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Posts posted by Zetaark

  1. Having temporarily dealt with one Luchador, Sasha turns her attention to avoiding the one firing a beam at her, rematerializing her bike to help avoid it, while attempting to shoot the incoming batarangs. In the meanwhile, Sasha starts driving towards Luchador A, potentially trying to ram him, but also to see if she can promote a bit of friendly fire between him and the Luchador currently firing a beam at her.


    World Line: 5 6 4 3 4 4 5 6 3 3 4

  2. "So the contract stays as it is even in this form? That's quite interesting, but I suppose you weren't technically destroyed, so it makes some sense," Ritsu muses a bit before considering her options. She wasn't sure how strong the current contract was, and trying to get Lancer in this form to answer that, while potentially possible, would be a lot of work. She may have to ask the servant contracted to the group about that at some other time. For now though, she should figure out Lancer's feelings on a change in contracts. "Next question, if it were possible, would you wish to terminate your existing contract? Two shakes for if you don't care either way," Ritsu asks, hoping to figure out Lancer's current feelings on their contract.

  3. "Watch out Aiko!" Sasha yells as she warps her bike from under her, with its momentum intact, towards the car heading towards Aiko. Luckily it was a bike built to take a heck of a beating and still remain in good shape, so it should be able to handle the car just fine. Probably. As for the Luchador in front of her, Sasha curbs her own momentum with her Requiem, stopping her from running right into the Luchador which, while potentially amusing, would not end well. In her current state, she fits her guns into its rifle form, aimed straight at the Lucador's mask. 


    Plasma Shot to the face of Luchador D (also a bike delivery service to help out Aiko) (Also let's trash the 1 if I can?) 


    World Line: (4) 5 6 4 1 3 4 4 5 6 3

  4. "So long as the baby gets returned to its parents later in one piece and alive I guess," Sasha mutters as the luchadors start to mobilize. Guess the stealth approach failed miserably. Whatever, taking things on head first was something Sasha didn't mind doing. Seeing the Luchador grappling towards her, she summoned her bike and floored the gas, aiming straight for the luchadors. "Try and cover for me if you can, but make sure to keep an eye out," Sasha says as she drives straight at the two luchadors, hoping to ram them, but also to maybe bash them into one another if she got lucky.


    World Line: 2 4 5 6 4 1 3 4 4 5 6

  5. "You know Aiko, I've seen a lot of crazy stuff. And knowing Lucia, I'm used to really strange things happening. But where the heck did she get the baby from?" Sasha asks, hoping that the pair didn't somehow end up raiding some nursery or something. Sighing, she assembles her full rifle and starts aiming at a nearby wall, but with the flying luchador in the corner of her eyes. 


    "At any rate, I feel like trying to be stealthy for a change," Sasha tries to say with a straight face before chuckling a bit. "Ok not exactly, though I will try one thing. Depending on how it works, the flying luchador will end up crashing and burning in spectacular fashion, or at the very least get a bit scratched. You can make those talismans into a trap right? Between that and a ticking time bomb so to speak from me, it should do something. Sound good to you?" she says as she readies an Explosive Shot to be warpshot at the unsuspecting Luchador B, hopefully without being too conspicuous.


    Alteration to 5 also

    World Line: [2 4 5 6 4 1 3 4 4 (5 5)]

  6. "Well that sounds like something perfectly normal," Sasha remarks in a sarcastic tone before preparing to walk outside to figure out what the heck just happened. Her guns and bike are on standby, just in case things go south fast. At the very least, Sasha was glad that whatever commotion decided to show up had the courtesy to wait until after her lunch.

  7. "Same to you," Sasha replies before heading off through her garage to find some food. She would call up Paracelsus later; she had done quite a bit of work for the day and hadn't eaten much. As such, she starts to prepare a simple lunch to pass the time.

  8. For notation purposes.




    Stat Points:

    2 mobility, 2 defense, 1 ranged



    Scatter Shot [4]: Using a special set of energy shots, Sasha fires a shot from her gun that, on contact with a surface, splits into 8 smaller, but more piercing shots that ricochets off of more surfaces 3 more times before dissipating. (Warp holes do not count as surfaces)


    Descriptor Changes:

    Ranged: 2 --> 3-Her gun, in either form, can deliver a barrage of smaller shots or larger and more powerful plasma shots. High speeds tend to limit the accuracy of her ranged shots, though she cheats using Spacial Rend to bypass aiming difficulties. As a result, her ranged attacks are all Hypers. Her close quarters and indoor shooting skills are a fair bit better than her high speed shooting without the use of her Requiem.
    Close Quarters: 4-While her physical strength is decent, her main method of close combat involves ramming into them with her bike or abusing her own mobility.
    Mobility: 10--> 12-Her motorcycle moves at incredibly high speeds, making her an evasive target. She herself is quite dexterous, and even without the bike can be a hard target to hit. Now even faster and more dexterous.
    Defense: 3-->5-Her bike is designed to withstand the abuse from the high speeds and plasma shots she fires, and offers some protection to Sasha during her more reckless stunts. Sasha herself is also able to take a few hits before getting notably impacted.



