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About pbood2

  • Birthday 11/05/1992

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    Ontario, Canada
  • Interests
    playing and socializing with friends through chatting on skype and other methods, playing video games, watching my favourite television shows such as Once Upon a Time and Quantico for examples right now as they air. Learning about different things and about business topics.

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  1. Okay since I have mistaken sexualities quite often recently, if I assume you are straight when you are not, my bad but I'm trying to be safe by assuming you are straight unless I learn you are not. Just a heads up for the future. :) Thanks and have a great night

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    2. pbood2


      I never said commander that sexuality or gender defines someone's character with my status. I was saying sorry for mistaking it so I'm going to assume it's something to have a base line. Don't people biologically have to be something (male or female as an example). If not, then okay, i didn't know.

    3. pbood2


      BUT Commander I absolutely agree with you that a sexuality or gender doesn't define someone so great point. Take me for instance, I like girly shows, movies which dad scolds me for liking because he thinks men should be buff and masculine and I'm like dad have you ever heard of a feminine guy because they exist and just because I like this stuff doesn't make me less of a man. This is an example of how gender or sexuality doesn't define someone.

    4. Eternal Edge

      Eternal Edge

      Gender has nothing to do with biology. Ones parts, or lack of, don't define what gender they identify as.

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