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Posts posted by Zetaark

  1. While Chise was doing her own thing to deal with the mass of fort heading their way, Sasha's mind went back to the one relic thing the pair found earlier. Considering it had been some time since, and given the transpiring events, now seemed as good a time as any to start.


    Alteration to 6, proc the explosive shot

  2. "On it then," Sasha replies as she continues her evasive maneuvers, keeping an eye on her surroundings in case something came by that she had to deal with. Upon seeing the meteor storm, Sasha decides to wish for true sight to allow her to see everything around her, normally visible or no.

  3. Lulu


    "I...see," Lulu remarks as Felicity finishes her explanation, with the creature that came out of her eye now resting in her palm. Truthfully, seeing that thing come out of her eye was rather unnerving, but she wouldn't ever admit to it if it came up. Instead she simply watched with her eyes raised as the creature made its appearance. It was at that point that she realized that if they were going to the Otherworld, they may end up with something like that with them. As such, she starts staring at the creature, idly wondering what her own symbiote might be like.


    "Will we get one of those also?"

  4. Spoiler


    (Darius has the advantage)
    (Darius has momentary bliss)
    (Rayne is supporting Darius)
    (Darius is hidden in the trees)
    (Mage 1 is hidden in the trees)

    Attack: 10
    Hit: 75%
    Crit: 4%

    Mage 1:
    Attack: 6
    Hit: 52%
    Crit: 0%

    Darius' Attack: 26, hit!
    Mage 1 takes 10 damage!
    Shield of Agony activates

    Mage 1's Attack: 72, miss.


    Taking to the trees, Darius uses the shadows to his advantage to strike the mage, while avoiding his counterattack in turn.




    (Selia is resolved)
    (Selia's veil is lifted)
    (Selia is believing in the cards)

    Attack: 15
    Hit: 100%
    Crit: 26%

    Knight 7:
    Attack: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -

    Selia's Attack 1: autohit! (6:CRIT)
    Selia defeats Knight 7 with a devastating 45 damage!




    Cheat Sheet: 



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (0/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (27/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (0/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)

    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (0/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (21/31) (P5) Elfire (29/30)
    Mage 2: (0/31) (P16) Elfire (29/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (0/28) (T6) Shine (25/30) Dissonance 1/1

    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)
    PegKnight 4: (0/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)

    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons

    Rayne: (25/27) (T9) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)
    Belros: (0/24) (U6) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30), Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (22/30)E,Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 2/3
    Emilee: (26/29) (V5) Heal (9/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)
    Darius: (20/27) (R9) Flux (36/40)E, Carrion (17/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)

    Idei: (25/27) (R16) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E
    Cass: (36/36) (U5) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 
    Myrdwyn: (25/33) (Q5) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (39/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 

    Clarisse: (0/35) (T9) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3(Rescued)
    Selia: (2/32) (O11) Ellight (12/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (10/31) (Q16) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/35) (R13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30), Elthunder (26/30)E 

    Exp Tracker: 46/100



  5. Ritsu [38/60]


    Despite being patched up a bit, Ritsu decided to spend a bit more time in repairs, just in case she was bombarded by enemy attacks once more. She revs her chainsaw once more to prepare it for the ensuing fight, then begins further repairs.


    Restoration on herself (heals 2d4 +10[INT] + 1 status ailment)



    Ritsu Stats:

    Constitution: 6
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 10 
    Strength: 10 
    Synergy: 0


    Chainsaw damage currently at: 3d4+ STR(10)


    Equipped Gear for Action slots include:

    Chainsaw (Weapon)

    Red Eco Brace (Equipment)- adds 1d4 to melee attacks.

    Precursor Mail (Armor)- 2 dr from elemental attacks



  6. Spoiler


    (Idei is inspired)
    (Helena is supporting Idei)


    Attack: 20
    Hit: 93%
    Crit: 10%

    Mage 2:
    Attack: 10
    Hit: 65%
    Crit: 0%


    Idei's Attack 1: 7, hit!
    Idei defeats Mage 2 with 20 damage!


