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Everything posted by Soysauce

  1. *wakes up one minute before the alarm, turns it off* GOTCHA!

  2. Inb4 he kills the champion right after you defeat him/her, so that you can't go to the hall of fames.
  3. Hah, maybe they're sleepy and had a nightmare about (choose between "shaco", " a monster", "a devil step parent", "a dark figure tasting one's fears", "ghastly event"), so when you say "good morning!" they're like "UWAHH WHAT HAVE I DONE PLEASE HAVE MERCY-uh hello" Here's my rant. *deep breath* Alright. I don't get why highschool and middleschool are made easier and easier in France. Most of the time, the post-baccalauréat (post highschool) is more difficult than the pre-baccalauréat, and in some paths it's like easy ==> BAM hell mode (one of which I happen to be following). Maybe i'm biased because i had an easy time a few years ago, but making things easier early on will not push people to choose the "holy sacred dream of the heaven" paths, instead students are getting scared because they hear echoes of doom and desolation from people who could not adapt as quickly as it's required. And how can you expect them to do so within a year or two? With competitive exams at the end of those one or two years? Instead they should make things harder (but still interesting) in every path in highschool so that students can choose what they actually prefer and have an easier time later on. So that they can follow a slower-paced but more specialized path and not have to go through hell mode. I'd also make hell mode feel easier because there is a smoother difficulty scaling. I don't know, I just can't get it, maybe it's the pride of "X% got the baccalauréat this year with 1st try, it's huge, yay!" even if the thing doesn't get you any job at all... I also feel sad for people who can do great things but require more time and understanding, and are too afraid to try or find it too harsh, or too many things for little interest. But hell mode gives you so much experience in oral/presentation and time management that you feel like everybody should be able to follow it, then be more efficient and less stressed out in society (or alone!)... And then do great things together~! So here i am, who got a good starting in the 1st year, going to sleep to begin my second year tomorrow, hoping my poor brain can handle the most difficult year of the path i chose, and hopefully getting a high-ranked school (aka elo heaven). And i didn't study much this summer so i'll have to make up for it...But i call worth it, being able to chill out makes your mind much clearer for the events to come!
  4. Soysauce

    Ace Member

    Wow, great explanation, I was also wondering about what the titles mean. Thanks. xD
  5. School starting tomorrow.. Bleh. Let's do this.

    1. Chuco


      Best of luck!

    2. The Fush

      The Fush

      for me, it's the day after.


  6. My general strategy : As soon as I'm against a Pokemon easy to deal with (depending on my own team) I paralyze/confuse it, then switch in a sweeper or an all out threat. If it's taken out by a counter, i repeat the process with another set up => sweeper. For the 1st, 2nd and 3rd leaders i used my Pachirisu to Charm/Paralyze/Confuse the biggest threats. He single-handely defeated Crobat while being 4 levels behind.
  7. This means that the only Galio main won 10 out of 11 games (in fact 10/11 is approx 90.91% xD). So yeahhhhhh. =p Fid's fear is so long it forces mercs threads on everyone by itself. Bring in Rammus and you can take a sower, a cup of tea and watch anime while you're CC'd forever. xD
  8. Nahh, in fact after triggering Zorua event in the magma hideout, you have to find it again on a clear (or windy? damn it can"t remember) day. It will be in other alleyways, and will eventually battle you. Maybe check it up on youtube or search on the forums, i do'nt emember the weather exactly.
  9. Hah, so the three eeveelutions he/she uses do reflect his/her three facets!
  10. The powerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  11. Hello, welcome! I actually laughed when i read that joke. xD Don't feel too shy, you're safe here. If going crazy is still something safe, that is. =p
  12. You don't pick Kass to win your lane. You pick him to win other lanes. =PP
  13. Hahaha, at least you're guaranteed to get one with Waterfall. xD
  14. ^ Staraptor loves these places full of Grass and Bug =p
  15. Soysauce

    Shiny Stone

    There are other good items by checking everything anyway. =p
  16. ^ Yeah buy some common candies to get them to lvl 24 back. If you reallllyyy need the Vulpix, running around actually raises your Pokemon friendship but it's very long. xD Oh and make sure you save before getting it because it can have Drought. After beating Fern, check out the building near the Game Corner, and talk to the guy who just appeared, and you'll be able to go to the Rooftop, which is a pretty good training spot that you may need for the battle to come..
  17. Some of the cheesy things to climb are splitpusher Trynd (you have to tell your team to pressure mid/bot when they come to get you), cdr Karma top (no one knows how to play against that), Rengar (all-in level 2 with fort pot and multicast glitch). The key is still team playing; most of the games are decided by a throw or a coordinated engage/counter-engage, or people who are angry at each other. It's ridiculous how 7/1/2 people can get cocky and explode because they overextend. q___q (i'm looking at you, cocky top lane who doesn't listen to your lulu supp' T.T)
  18. Speed all the way, can't trust the evasion!
  19. Those two games are quite different. Dota2 is harder when you start playing it (last hitting AND denying, pulling creeps..), more punishing (you actually lose gold if you die) but every hero has a very strong kit, meaning that you can have hard counters. There is more fog of war plays potential, and you have access to every hero. In LoL the mechanics and champions are pretty intuitive and easier to handle, but has a similar skill ceiling when we talk about comps, teamfighting tactics etc. Just try both and play more the game you prefer, it's just a matter of taste really. =p
  20. Onyx Ward? Walk through the Obsidia park and you'll find stairs. Heal your Pokemon before, there are some trainers there. To get Zorua.. hmm, i think it's when you get your third badge. Oh and the shiny ratio is 1/700 in Reborn, so you'll probably find some too!
  21. I got Nosepass from smashing rocks in Apophyll Cave.
  22. Welcome! I bet you'll like the game even more, but i won't say anything! Zorua is available (not at your point yet though) but is a bit tricky to find.
  23. Not yet, as it has 3 different abilities you can't find a Corphish with its DW ability. It's a bug that may be fixed soon.
  24. Most of prejudices against the female gender come from the previous generations, especially in several cultures. Well it doesn't mean the children have to follow them, and while we hear a lot about feminism, outrages etc, I believe we're heading towards gender equality. Sometimes it's even a bit exagerrated, as belonging to the female gender can be an advantage in contests. In highschool, there is an engineer class contest every year in Paris, where people in Terminale (the baccalauréat year) can participate. The first and second places were the only groups full of girls, and while the first was extremely good, the second could be outclassed by the 3th, 4th, 5th places full of boys (talking objectively, i didn't compete in that event). Then, last year, a tough year with plenty of oral mock exams, everyone (both genders) believed that girls had an easier time in oral exams, and by that they were talking about the mark and the teachers (both genders too!) being more helpful. So yeah, I'm very positive about this subject in developed countries, where every culture is represented, shared, and talked about. We as humans evolve, we change our weaknesses. Gender inequality is such a weakness, and we overcame more than that, dunno why we should stop there. =p However. if we are talking about countries in which there is only a dominant culture, then that's different. The parents teach their children what they think, and the offspring won't change their mind because they don't see anything different around them. If everyone tell you "yo Soysauce is a real Kirby" and seem to live conveniently with that (they believe, or they accept), why would you think otherwise? If you do, it takes a lots of effort and enough power/reasoning to influence people. And the main problem today, is that outrages about this or that happen in our own countries, while we should look outside and see what the real deal is. Solve this, and everything's good everywhere. =p Tldr; Soysauce is still a freaking Kirby and we should talk about sth else. =D
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