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CURIE last won the day on September 25 2023

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  • Birthday 07/12/1995

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  1. If I were making a Pokemon fangame and wanted a story required battle where you could only take in a certain number of Pokemon, like say two or three, is there a way to do that in Pokemon essentials or would I have to make the code for it myself?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well I mean you could have it just read that and as a result ask if you just send 3 mons to the box. Kinda like in Gen 5, when you Catch Zekrom or REshir it asks if you want to keep it in your party. ((granted... you'd have to not have there be any travelling back out of the area and have you end up somewhere you can plop your team back together.))

    3. CURIE


      Nah, the idea was that it would be like a regular random trainer battle, except a one-on-one or such. Sending someone back to the PC would leave you with that many fewer Pokemon for the rest of the route.

    4. Lord Chespin

      Lord Chespin

      I think Pokemon Solar Light and Lunar Dark did that, so, yeah, I guess.

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