    A clean shot was all Idei needed to send the mage off the battlefield.


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (0/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (27/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (0/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)

    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P5) Elfire (29/30)
    Mage 2: (0/31) (P16) Elfire (29/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (0/28) (T6) Shine (25/30) Dissonance 1/1
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)

    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)
    PegKnight 4: (0/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)

    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons

    Rayne: (25/27) (T9) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)
    Belros: (0/24) (U6) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30), Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (22/30)E,Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 2/3
    Emilee: (26/29) (V5) Heal (9/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)
    Darius: (20/27) (R11) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (17/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)

    Idei: (25/27) (R16) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E

    Cass: (36/36) (U5) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 
    Myrdwyn: (25/33) (T5) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (39/45)E, Devil Lance (18/20) 

    Clarisse: (0/35) (T9) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3(Rescued)
    Selia: (2/32) (Q10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (10/31) (Q16) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/35) (R13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30), Elthunder (26/30)E 

    Exp Tracker: 38/100



  7. Spoiler


    (Emilee is supporting Myrdwyn)
    (Monk 2 will attack twice)
    (Monk 2 can't handle the music)


    Attack: 21
    Hit: 69%
    Crit: 0%

    Monk 2:
    Attack: 11
    Hit: 84%
    Crit: 3%


    Myrdwyn's Attack 1: 21, hit!
    Myrdwyn defeats Monk 2 with 21 damage!


    With a swing of her lance, Myrdwyn finishes the job Belros started, defeating the monk.


    [Enemy Phase]


    Fencer 1 Moves to Q11 and attacks Selia



    Fencer 1:
    Attack: 18
    Hit: 80%
    Crit: 4%

    Attack: 12
    Hit: 78%
    Crit: 6%


    Fencer 1's Attack: 25, hit!
    Selia takes 18 damage!
    Selia's third eye is blinded!


    Selia's Attack: 57, hit!
    Selia defeats Fencer 1 with 12 damage!


    The fencer strikes Selia with a strong blow, staggering her for a moment. However, she still manages to retaliate, catching the fencer off guard and taking him out of the fight.

    Knight 2 Moves to R15 and attacks Madante



    (Knight 2 has the advantage)
    (Madante is inspiring others)
    (Madante will attack twice)
    (Madante will deal effective damage)


    Knight 2:
    Attack: 13
    Hit: 74%
    Crit: 1%

    Attack: 14
    Hit: 89%
    Crit: 12%


    Knight 2's Attack, 97, miss


    Madante's Attack 1: 90, miss.


    Madante's Attack 2: 49, hit!
    Madante's sword glows (25)
    Knight 2 takes an effective 14 damage!


    Madante and the knight attempt to trade blows, but they both end up clashing and doing nothing. Seeing an opportunity, Madante moves in for a second strike, which is able to injure the knight a bit.

    Mage 1 Moves to Q8 and attacks Selia



    (Mage 1 has the advantage)

    (Mage 1 is hidden in the trees)
    (Selia's veil is lifted)
    (Selia's third eye is blinded)


    Mage 1:
    Attack: 10
    Hit: 92%
    Crit: 0%

    Attack: 0
    Hit: 44%
    Crit: 9%


    Mage 1's Attack: 86, hit!
    Selia takes 10 damage!


    Selia's Attack: 80, miss.


    The mage hides in the forest and strikes at Selia, injuring her with his magic. Selia tries to retaliate, but between the trees and her prior injury, her attack doesn't reach her target.


    Mage 2 Moves to P16 


    [Ally Phase]


    Madante Moves to Q16 and attacks Mage 2



    (Madante is inspiring others)


    Attack: 16
    Hit: 93%
    Crit: 9%

    Mage 2:
    Attack: 14
    Hit: 84%
    Crit: 3%


    Madante's Attack: 54, hit!
    Madante's sword glows (32)
    Mage 2 takes 16 damage!

    Mage 2's Attack: 23, hit!
    Madante takes 14 damage!