  9. "Hoping for some talismans of yours to hold a missile of a bike together. The enchants should probably work, but things happen ya know? Best to cover your bases so you don't get an angry client screaming at you later," Sasha chuckles before looking at Aiko. "By the way, sounds like you were having some fun. What's the deal today?"

  10. Von_Coy.png

    "This place appears to be the central hall, though it may also served as the mayor's home from what I can gather. As for what we're looking for..." he pauses, looking around the central room a bit more. "A secret passage perhaps. As for its nature, I can't be certain, but there is something here. That much I'm sure of," he growls with the last statement.


    As for the papers Cadence had grabbed, it seemed to be some history text of some kind describing a strange series of magical caves. The location of the caves, or other details regarding them, were not present on the page she had.

  11. Seeing the plush nod at the earlier question, Ritsu smiles, realizing that this could work out, at least for a preliminary means of communication. "Good to know this is a viable means of communication, at least for now. At any rate..." Ritsu stops to think about how the servants were normally contracted to someone and wondered whether the link still existed in this state, or whether one was present at all. "I'm not entirely sure if you can tell, but are you currently contracted to someone or something? If you can't tell...shrug I suppose, or if that's not an option, shake your head twice."

  12. Entering the courtyard after her maintenance work, Ritsu began to look for anyone who may be able to assist her in finding a method for the now plush Lancer to communicate with the others. As she wandered around a bit, noticing a few new faces, she came to a realization. Holding Lancer to her face, Ritsu began to test whether this realization had any merit.


    "I'm not entirely sure why I didn't think to do this earlier, but it's no matter. Lancer, I'll be asking a few yes or no questions. Nod if yes, shake if no. Are you able and willing to comply?" she decides to ask, basing her next actions on her response.

  13. "There should be, though I'm not entirely sure whether or not the magic they possess is what I'm looking for. Still though, it wouldn't hurt to check," Ritsu says, preparing her leave by securing her now altered armor and the plush. "Again, I thank you for your earlier assistance. Hopefully the two of us can chat again if time allows. Now then, I'll be off," she says before heading off into the Courtyard.

  14. "Alright. See you then," Sasha replies before hanging up. "Could have been a bit more social but whatever," she shrugs before looking through her contacts for the next person. While on the subject of enchants and the like, she decides to call Aiko for some talismans.

  15. "That should be sufficient. Now then, let us begin," Ritsu states, putting the plush lancer to the side while she and Hiroki start tinkering with the crusader armor. The armor itself was well built, but converting it to a different frame from a human proved to have some minor complications. However, with a bit of effort, the pair eventually manage to get it to work, and to make sure, Ritsu donned the armor in her lion-like form.


    "Hmm, a bit strange, but functional. No signs of the armor functionality being restricted either. Good, this will suffice," Ritsu says proudly in a more mechanical voice before transforming back to her normal form. "It seems this project is a success. Now then..." Ritsu trails off as she looks at the plush lancer. "You don't suppose anyone has a method to let Lancer communicate with us in her current form do you?"

  16. "I'll need them to hold the bike together. The request wasn't quite for a bike to last you see," she mentions before continuing. "As for what I'm binding them to, pretty much just to all the bike parts to keep everything together. That good enough info for you to work with?" she asks, making sure Sabia has all the necessary information for the right enchants.

  17. "Well, good to know you'll be available. I'll be needing some burn out enchants and some relative locking enchants. Someone came by with quite the commission. Think you can get those set for me over the weekend then?" Sasha asks in a more cheery than usual tone.

  18. After doing a check-through of what she had, Sasha decided to start up her calls for the parts she still needed. First off were the enchants, which meant a call to Sabia. With that, she put in a number and hoped that she could get the actual person on the line.

  19. Deciding that the message was sufficient enough from what Sasha could expect of him for a message briefing, Sasha replies that she will be present before putting away the exoskeleton. She would figure out exactly who to deliver that to later, but for now she would go check her stock to see what materials she needed for Tony's bike job.

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