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CURIE last won the day on September 25 2023

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  • Birthday 07/12/1995

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  1. Every time I read or hear something about renewable energy or how fossil fuels are bad, it reminds me why I wanna do physics. We've been on the verge of efficient nuclear fusion for years now, and if we can actually cross that threshold no one will ever use fossil fuels again. They'll be replaced by an infinite, completley clean source of energy that's a thousand times more powerful.

    1. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      To say we're on the verge is rather exaggerated. We're still probably at least 100 years away, and that's being optimistic.

    2. CURIE


      Well, not according to the guys who are actually working on it, at least

    3. zimvader42


      Be careful with those predictions. The people who claimed they would be developing custom, cell impression-made human organs for transplant in about 10 years... said so almost 10 years ago from now.

      Not saying it wouldn't be lovely to have the world sustained by 100% clean nuclear energy, but we still got a looong way to go and lots of problems, both social and technical, to solve before even getting there

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