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Tomas Elliot

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Status Updates posted by Tomas Elliot

  1. Ceph, Red, don't go away, I'm about to post the new Se7en announcement...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Red_Chaos


      really O.O, could have swore ive told people i live in the middle of nowhere....

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Yeah but you used that very term, "middle of nowhere", which is kinda vague... I didn't know it was an actual country area, with farm work to do etc. Reminds me of my own hometown.

    4. Red_Chaos


      yeah i guess it is weird when you think about it, sometimes i can try googling my house and google maps can't find it :o


  3. Random Cold Steel thought #53: welp, with Loa Wasteoftimeonius out of the way, the moment of truth draws near: Laura or Towa?

  4. Random Cold Steel thought #52: stupid school festival murdering my framerate...

  5. Random Cold Steel thought #51: welp, here we go. The final chapter. I wonder if it will offend me less, now that I know in advance what I'm in for?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. YinYang9705


      Oh wow that sounds terrible, I'm shocked it's like that.

    3. Commander


      To be fair, Trails in the sky is like that as well. The first game is the build up while the second is where a lot of action happens.

    4. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      I guess... Although I still haven't gotten around to playing that, so I wouldn't know.

  6. Random Cold Steel thought #50: judging from a translation of the drama CD I found online, the trip to Ymir was pretty important for everyone's development, why did they leave it out of the game? Makes the last chapter feel even more rushed than it already did <.<

  7. Random Cold Steel thought #49: so let me get this straight: Claire decided to wear a ridiculously form-fitting dress, with a killer cleavage window, to AVOID attracting attention? You are doing it wrong, girl.

  8. Random Cold Steel thought #48: it took two playthroughs, but I think I have finally figured out the best way to use Alisa in combat. This leaves Gaius as the only party member I haven't figured out yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      There aren't many of those for this particular game, mostly because, thanks to the Master Quartz system, each character can be adapted to many roles, so nobody feels like going thrugh the bother of listing them all.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Problem is, while each character can be adapted to many roles, I was able to find one role for each character, in which they give their absolute best, and manage to shine... Except Gaius. No matter what I have him do, there is somebody else who can do it better.

    4. YinYang9705


      Well....try to find out were his stats lie, and allocate him appropriately then

  9. Random Cold Steel thought #47: can't shake the feeling that the whole "rematch with Sara" thing was done exclusively to have an excuse to show off her body, by having her lay on the ground to catch her breath after the battle... Not that I'm complaining!

  10. Random Cold Steel thought #46: Chapter 6 is basically dedicated to making you want to romance Towa, isn't it?

  11. Random Cold Steel thought #45: Sara and Scarlet in the same scene. *drools*

  12. Random Cold Steel thought #44: so basically we save Garrelia Fortress in the proverbial nick of time, only for it to be blown up anyway two months later, and to make things worse, it happens off-screen. It's kinda anti-climatic, and makes me feel like my actions were pointless <.<

    1. Felicity
    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Except this isn't life, this is a scripted plot. The consistent lack of accomplishments in the final part of the game (as in, you never achieve anything relevant, the plot keeps flowing regardless of what you do, and the ending pretty much negates the entire game) is a glaring issue of this otherwise great game. That's poor scriptwriting, nothing more, nothing less.

    3. Maelstrom
  13. Random Cold Steel thought #43: Elliot's family has got to be the funniest thing in the entire game. His reunion with his dad is absolutely hilarious, gets me every time...

  14. Random Cold Steel thought #42: TFW you know you are in for the single most annoying boss battle in the game, and you keep procrastinating because you don't feel like dealing with that...

    1. YinYang9705


      Oh god can I ever relate to this feeling.

  15. Random Cold Steel thought #41: Laura's dad is such a cool guy. Between his easygoing demeanor, the precious advice he gives to Rean, and the beaming smile Laura has around him (she's so cute), you ALMOST forget how annoying it is, to have two hopeless boss battles in a row against him...

  16. Random Cold Steel thought #40: the reward for the first quest in Legram better be the TM for Defog.

  17. Random Cold Steel thought #39: am I weird for shipping Sara with Neithart? Or for wishing Misty was a date option, for that matters?

  18. Random Cold Steel thought #38: is it just me, or Principal Vandyck's messages get snarkier with every new request he makes?

  19. Random Cold Steel thought #37: when Millium introduces herself to the class, she bows... And the huge scary robot that always follows her around bows in unison with her. That's got to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

  20. Random Cold Steel thought #36: Scarlet's introduction makes me cry tears of pain and frustration every time. Why must the hottest ladies in this game be evil, lesbians, or both?

  21. Random Cold Steel thought #35: the optional bonding event with Sara, at the abandoned bracer guild, is so sweet. I am particularly glad I got to see it, because I missed it during my first playthrough.

  22. Turns out Beowulf has a rather bad match-up with Double. Considering that I hate the guy, this makes resident eldritch abomination my fav character in the cast.

    1. Nova


      Beowulf is really annoying. Yay for Double~

  23. Random Cold Steel thought #34: maybe I am too sensitive on this kind of matters, but the stunt Alfin pulled to get Rean to dance with her at the Summer Festival (basically forcing him to choose between hurting the feelings of the people closest to him, or pissing off the imperial family) completely killed her likeability for me. It's too easy to be a prankster, when you are an imperial princess who can use her status to get away with everything...

  24. Random Cold Steel thought #33: you know you did an awful job at handling a family situation when FIE, of all people, lectures you about it. Highlight of the whole ordeal remains Crow calling Patrick "Patastrophe" tho.

    1. Commander


      I still need to do that quest when I replay it. You gotta love the Crow moments though.

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      The "quest" I am talking about is a mandatory one (you know, when Elise nearly gets killed by the giant mecha thing. So I doubt you would have missed it on first playthrough :P

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