    Madante and the mage trade blows, each taking a noticeable amount of damage.


    Helena Moves to R13 and attacks Knight 2 with Elthunder



    (Darius is supporting Helena)
    (Helena will attack twice)


    Attack: 24
    Hit: 90%
    Crit: 23%

    Knight 2: 
    Attack: - 
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Helena's Attack 1: 12, hit! (22: CRIT!)
    Helena defeats Knight 2 with a devastating 72 damage!


    Slightly frustrated with her string of missed strikes, Helena brings out her thunder tome and strikes at the knight. Between the thunder and the suit of metal the knight possessed, the knight crumpled to the ground, very injured, but barely able to crawl off the battlefield.


    Turn 5


    Shield of Agony fades

    Emilee heals for 6 HP
    Cass heals for 13 HP


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (0/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (27/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (0/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)

    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (Q8) Elfire (29/30)
    Mage 2: (15/31) (P16) Elfire (29/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (0/28) (T6) Shine (25/30) Dissonance 1/1
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)

    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)
    PegKnight 4: (0/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)

    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons

    Rayne: (25/27) (T9) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (0/24) (U6) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30), Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (22/30)E,Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 2/3
    Emilee: (26/29) (V5) Heal (9/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (R11) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (17/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)

    Idei: (25/27) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E

    Cass: (36/36) (U5) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (25/33) (T5) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (39/45)E, Devil Lance (18/20) 

    Clarisse: (0/35) (T9) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3(Rescued)
    Selia: (2/32) (Q10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (10/31) (Q16) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/35) (R13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30), Elthunder (26/30)E 

    Exp Tracker: 33/100 level up!



  8. "Well this is certainly something," Sasha muttered, rather surprised that the words on that letter led to this situation. She made a mental note of it for the future, since it could be useful, but then focuses her attention to the battle at hand. It seems the wish for stealth had passed, but the mononoke hadn't quite noticed them yet. Nor had anyone else, the newly revealed sniper included. And for the moment, Sasha was going to try and keep it that way for a little while longer at least, steering the pair out of immediate sight of anyone, but not out of range for Chise to do her thing.

  9. Spoiler


    (Myrdwyn has the higher ground)
    (Emilee is supporting Myrdwyn)
    (Pegasus Knight 4 will attack twice)


    Attack: 17
    Hit: 80%
    Crit: 1%

    Pegasus Knight 4:
    Attack: 5
    Hit: 80%
    Crit: 0%


    Myrdwyn's Attack: 77, hit!
    Myrdwyn defeats Pegasus Knight 4 with 17 damage!


    Healed and ready to fight, Myrdwyn strikes the injured pegasus knight out of the air before returning back to her allies.



    (Belros is loyal)
    (Emilee is supporting Belros)
    (Belros will attack twice)
    (Monk 2 can't handle the music)


    Attack: 15
    Hit: 94%
    Crit: 18%

    Monk 2:
    Attack: 14
    Hit: 51%
    Crit: 0%


    Belros' Attack 1: 65, hit!
    Monk 2 takes 15 damage!


    Monk 2's Attack: 27, hit!
    Monk 2 downs Belros with 14 damage!


    Belros takes the chance to strike the monk with his knives. Though his first strike lands true, the monk retaliates quickly with a burst of light magic, taking Belros down before he could get another hit in.


    ((Cass Moves to U5 and refreshes Emilee and Myrdwyn))


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (8/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P5) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P21) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (13/28) (T6) Shine (26/30) Dissonance 1/1
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)
    PegKnight 4: (0/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)

    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons

    Rayne: (3/24) (T9) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)
    Belros: (0/23) (U6) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (22/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3

    Emilee: (20/28) (V5) Heal (10/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)
    Darius: (20/27) (R11) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (17/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)

    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E

    Cass: (31/35) (U5) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 
    Myrdwyn: (25/32) (T5) Heavy Lance (17/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (40/45)E, Devil Lance (18/20) 

    Clarisse: (0/34) (Q11) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3(Rescued)
    Selia: (30/31) (Q10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (R14) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (Q13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 9/100 level up!



