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Everything posted by Lunaethetic

  1. Keep in mind, Jinx is also the medium that Riot sells their shirts and stuff through, so I wouldn't put your bets on it.
  2. back to square one 5th time in silver one i carry in silver 2 i get so ridiculously unlucky in silver 1 riot pls
  3. Upcoming champion is champion number 116. In Roman numerals, 116 is CXVI C:Caitlyn X:? VI:Vi lol x confirmed for initial of new champion
  4. Having a 3 page limit on essays is the most convoluted piece of shit rule ever. That gives literally no room from proper explanation and writing. gg american education system.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Code: PIRULUK

      Code: PIRULUK

      I agree. Formal Education has murdered learning.

    3. Bearadactyl


      I've never had a limit on my essays...

      Only a minimum requirement.

    4. Khayoz


      lazy markers

  5. Most Southern California schools have a massive waiting list (particularly UCSD, which also has a very good art program). Just something to keep in mind! Source: I live in San Diego d:
  6. #twinning wire coat hanger, a pair of 5 dollar sunglasses. I will note that I had 50 dollars in the glove, they didn't take it, and they had to pass up my 30 dollar sunglasses to get to the 5 dollar ones.
  7. Ask me anything. (also i never posted in this part of the forum before hi i'm evan)
  8. I have noticed that listening to Dark Side of the Moon while playing ranked wins me more games. is that not the tightest shit or?
  9. Rin is best girl in Katawa Shoujo. No exceptions. Based Rin be with us.

    1. Dana


      Rins my phone case :D

    2. Yuki


      rin is an asshole who takes swimming way too seriously and should just hatefuck haru already

  10. That is an incredibly good rule. I still really believe that muting toxic people is a good thing, but not everyone agrees with me.
  11. At the point where you're not the person to blame.
  12. they really want people to realize he totally dominates lane for people unless you suck
  13. won't happen, she's not mobile enough compared to other tops. i mean she's just too balls deep
  14. yay remove more stealth from the game imma cry man imma do it
  15. having both, I'd say Blood Moon. Nurse is always good too.
  16. my rengar game is not strong enough ;-;
  18. they're trash companies anyways. Also, I think if any Tales character would be in the new SSB, it'd be Luke for Abyss, since that got ported to the 3DS. Tetra from Wind Waker was originally supposed to be playable in Brawl, and had a model programmed in. Don't remember if she actually had a moveset, but she was also referred to as 'Toon Zelda'. She'd be badass. Other than that, I'm kind of stumped. Diddy Kong's girlfriend would be awesome, but I don't really know what her playstyle would be. Lyn would be cool, but 6 wasn't even that popular. Chrom's a given, considering how successful that game was. Louis from Pikmin might be playable, because of the whole Pikmin 3 confirmation. MegaMewtwo is a possibility. i'm out
  19. Both of those are stereotyped to initiate teamfights, when that's the worst possible thing to do when playing the damage variant of Nocturne or Master Yi. There are huge ways to protect yourself as damage Nocturne, as all he needs is Wits End to put out decent damage, which can get even better when you add something like BorK to the equation. Junglers that can take kills and essentially carry the game with it; keep in mind, this is not always through damage. For instance, a fed Nautilus is absolutely fucking brutal, even though it's not the most damaging jungle. Damage Carry Junglers include Lee Sin, Nocturne, Yi, and Fiddlesticks (if you're not trash at him). Tank Carry Junglers include Nasus, Nautilus, Volibear, and occasionally Sejuani. Of course, there's also the standards, J4, Vi, Eve, etc., but I figured those would be obvious d: Twitch hasn't been a good jungle since his rework, he's too squishy to easily jungle, with no real good way to clear his level 1, and still has a weak early game. Gangplank is one of my personal favorite junglers, but he's not much good either. He farms like a fucking champion, and that's about it. Outside of using ult to assist in ganks, your passive is not a relevant slow/or dot in 90% of situations. He does, however, excel at ganking bot, because he provides his ult, an AD steroid, and a cleanse for the support's CC (or ADC, I dunno). I would not, by any means, call him a carry jungler though.
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