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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Arkhi

  1. Why is Taka so strong, with his Chatot :(

  2. Ace member, and have no idea what to do with it.

  3. Just beat Chapter 11... WHAT DO I DO WITH MY LIFE?!?

  4. HOORAY, COMMUNIS- I mean, uh

  5. well, Glad to see that my RP idea is getting up off the Ground quite nicely.

  6. well, Glad to see that my RP idea is getting up off the Ground quite nicely.

  7. And we'll never be Royals...

  8. I love MGS references a bit too much...

  9. Team Magma or Team Aqua?

  10. Today in church one of the speakers subtly condemned same sex marriage. Remind me why I put up with that place again?

  11. "In one word, yes. In three words, yes it is. In four words, yes it is yes."

  12. I guess you guys are right. If I'm going to use other people's names, it's only fair they know mine.

  13. Where I can I find the update your status thing?

  14. Where I can I find the update your status thing?

  15. Amoongus show off their Poké Ball caps to lure prey, but very few Pokémon are fooled by this. Does this mean that Amoongus real prey is humans?

  16. Ar-See-Us or Arch-Ee-Us?

  17. Mondays suck.

  18. I keep choking on water....

  19. Why did I even make my server if Reborn goes up again right away.

  20. Divergent was absolutely amazing.

  21. Divergent was absolutely amazing.

  22. -Lance's Theme plays-

  23. Who's going to see an advance screening of Divergent tonight? THIS GUYYYYY!~

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