  10. Spoiler


    (Darius has momentary bliss)
    (Darius is inspired)
    (Helena is supporting Darius)

    Attack: 22
    Hit: 71%
    Crit: 6%

    Fencer 1:
    Attack: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Darius' Attack: 21, hit!
    Fencer 1 takes 22 damage!

    Shield of Agony activates!


    Backed by his allies, Darius lands his magic onto the fencer, who recoils in pain from the force of the strike.


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (8/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P5) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P21) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (T6) Shine (26/30)
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)

    PegKnight 4: (3/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (3/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (11/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) 
    Emilee: (20/28) (V5) Heal (10/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (R11) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (17/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (31/35) (V7) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (0/34) (Q11) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3
    Selia: (30/31) (Q10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (R14) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (Q13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 99/100




  11. While Sasha was going around in her infiltration route, Immanuel seemed to have gotten himself into quite the mess. As she thought about what actions to take next, her attention was grabbed by Chise's remark.

    "Unseal you huh? If I knew how that would be great. As for a letter...oh yeah, there was one," Sasha remarked, recalling the rather brief message on there. "I don't recall much being on the letter though. All it said was 'Hope you enjoy'," Sasha remarked in an dry tone before recalling something else about the letter, something she had asked about. "Oh wait, there was something else written there too. Squeamish Ossifrage if I recall correctly. Does that mean anything to you?" She asks, hoping it leads to something useful.

  12. Spoiler


    (Selia is believing in the cards)

    Attack: 12 
    Hit: 78%
    Crit: 16%

    Fencer 1:
    Attack: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -

    Selia's Attack: 98, miss.


    Selia attempts to strike the fencer with an orb of light, but he manages to evade the attack with ease.


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (30/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P5) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P21) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (T6) Shine (26/30)
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)

    PegKnight 4: (3/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (3/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (11/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) 
    Emilee: (20/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (U13) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (31/35) (V7) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (3/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (0/34) (Q11) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3
    Selia: (30/31) (Q10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (R14) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (Q13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 94/100



  13. Lulu


    Lulu half came to expect her question to not be answered in its intended way, though its not like she cared much about the answer anyhow. Where her last bit of pizza came from wasn't too important, though she still had to ask, if only for the sake of knowing. As Felicity began to write down a bunch of numbers, Lulu didn't have much of an idea of where this was going. When she noticed a few notable dates, she still had no idea, but was intrigued nonetheless. One of her birthdays, where she got one of Felicity's books as a gift from a relative, the day she started high school, the time she got asked out and shortly after dumped. The dates of those events, and the names of people who were involved were present, causing Lulu to raise an eyebrow to the author before her.


    'I take it this is what she meant when she asked what we were giving up,' she thinks to herself, scanning over all the dates, but still remaining silent.

  14. Spoiler


    (Idei will deal effective damage)
    (Helena is supporting Idei)

    (Idei is inspired)

    (Pegasus Knight 3 will secure two hits)


    Attack: 24
    Hit: 82%
    Crit: 9%

    Pegasus Knight 5:
    Attack: 6
    Hit: 63%
    Crit: 2%


    Idei's Attack: 80, hit!
    Idei defeats Pegasus Knight 3 with an effective 24 damage!


    Inspired by his allies' efforts, and determined to aid his team, Idei aims one shot, which lands true and takes the pegasus knight out of the fight.


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (30/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P5) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P21) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (T6) Shine (26/30)
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (0/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)

    PegKnight 4: (3/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (3/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (11/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) 
    Emilee: (20/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (U13) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (31/35) (V7) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (3/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (0/34) (Q11) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3
    Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (R14) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (Q13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 93/100





  15. "Success. Looks like the shot went through with no problems. Good job!" Sasha remarks, praising Chise for her assistance in navigating the shot. "Now then, time to move on to the next one. I'll be counting on you for navigation to avoid any obstacles all right?" Sasha asks as she pulls away from the fortress they were at, moving on to the next fortress that isn't immediately around the ensuing combat from the others. Though she wasn't about to break stealth yet, she would take passing glances to see if anything unusual was occurring.

