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About pbood2

  • Birthday 11/05/1992

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    Ontario, Canada
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    playing and socializing with friends through chatting on skype and other methods, playing video games, watching my favourite television shows such as Once Upon a Time and Quantico for examples right now as they air. Learning about different things and about business topics.

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  1. I just watched an impactful Girl Meets World episode about embracing your flaws. Over time, I have begun to see some especially in my treatment or interactions with people such as my teammates. I really do want to own the flaws so I can try to improve. If you know me well, what would you say my flaws are? I'm very curious to see what people think. :) #GIRLMEETSWORLDROCKS

    1. pbood2


      IMO I think I am stubborn on my positions for topics, I think I am jealous of what people have that I don't even though I try not to be such as relationships, other friendships my friends might have. In addition, I think insecure that people won't like me and it bothers me greatly if they don't because I try to be a positive and nice person so why don't people like me kind of mentality.

    2. pbood2


      Others I think I have is indecision for sure and the fact I never can feel confident in a choice I make or a plan I have. This is something that has plagued me my whole life though and it's really annoying to deal with when you have to make life decisions like what career path, what hobbies to pursue etc.

    3. mde2001


      If you want my honest opinion, I think your biggest flaw is probably that you aren't a great communicator. This leads to thing you say coming off in quite a negative way, when you mean them innocently.

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