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Azure NightStriker

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Azure NightStriker

  1. Welcome to Reborn! The name's Justice and let's pray that we get that darn axew egg soon.
  2. Noel...I just couldn't beat him in my first play through as I didn't have a single fighting-type move. In my second play through, I wrecked him with CC from Hariyama.
  3. Most people are all excited about the upcoming legendary fight and who's the traitor gym leader. I'm more worried about what type the next gym is (dragon?water?steel?)

    1. Azeria


      I wanna rek Terra before we get into the desert....she'll be a real threat if we face her there or the caves...

    2. HolyKnight


      probably Ciel is the next one.

  4. Rapidash was the star for me. Initially, it was on my party for the sake of having a fire type move against Shelly and I kept it since. And JUST when I was thinking of replacing it, it saves me from being destroyed by Charlotte because of it's flash fire ability.
  5. In the end I decided to go with Turtwig for my second round of Reborn. Sorry Chimchar, next time buddy ;-(

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Ugh, Torterra has double weakness to Ice... And I still wake up in the night with cold sweat running down my spine, as horrid nightmares of Sierra's gym battle haunt me even if it has been almost a year since I last faced her...

    2. Cornerman


      I used him and he is pretty decent. He will be a wall or a great earthquake wrecker.

      I still use him now in mah main team.

    3. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      The only problem I have with Torterra is that it's weak to fire, yet it will be my main way of knocking out fire types due to earthquake. -_-

  6. Kaito. Results. Now.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      Settle down friend. It's still Wednesday and he's been pretty busy lately. He'll get it out when he can.

    2. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      Ohh....so that's why there not out yet. Where I live it's already Thursday so I was wondering why the results weren't out yet.

    3. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      I wouldn't expect them for AT LEAST 24 hours in all honesty.

  7. I would be more than happy to go with infernape, but from what I've seen it's somewhat frail. I could be wrong.
  8. So i'm about to finish school and the summer holidays are going to begin , which means that I'm going to have a lot of free time on my hands. I'm thinking of starting a new game on Reborn so that I have two save files, but I'm having trouble deciding on starter. Sooo~I'm gonna leave it to you guys! I don't want to use froakie as it is my starter in my main save file. I also don't want to use makuhita, gothita, ponyta, magnemite or duscull as my other party members so keep that in mind when choosing. Leave suggestions in the comments and it would help to have a reason why I should choose it. I'm counting on you Etesian~
  9. Anticipating the results of the audition of Survivor:Reborn.....

    1. GotWala


      Can I predict that Quantum Theory makes it equally possible for everyone who applied to have been selected, haha?

  10. English exam.......My Worst Enemy

  11. Do enjoy your stay cuz you can never leave and the name's Justice, hiya!
  12. Hello~~~ you seem to be an interesting character. The name's Justice and I welcome you to reborn!
  13. Just finished the first two exams at school and I feel like Slaking off (XD)

  14. To my sister Jenny I leave...a boot to the head! - (Phoenix Wrong-Boot to the Head)

    1. The Radiant Aeon

      The Radiant Aeon

      You do realize that this was originally made by a canadian comedy group, right?

    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      (Not sure if you are going to notice this because I stalking your profile and saw this status update, but I love that skit. xD It had me laughing to tears the first time I saw it!)

  15. Forum Name: Carzone11 (Alias: Justice) Length of time on Reborn: Been signed up for 7 months now but have only been active for about a month Favorite game genre: I tend to fall for JRPG but have been known to play others Notable skills: I am quite fast at doing math questions and am above average at logic puzzles. Hobbies: Watching Youtube, drawing anime characters, writing novels that are really bad but fun to write Best Trait: I don't purposely try to put down people I feel lose against, I just congratulate them and reflect on what I could do better Worst Trait: I tend to be quiet, especially when i'm concentrating on something important Describe yourself in one sentence, long or short it doesn't matter: A lonely guy that can be noisy or quiet depending on how I feel who would would rather play games than study (which I should be doing XD). Why we should pick you to play Survivor Reborn: I have always been fascinated by these games where contestants are knocked out and have always wanted to try one. It is by participating in these shows that you discover a part of you that you would have never known about. I think i'm an individual that has lots of hidden talents that are waiting to be let loose and this show could be thing to release them.
  16. Recently been into Ace Attorney Investigations and it's a lot of fun, the BGM is so good in my opinion :)

  17. Doing a nuzlocke of SoulSilver and my team is absolute rubbish

    1. krim


      I did one of regular silver a while back. Feraligatr > Whole game. Even Red was swept by the mighty gatr.

  18. Playing SoulSilver like crazy :P

  19. If you haven't beaten Noel yet then I would recommend you get a magneton (catch as a magnemite in Shade's power plant) as your team doesn't look like it will fair well with his team, namely the swellow but my evaluation could be wrong.
  20. I almost have a copy of SoulSilver! Can't wait to play it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      The rom for HG SS are incredibly glitchy, so much so that it is unplayable.

    3. Etesian


      I tried several, almost all of which were unusable, but that^^ combo works just fine. Or worked, I got bored of HG rather quickly.

      But yeah, Coolrom's got quality stuff and desmume can run almost anything.

    4. Azure NightStriker

      Azure NightStriker

      I know there are ROMs for it but I think it's much cooler playing an official copy of it on a Nintendo 3ds

  21. Hey there Super, Cat, Neko, Supes, Kitty! Welcome to Reborn and good luck kicking Meteor butt.
  22. Trying to win an auction for a copy of Pokemon SoulSilver

  23. Every time I think of a pokemon to add to my rotation it ends up being part water type (sharpedo and azumarill)

  24. I think my profile picture says it all, but as soon as I see a riolu or lucario I instantly make it the MVP of my team.
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