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Status Updates posted by Xemnas007

  1. Anyone here who plays Final Fantasy Brave Exvius???


  2. Whose your best character in Tales of Berseria??


  3. Tales Of Berseria would have made some characters as DLC.. I believe Shigure would be a badass one tho

    1. Wolfox


      you mean Azura's Shigure or another one?

  4. Still wondering how some of the unobtainable Pokemon's got out ?!

    1. seki108


      People who know how to use RPG maker either hacked them in or activated the events to get them.  You don't even need hacking to get Deino.  All you need is to get two more Dark Material pieces from others.

    2. Xemnas007


      Ahhhh now I get it.. It got me thinking for a while now. Thanks.

    3. Combat


      I forgot if some of them are from previous episodes too.

  5. Anyone with a Deino?? I'll give a shiny riolu

  6. Anyone up for trading??

  7. Heyy guys just asking already finished the 9th gym in reborn so was just contemplating on picking Typhilosion or Arcanine??

    1. Dreamy


      IMO Typhlosion has a narrow scope of use, but is super powerful within it (he can basically solo a certain couple of fights) but Arcanine will probably be more versatile, as long as you plan out its moveset decently (lots of pre-evolution exclusive moves)

  8. Playing Pokemon Rejuvenation and I have no idea on picking among swablu or noibat??  Suggestions needed 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Xemnas007


      Yeaa but tried looking for Yamask and no clue at all and power split seems like the best alternative.. Thanks for the help

    3. laggless01


      Yamask is found in the Goldenleaf Gym. Also, since you're at this point in the game, I suggest you catch a male Rattata/Raticate, level him up until he learns Endeavour, then breed it with a Phanpy until you get one with Pickup. Bonus points if you then breed female offspring with a Seel (Game Corner) which learned Ice Shard.
      Trust me, you'll thank me at some point.

    4. Xemnas007


      Actually got passed all the way and currently facing Angie 

  9. Having some kind of argument with some friends right now so, if a pokemon war would happen to your opinions which type will conquer??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. CURIE


      Faries also have one of the most OP legendaries of all.  Plus, her mere presence makes all of them way stronger.


      Although the dragons also have a legendary whose presence reverses that effect... too bad the fairy legendary STILL 1v1s him anyway.

    3. Tartar


      Excuse Me Sir, do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Normal type Arceus?

    4. Xemnas007


      Arceus wont be able to handle the whole dragons even as a "God" he definitely has his limits.. However Psychic would also be a danger zone due to Mewtwo and Mew 

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