~

  23. Thantophobia - Fear of losing a loved one Entomophobia - Fear of insects crawling on you Mnemophobia - Fear of past memories or losing memories... in my case it's both... I hate myself and want to die because of them, but now that I finally got them back, I don't want to lose them again
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