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Status Updates posted by Nan

  1. It's already 24th December so: Hyvää joulua, God Jul, Frohe Weihnachten, メリー クリスマス and Merry Christmas. ;)

    1. Damiano


      Merry Christmas to you as well, future person.

  2. RIP PS2 controller you have served me well.... now I have to buy DMC HD collection for PS3 because I want to play those games..........

  3. Meh I got bored being Thranduil so I changed back, but I'm keeping my icon haha..

  4. Finland's Prime Minister said no for the new trans law because not all politic parties accept it.... I want to cry now..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GotWala


      Gah, this is going to sound blunt and/or insensitive, but do you think you can endure this time of strife? As it stands, that appears to be your only option if you have none of the means to change or leave your country. Persevere until your home catches up to the present; that's the only thing I can offer, I'm afraid...

    3. Nan


      Well I'm not sure can I endure all this.. but I doubt that if our Prime Minister still says that all politic parties must agree on this then Finland won't get ever this new law passed.. I feel so angry isn't this supposed to be democratic country.. why can't they discuss and vote about this... urgh. I really feel miserable now.. I mean I hate it when my country says that everyone is important expect if you're part of some minority you're not important.. sigh.

    4. GotWala


      Damn, well I can only hope things work out eventually. Try to pull through, eh? I believe in your ability to overcome this terrible situation!

  5. I just went out in my underwear twice because my dog wanted to pee... twice. It's only -1°C outside wow it was cold. But luckily it's only 1.40 so it would have been embarrassing if someone would have seen me.... but yeah I didn't have any time to put any clothes on becase my dog was like I'm going to pee on the floor in 5... 4... you know ?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nan


      @Tomas Elliot

      Yeah I had to by the way it was funny to see that when I was visiting Italy in March everyone was wearing wintercoats and it was like +18°C and it felt like summer haha. But I understand it feels like a shock since Finland is in the north while Italy is in the southern Europe.

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Yeah, people from northern Europe are the butt of many jokes in Italy for wearing light clothing in early spring and/or in late autumn... But still, underwear in Finland? You are suicidal, pal!

    4. Nan


      Actually it's understandable since isn't Italian summers like +40°C ? I mean if Finland had summers like that I would die probably.. Well I used to be suicidal but I'm not sure about it anymore but I know I should have put some clothes on. Let's hope I don't get a flu or something like that haha.

  6. Okay I just noticed that almost all of my dept. store stickers are gone..... Now I have only 3...... What happened.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. GotWala


      Eh, what can you do, right?

    3. Nan


      I'll start clearing South Aventurine Forest tomorrow.. now I'm way too tired to do it.. also my game started to lag haha

    4. Mikzal


      I'm pretty sure the sticker count reset for everyone no matter what. Good thing I hadnt cleaned out that forest at all so it gave me a reason to

  7. ..Gym leader was difficult.. but luckily I managed to win on the 2nd try with my trustworthy Serperior.

  8. I just woke up.. it's 10.57 and episode 14 is released. Nice.

    1. Cepheus


      same for me... just woke up... feel terrible... Episode 14?? WOHOOOOO!!! :D

    2. Nan


      Same. It always feels like Christmas or birthday when a new episode is released haha.

  9. I'm not sure did a middle-aged woman call me a whore or did she say hello to me. I mean I didn't hear did she say moro=hello or horo=whore........ But I think she indeed called me a whore since looked at me like I was an idiot or something like that...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nan


      Yeah they're indeed wonderful...

    3. Maelstrom


      She's just jealous you're still young and pretty. Just throwing that out there.

    4. Nan


      Thanks haha. To be honest I almost said same thing to you or something like that but I think it was wise to not say that.

  10. It's funny that Finnish sentence, "Kuusi palaa", means 9 different things and they don't have different pronunciations haha. Sometimes I wonder how do I even understand this language.. but languages are interesting.

  11. Just Finnish things: I want to go to ice swimming, roll in the snow and then go to warm sauna. And then repeat. Damn I want some snow. What the fuck Finland it's supposed to be winter now... where's my snow and cold weather ?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Hutch333


      And there have been 4 deaths this winter because of the snow in buffalo.

  12. Okay now I have graduated and now I'm "overeducated", ylioppilas, and it's funny when strangers are congratulating me.... Okay I knew that people respect people who graduate from lukio but I didn't know that they're that respected..

  13. Today is my graduation day. I feel really anxious urgh.

  14. I'm feeling really anxious... tomorrow I'm going to get my final report card and there's have two graduation parties.. the first one is tomorrow at school and the second one is going to be on this Saturday and that Saturday is also Finland's Independence Day. But at least I'm going to meet my friends at Saturday haha.

  15. Good Morn... day... I should start fixing my sleeping pattern because I should stop waking up at 1pm....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nan


      ..Maybe I should start taking my sleeping pills again and try to go sleep earlier..

