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Posts posted by Abyssreaper99

  1. 2 hours ago, Ermac said:

    Ok, i don't understand why Zero, Blake and Fern isn't going to jail for they atrocities actions? Especially Zero and Blake. 

    So basically any Meteor affiliated characters are free from jail for a multitude of reasons. Part of it would likely be having to help out with the UB situation and not causing havoc again. Plus as well Zero, Blake and Fern wouldn't have committed those atrocities without the orders of Lin and Sirius (Solaris never wanted Meteor to head in the violent direction it did, he intended to scare away citizens of Reborn but he isn't without his violent moments). Fern's involvement with Meteor was due to abandonment (emotional and physical) from his sister and wanting to prove a point to her. As shown in the last conversation in Victory Road, Lin exploited those feelings and took advantage of Florinia's blocked off emotional state to twist her words to harm Fern.

    Plus a lot of Meteors joined the team under Solaris' helm since when he led it, there was a promise of a new world that was better than this current one. Lots of Meteors come from situations of poor or no families. You can see the shift in lots of Meteor grunts dialogue later on that they're staying on in fear of what could happen to them rather than pursuing that dream once the intentions of Meteor changed (when Lin and Sirius took over). Zero likely joined under that initial premise too but didn't have the capability to make any choices at all due to his reliance on Lumi and Eve. Ace and Eclipse are two of the notable Meteor members to question the change of directions in Meteor's goals which resulted in the latter's soul being burned by Sirius' Chandelure (unsure about Ace's fate as currently progressing through e19 on a new file).

    Blake was sort of apathetic towards everything. I think him and Cal joined Meteor initially because they were orphans iirc. Cal obviously regretted anything once he worked on his anger issues (and part of his anger problems may have also stemmed from Meteor involvement, not just his brother). Blake on the other hand didn't care either way since Meteor probably was just a job to him (likely getting paid for it). 

    And with Terra, she didn't really care about Meteor's goals either. She joined in because she was bored and wanted a hacking job if I interpretted her pre gym battle dialogue right. But who knows, Terra is Terra. Can the police really deal with her?

    One final note, the Reborn police are openly corrupt and incompetent. There may have also been some bribes in place somewhere or another.


    3 minutes ago, Egzample said:

    Have you seen a prison in the Reborn City? That's right, there is only a torture chamber (cut off from the final release I believe).

    Well there is the Jasper Ward Police Station so there's probably cells in there. And the Cult place is sorta a prison with those cells in that basement.

    • Like 1
  2. 52 minutes ago, Mr.Badass said:

    Okay but I believe by Mid March this game will be release onto the world . In addition to that , do you believe the beta will release by the mid March or later this month .

    I'm going to say something here, Alpha has effectively been split into two right now since only the three dev teams are testing at the minute. Reborn staff and other selected Alpha members haven't even started testing yet plus Rejuv's testing took around a month for beta due to the sheer amount of content in v13. So honestly beta dates are unknown right now. Plus the wider community don't get to participate in beta, only trusted members within the patreon folks. When the dev team say "hey folks, this is the earliest we expect e19 to release", it means that Spring is the earliest expected date. Putting end of March at the absolute earliest which I doubt it would be considering how vigorous testing is (speaking from experience in being in the Alpha and Beta teams of v13 and beta team of e18 here). 

    I could fire off a random date for when beta will start and there's a 99% chance that I will be wrong. Just have a little patience, we've waited several years for e19 what's a few months more

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  3. 1 hour ago, Mr.Badass said:

    Wow the devs are close to finishing the game . However I expect this to be another 5 weeks . 

    Cass said Spring so I'd say late April at the absolute earliest but I feel like it will be longer since the dev team want to ensure no bugs have managed to get around the forking like what happened in Rejuv testing.

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  4. 34 minutes ago, Mr.Badass said:

    However , I’ll appreciate he’ll be put to death for the consequences of his actions or Florina.

    I mean that is a bit extreme... Please do respect when people ask for a topic change though as many people were clearly getting uncomfortable with the way the conversation was going.

  5. 46 minutes ago, Vhein said:

    So, this is a spoiler about Legend of Arceus.


    But someone took inspiration from Zumi it seems :


      Hide contents

    Légendes Pokémon : Arceus | Histoire | Site officiel | Pokémon


    Am i the only one thinking she kinda resemble 

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    at the age of like 16-17 ?


    That the first thing that poped in my mind when i first saw her lol.


    Nah she's 


    the ancestor of Mars


    • Like 1
  6. 11 hours ago, 0ris said:

    This looks fun, but I wonder if I'm a bit old for this sort of thing. Discord in general makes me feel ancient, but I might stop by.

    Are these things voice-chat or just text-based?

    There's both vcs and text channels.

  7. On 11/16/2021 at 10:27 PM, Dark Eclipse said:

    Yes, but, Amethyst generally likes to keep trainers using their own types, instead of making the teams a mess.

    Very late but it's been alluded to that e4 members can use more than one type since when Ame mentions Bennett's ascention to the e4, she says types not type

    • Upvote 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Outside Indoorsman said:

    I was considering starting a new game file when Episode 19 was dropped, to see what's changed. Well, after I use my two current save files (one for each Route), and see what Lin's got waiting for us...

    Does anyone else have similar plans?

    I personally will since I know some things have been tweaked and updated. 

  9. 4 hours ago, nguyengiangoc said:

    In Radical Red, some of the boss fights switch randomly between two teams. I think that feature can be incorporated into Reborn to increase the level of bs the devs can throw at us players.

    Well we already have trainers with different teams (ie Amaria, Corey and Solaris) depending on certain conditions. 

  10. Hi so I'll break this down into bullet points to address some of your concerns:

    1. You can now speedup using the m button, I think you should be able to map controls with f1 but don't quote me on that
    2. I think Emerald is the least dodgy font. This is a known issue btw.
    3. I don't recall there being anything wrong with the increase/decrease game speed.
  11. 1 hour ago, MarcosShin said:

    Well, once i downloaded the game and attempted to run it well, i just got the windows pop up message that its not compatible with my windows version which it is 32 bits which it makes me think that the game is now for 64 bits machines and as i saw the OpenGL requirement is 2.0+ and in my end is 1.1, with the previous version i didnt had issues though so yeah. I dont know if they chose to stop supporting the game or something.


    Being in a cliffhanger rn on the story-

    Yeah new engine that Rejuv runs on doesn't support 32 bit machines. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, lemonanom said:

    So I started a new save file and older pokemon available in gen 8 still have their gen 7 learnsets after updating in my game. These are pokemon that are available in the base gen 8 games (like klink and pidove). I have downloaded the 0.2 patch. IDK if pre-gen 8 mons haven't been updated yet or if this is an actual issue. I'm also using the legacy sprite (the one that you get if you put the 1111 code in) so idk if this is related or not.  

    Most pre-gen 8 mons are getting their learnsets sorted in 13.5.

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