  16. Spoiler


    (Myrdwyn has the advantage)
    (Emilee is supporting Myrdwyn)
    (Myrdwyn will deal effective damage)


    Attack: 26
    Hit: 95%
    Crit: 5%

    Knight 1:
    Attack: 7
    Hit: 57%
    Crit: 0%


    Myrdwyn's Attack: 9, hit!
    Myrdwyn defeats Knight 1 with an effective 26 damage!


    Myrdwyn's tip managed to force the injured knight to reflect on the combat outside of the courtyard, as he was too injured to continue fighting.


    [Enemy Phase]


    Pegasus Knight 4 takes 4 damage from poison
    Pegasus Knight 4 is no longer poisoned

    Fencer 1 Moves to P11 and attacks Clarisse



    (Fencer 1 has the advantage)
    (Fencer 1 will attack twice)
    (Rayne is supporting Clarisse)


    Fencer 1:
    Attack: 9
    Hit: 92%
    Crit: 0%

    Attack: 23
    Hit: 43%
    Crit: 5%


    Fencer 1's Attack 1: 24, hit!
    Clarisse takes 9 damage!


    Clarisse's Attack: 45, miss.


    Fencer 1's Attack 2: 91, hit!
    Fencer 1 downs Clarisse with 9 damage!


    Deciding the time to strike was now, the fencer went towards Clarisse, landing two blows and dodging Clarisse's axe narrowly, allowing him to defeat the fighter.

    Pegasus Knight 3 Moves to S14 and attacks Rayne, then Canto to Q14



    (Pegasus Knight 3 will secure two hits)
    (Rayne is inspired)
    (Darius is supporting Rayne)


    Pegasus Knight 3:
    Attack: 9
    Hit: 60%
    Crit: 0%

    Attack: 11
    Hit: 91%
    Crit: 5%


    Pegasus Knight 3's Attack 1: 79, miss.


    Pegasus Knight 3's Attack 2: 27, hit!
    Rayne takes 9 damage!


    Rayne's Attack: 73, hit!
    Pegasus Knight 3 takes 11 damage!
    Rayne's eyes glimmer (90)


    The other pegasus knight moves in and attempts to toss two pilums at Rayne before falling back. One misses its target completely, while the other manages to hit its mark. In return, Rayne sends a javelin their way, injuring the rider.


    Monk 3 Moves to S14 and attacks Rayne



    (Rayne is protected by a feathery down)
    (Rayne is inspired)
    (Darius is supporting Rayne)


    Monk 3:
    Attack: 3
    Hit: 59%
    Crit: 0%

    Attack: 15
    Hit: 91%
    Crit: 3%


    Monk 3's Attack: 60, miss.


    Rayne's Attack: 61, hit!
    Monk 3 takes 15 damage!
    Rayne's eyes glimmer (50)


    The monk, seeing an opening, tries to defeat the injured pegasus knight, but Rayne manages to avoid the ball of light and give the monk a javelin in return.

    Monk 2 Moves to T6 and attacks Myrdwyn



    (Emilee is supporting Myrdwyn)

    Attack: 11
    Hit: 88%
    Crit: 3%

    Attack: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Monk 2's Attack 1: 30, hit!
    Myrdwyn takes 11 damage!


    Monk 2's Attack 2: 62, hit!
    Myrdwyn takes 11 damage!


    The other monk actually hits with their magic, injuring Myrdwyn with two balls of light.

    Pegasus Knight 4 Moves to U6, attacks Emilee, then Canto to S6



    (Pegasus Knight 4 will attack twice)
    (Belros is supporting Emilee)

    Pegasus Knight 4:
    Attack: 14
    Hit: 50%
    Crit: 0%

    Attack: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Pegasus Knight 4's Attack 1: 19, hit!
    Emilee takes 14 damage!


