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Everything posted by Lunaethetic

  1. If you haven't already, try playing super mobile mids, or carry junglers. They're the most consistent roles to carry yourself with, imo.
  2. pretty much anytime after 4 PST for me.
  3. Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister, Akali's Sister.
  4. Meteos is the only jungler that trusts his team. And he's confident enough to play carry junglers, and Balls is confident in a huge pool of champions, as is Lemonnation, Hai, and Meteos. Sneaky's the only one who's kind of limited, but he's still really good, so it doesn't matter. ggnore
  5. DotA is more technically difficult and requires more study to be 'good' at the game, and even then each hero is hard to 'master'. It also has a massive learning curve. League is more simplistic, but in general requires more "skill" (more abundance of skillshots, more map objectives etc.), but is easier. IMO, DotA is the 'superior' game, but I find LoL more enjoyable.
  6. people talk to me about lol all the time today i had a very serious conversation with around 6 people on why lol is the most popular moba. maybe it's more acceptable because i'm in school, idk
  7. dude no i-edge are you some kind of pleb crit Q
  8. Fair enough, I just saw Iceborn EVERYWHERE on Ez and Trinity Force a lot less. Now, T-Force is ridiculous. 200% sheen procs 2gud
  9. that feel when new triforce is absolutely ridiculous and make mid lane AD Ezreal fucking awesome.
  10. New TriForce outclasses IceBorn on Ez. j/s.
  11. Her jungle is incredibly weak because you can't really use W, despite the benefit to getting it (base AD), and E level one, while useful, isn't the best, because your AD is kinda low (for a single target jungler anyways). She doesn't really get better at level 2 either, not to mention that while she has a gap closer, the lane has to have CC to lockdown a kill in a gank. She's just too slow early and doesn't have enough early potential to gank, making her one of the weakest semi-viable junglers.
  12. her sustain is so minute it feels tacked on, it's really not "sustain", it's more just something that kinda trolls ignite. She has a decent pre-6, but Tryn is better post-6, and can be pre-6, depending on how lucky he is. She also is so slow in jungle, so you can't farm, and she doesn't have anything real to mention in ganks. She's simply outclassed in almost every way.
  13. the feel when sivir vayne kennen zac sona WITH ALL OUR ULTS COMBINED
  14. Bloodthirster benefits him more in that it provides more damage than both items. It's generally not efficient to rush Black Cleaver anyways, as the Brut gives you enough stats for it to be necessary, and you can invest the gold you would have put into a Black Cleaver into something else (E.G. Hydra, LW, GA, etc.) Also, Youmuu's is actually a really underrated item for a lot of people. It's active is very useful, especially for somebody like Talon, specifically because it helps you chase, should your target get away low. That and you get a GP5 out of the deal, which can make your snowball even stronger. just saiyan

  16. Lucian's ultimate is either gonna be imba as shit or weak as shit. Assuming you can land it. want him so bad tho 12k ip why riot why
  17. Right? It's okay to have the last man standing be an antihero.
  18. i enjoy everything sky does he's so kawaii
  19. You could try a Mixed Tank Flareon, I suppose. Resists Bug/Grass, checks Ghosts w/ Crunch, and can Yawn for Sleep, Lava Plume for STAB. It also has a pretty decent Special Defense Stat its not like flareon is really used anyways gg gamefreak no flare blitz Outside of that, I do think a Steel type would be your best bet. Aggron and Forretress are both available.
  20. I just want Lucian so I can perform my first drive-by.

  21. Am I the only one who thinks after the first half of Death Note, it kind of drops to shit? I also found the ending to be seriously aggravating, Genuinely wanted the anime to end about half way through. but it didn't. and i was sad. EDIT:
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUAZnjFbOyI I DON'T REMEMBER HOW TO MAKE THE VIDEO POP UP AHHHHH Ikaru here with a picture reference to unlink, for one and all-
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