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Deleted User

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Deleted User

  1. Brasil 0 - 5 Germany at half-time! So proud to be German! anyone want to wager on when the first comments are about Neymar missing?

  2. Brasil 0 - 5 Germany at half-time! So proud to be German! anyone want to wager on when the first comments are about Neymar missing?

  3. watching all my hello kitty dvds today

  4. shawty what you sippin' on, gatorade, shawty what you smokin' on, lemonade~

  5. And the troll wars have begun...

  6. It is done. I just wish I had the picture changes too.

  7. It is done. I just wish I had the picture changes too.

  8. **Waits patiently for someone to notice**

  9. I won pokemon online world tour! http://i58.tinypic.com/i77hw7.png

  10. Avatar change. Much floof. Very cat. Wow.

  11. God damnit Jericho. You bastard. >>

  12. College entrance exam starts in 31 hour. I'm going crazy over here.

  13. whgat the FUCK

  14. This world stolen from us; Come let's take it back

  15. Some dogs can hunt pests, some can't. Daisy you silly chocolate lab, you're not cut out for taking care of the groundhog out back, I should have got you out of there before it knicked you. Only about an hour of making the bleeding stop and treating the wound and getting you to calm down.

  16. I, had the freakiest dream last night. I can't explain much, but the word "Elmosexual" came up at one point... ono

  17. Here's tip: Never go to a 4th of July parade in Texas. Ever.

  18. If things didn't happen the way they did, they wouldn't be the way they are.

  19. Wow. Cheers for the avatar whoever did that.

  20. Welp. I'm starting a star wars marathon.

  21. L337 5747U5 0B741|\|3D

  22. Well, just finished blood lad, pretty good anime, made meh giggle alot

  23. Well, just finished blood lad, pretty good anime, made meh giggle alot

  24. So yeah, my thumb got lanced now so all the puss and the fun stuff is out so now I got a nasty empty thumb... swag

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