    Pegasus Knight 4's Attack 2: 52, miss.


    Though injured, the pegasus knight tries to aim for the healer. Though one javelin hits its mark, the other goes wide, and the pegasus knight attempts to fall back as far as they can.


    Mage 1 Moves to P5


    Mage 2 Moves to P21


    Knight 2 Moves to R16


    Knight 7 Moves to M11


    Knight 8 Moves to M15


    [Ally Phase]

    Madante Moves to R14 and attacks Monk 3 with Allegretto



    (Madante is inspiring others)
    (Monk 3 will attack twice)

    Attack: 15
    Hit: 82%
    Crit: 6%

    Monk 3:
    Attack: 10
    Hit: 80%
    Crit: 11%


    Madante's Attack: 54, hit!
    Madante's sword glows (79)
    Madante defeats Monk 3 with 15 damage!


    Madante moves behind the monk and strikes them with his sword, forcing them to exit the battlefield.

    Helena Moves to R13 and attacks Pegasus Knight 3 with Elwind



    (Helena will deal effective damage)
    (Helena is inspired)
    (Pegasus Knight 3 is protected by a feathery down)

    Attack: 17
    Hit: 88%
    Crit: 0%

    Pegasus Knight 3:
    Attack: -
    Hit: -
    Crit: -


    Helena's Attack: 95, miss.


    Helena attempts to finish the nearby pegasus knight with wind magic, but the gales fail to hit their target.


    Turn 4

    Cass heals for 13 HP
    Emilee heals for 6 HP
    Anthropomancy fully fades


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (30/30) (P11) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (0/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R16) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (M11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (M15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P5) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P21) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (T6) Shine (26/30)
    Monk 3: (0/28) (S14) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)

    PegKnight 3: (15/26) (Q14) Iron Pilum (39/40)
    PegKnight 4: (3/26) (S6) Iron Javelin (41/45) 
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (3/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (8/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (11/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) 
    Emilee: (20/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (U13) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (31/35) (V7) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (3/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (0/34) (Q11) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20) Downed 3/3
    Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (R14) Allegretto (-)E, Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (Q13) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 88/100



  17. Spoiler


    (Clarisse has the advantage)
    (Rayne is supporting Clarisse)
    (Pegasus Knight 2 will attack twice)

    Attack: 22
    Hit: 73%
    Crit: 8%

    Pegasus Knight 2:
    Attack: 3
    Hit: 60%
    Crit: 0%


    Clarisse's Attack: 7, hit!
    Clarisse defeats Pegasus Knight 2 with 22 damage!


    With a wide swing, Clarisse defeats the injured pegasus knight, forcing them to withdraw.


    ((Cass moves to V7 and bards Myrdwyn))


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (11/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (0/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)

    PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (11/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) 
    Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (U13) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (18/35) (V7) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (16/34) (Q11) Poleaxe (17/20), Iron Axe (41/45)E, Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
    Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 68/100




  18. Spoiler


    (Rayne is inspired)
    (Rayne is protected by a feathery down)
    (Clarisse is supporting Rayne)


    Attack: 16
    Hit: 76%
    Crit: 8%

    Monk 1:
    Attack: 3
    Hit: 54%
    Crit: 0%


    Rayne's Attack: 7, hit!
    Rayne defeats Monk 1 with 16 damage!


    A small poke from a javelin was all that was needed to force the injured monk to withdraw from battle.


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (11/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
    PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
    PegKnight 2: (2/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (0/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3
    Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (18/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (16/34) (T12) Poleaxe (17/20)E, Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
    Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 59/100



  19. Lulu


    "Very well," she responds in a soft voice as she decides to take some of the food. Though she didn't mind pizza per say, its not what she would have preferred as a potential last meal. A seafood buffet would be much more to her liking. Sadly for her, there was none, so she had to make do, taking a few slices of pizza and breadsticks before moving back to her seat and eating.


    "Good enough,"she mutters while eating a slice of pizza. It wasn't bad pizza by any means, but still not her preferred last meal. "Where's it from?"