      I know your problem.. when I was a little bit younger I had a terrible insomnia (and I guess I still have it) and I didn't get any sleep.. maybe you have insomnia too since you only sleep 4 hours ?

    3. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Welcome to the club guys :P

    4. Cornerman


      or try to sleep, after work/school and then do all the stuff you need to do. It helps me ^-^

  16. I'm going to SR myself a shiny Latias.. wish me luck !

    1. zimvader42


      Wish you luck.

    2. Jan


      Good luckm I'm SRing Zekrom and Im around 700.... god help me. (With the shiny charm, mind you.)

    3. Nan



      Thank you !


      Good luck. I hope you have a master ball because it would be horrible if it killed itself or something like that. But good luck !

  17. Okay Finland just got marriage equality but the trans law will be discussed next year, hopefully in January... but I'm laughing so much that Westboro Baptist Church is having a protest in front of Finnish Consulate because sexual minorities can get married in here soon. And now I'll continue playing AS.. I really love the dexnav feature.

    1. Kindred Oblivion

      Kindred Oblivion

      Doesn't separation of church and state (if they even have that doctrine in Finland) work both ways though? Can't the church just say "No." but people can get married how they want to legally, somewhere else where it's allowed? (i.e., another religious institution where they're OK with it or wherever else). I really don't get the butthurt about this whole issue. People need to just do their own thing.

    2. Nan


      Sexual minorities can now get married in a non-Christian way and in a Christian if the church agrees but it really depends where you live. In Finland we have that separation of church and state. Yeah I agree on that people need just continue doing their own things.

  18. I'm watching livestream about Finnish parliament discussing LGBT rights. :l I'm angry and people on twitter are angry.. luckily there's some understanding politicians though..

    1. Hypa


      so its actually being talked about then atleast thats a start public notice is a start the campaign gets enough followers then there is nothing the finnish government can do to stop a change in the law

    2. Nan


      Well now they're discussing about same-sex marriages and later on they'll talk about trans rights (but I don't know when).. but if same-sex marriages become possible then probably trans rights will be better.. I hope things are going to be better soon....

  19. Oh man December will be a busy month because of my graduation party and I have to go to buy a Finnish student cap.. I still can't believe I was able to do this.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nan


      Thank you !

    3. Cornerman


      congratulations, I now how it is to graduate it is so fun, so have the time of your life now and party all night.

      also from what did you graduated, High/Middle school?

    4. Nan



      Well there's no High/Middle school in Finland.. The English word for lukio is Upper Secondary School

      here's a link that explains what lukio is


      and the next school what I'm going to apply for is University of Applied Sciences haha. I feel old.

  20. My acquaintances cat's name is Ame.. and Ame ate her underwear haha.

    1. Hypa


      pussy eating panties thats not weird at all

    2. Nan


      I don't know much about cats but I still find it a little bit funny that a cat ate underwear.

  21. There's a Finnish version of 2048, but instead of moving number there's alcohol haha.

  22. Now I'm actually glad about that I don't have so bad English accent as some Finns....

  23. One of my biggest art-related pet peeves: When people try to draw sexy women but the anatomy is all wrong... especially with boobs.. Boobs aren't super balls or balloons.

    1. Maelstrom
    2. Rawr-Ma-Ama


      *too distracted to notice flaw in anatomy*

    3. zimvader42


      I never got female anatomy right enough; that's why the few times people have asked me to draw a sexy lady I have rapidly change the topic or asked to draw something else instead.

      However, I don't care when I draw for myself (drawing mermaids or female-like monsters, etc), so as long as I know is female I don't really care how horrible it looks XD

  24. Some Finnish pop song are so depressing I mean there's a song about a man who becomes an alcoholic and then kills his own family with an axe...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. GotWala


      After that, he became one of my brother's favorites. Personally, I like Zevon's stuff, but I'll stick to The Rolling Stones, haha.

    3. HolyKnight
    4. Nan



      Now that you mentioned The Shining there's some similarities with this song and The Shining haha.

  25. So my friend called Amnesty International and apparently the main goal is 16 000 signatures... the petition has about 11 000 signatures now and I'm really afraid it doesn't reach the goal....... I mean if things don't get better in Finland I need to move away from here urgh..

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nan


      I don't know but I hope it's not too late... Today has been a bad day because our ministers said no for the same-sex marriage.. okay there's still hope because it will be discussed next Friday but.. I'm starting to lose my hope, I mean I don't really see a bright future for people like me in Finland..

    3. HolyKnight


      You can move to other places, my friend.

    4. Nan


      I know.. I've been thinking about moving to Denmark.. I would move to Sweden but there has been some riots and other problems so Denmark would be more peaceful choice.

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