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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Meruem

  1. woah, 12 hours later and its still here. also fite me all of you.

  2. We're 4 now! Go to bed MMM

  3. Hey people with ORAS. Go on Mystery Gift and get a gift via internet. Won't be disappointed.

  4. Does anyone know where the itemfinder is in Rejuvenation? I really like having them :c

  5. Does anyone know where the itemfinder is in Rejuvenation? I really like having them :c

  6. Just watched the first episode of SOA, holy shit, 1000x better then death note Imo.

  7. so one of my parents' friends won a free coupon for a multipack of ben & jerry's icecream, but since she didn't like ben & jerry's that much, she gave it to my mom, and my mom gave it to me... guess what i'm getting tomorrow :^)

  8. so one of my parents' friends won a free coupon for a multipack of ben & jerry's icecream, but since she didn't like ben & jerry's that much, she gave it to my mom, and my mom gave it to me... guess what i'm getting tomorrow :^)

  9. so one of my parents' friends won a free coupon for a multipack of ben & jerry's icecream, but since she didn't like ben & jerry's that much, she gave it to my mom, and my mom gave it to me... guess what i'm getting tomorrow :^)

  10. Second round rolecall. VGC thread. For or against?

  11. Second round rolecall. VGC thread. For or against?

  12. http://prntscr.com/834rlu guess why i nicknamed him this :]]]!!1
  13. http://prntscr.com/834rlu guess why i nicknamed him this :]]]!!1
  14. http://prntscr.com/834rlu guess why i nicknamed him this :]]]!!1
  15. http://prntscr.com/834rlu guess why i nicknamed him this :]]]!!1
  16. http://prntscr.com/834rlu guess why i nicknamed him this :]]]!!1
  17. http://prntscr.com/834rlu guess why i nicknamed him this :]]]!!1
  18. Is it bad that i woke up at 2pm?

  19. So it's soon that it's going to be autumn. Ah, my least favourite season.

  20. BURGER KING CHICKEN FRIES HAVE FINALLY MADE IT TO CANADA! FINALLY MY CHILDHOOD HAS ARIVED (for any of you who don't live in canada, things invented in the u.s. that come out immediately usually take a few years to get up here,)

  21. K, so, Mariya needed a break. As such I am temporarily disguised as Chibi Railgun

  22. Has anybody read the "Eden no Ori" Manga? How good is it?

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