  20. Lulu


    The sight of the mansion that Felicity was in seemed fitting, considering her works. Both inside and out, the place felt like something out of a horror story, and with each step further inside, she grew just a bit more excited about what was to come. Not so much that it showed, but she certainly thought that what would come next would be worth the trip.


    When Felicity finally arrived though...her appearance could technically be considered horrific in a certain light. What it did manage to do however was shatter the image of both the mansion and Felicity in Lulu's mind in one fell swoop. Her expression soured just a bit, but she decided to cast that off right when Felicity asked one of the other girls present a strange question.


    Though not directed at her, she did think about the question briefly, but not enough to come up with a real answer. She would die when she died, the how didn't matter so much for her. Either way, right now, she wasn't dead, and was in the presence of one of her favorite authors, so the least she could do is introduce herself.


    "Lulu Reyes. A pleasure." 



  21. Spoiler


    (Selia is believing in the cards)


    Attack: 2
    Hit: 78%
    Crit: 16%

    Monk 1:
    Attack: 5
    Hit: 77%
    Crit: 5%


    Selia's Attack: 7, hit!
    Monk 1 takes 2 damage!


    Monk 1's Attack: 63, hit!
    Selia takes 5 damage!


    The two light mages trade blows, with neither taking that much damage, but with the injured monk showing further signs of exhaustion.


    Cheat Sheet:



    Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
    Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
    Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
    Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

    Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
    Knight 1: (11/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
    Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
    Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
    Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
    Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
    Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
    Monk 1: (5/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
    Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
    Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)

    PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
    PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
    PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
    PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
    PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
    Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

    Players: Health, Location, Weapons
    Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

    Belros: (0/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3
    Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

    Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
    Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
    Cass: (18/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

    Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
    Clarisse: (16/34) (T12) Poleaxe (17/20)E, Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
    Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

    Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

    Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
    Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

    Exp Tracker: 54/100



  22. Ritsu [1/60]


    Ritsu had expected some aggression her way, but not the bulk of the enemy forces all at once. As she attempted to do damage control, she decided to rely on some cover while fixing herself up in the meantime.


    "I'll be making use of some of this space for the time being it seems," she remarks to Alexandria as she begins some repairs.


    Ritsu uses Intervention (free action) to move to Init spot 19, Enter Alexandria's barrier (free action) and use Restoration on herself (heals 2d4 +10[INT] + 1 status ailment)


    Stats and Stuff



    Ritsu Stats:

    Constitution: 6
    Dexterity: 4
    Intelligence: 10 
    Strength: 10 
    Synergy: 0


    Chainsaw damage currently at: 2d4+ STR(10)


    Equipped Gear for Action slots include:

    Chainsaw (Weapon)

    Red Eco Brace (Equipment)- adds 1d4 to melee attacks.

    Precursor Mail (Armor)- 2 dr from elemental attacks



  23. maybetest_no_hat_test.png

    "Honestly, I got the feeling that there was something around. It's hard to recall exactly what I felt, but there was some feeling that there was something else besides just Bea and myself around. And since there wasn't much else around, we decided to poke into it if only to ease my mind a little. Though you were certainly the last thing I expected to find," Yuel explains, finishing with a laugh.

  24. "That right? Well, all that means is that stealth ko'ing the mononokes isn't a viable option to get to the alter. Doesn't mean there aren't other methods of handling it undetected. Well, us being undetected anyways" Sasha responds with a grin as she aims a shot close to the alter, but one that won't make any noticeable noise or impact.


    "At any rate, this shot will be a little gift for later so to speak. And provided it goes in unnoticed, we can move on to the next part of this fortress, with nobody being the wiser. I'll just need you to let me know where any off spots are in the room so I can avoid them, alright?" Sasha asks as she sets up an explosive shot to be fired into the room, hopefully obscured by her current stealth. The nice convenience of this particular bullet means that it can be left in the room for however long they need, so even if its detonated, provided they're far enough away, nobody could pinpoint the exact attacker.

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