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Status Updates posted by Kiozo

  1. Ya know, it's not that I don't miss being here...

    I'm just not sure if it's the same here of old and who would be happy to see me if I came back. 

    Still love Reborn though <3

  2. Site looks really nice right now... I'm happy~

  3. Don't make me beat dat ass.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Arkhi


      He sure leaves an impression.

    3. Kiozo


      @Kuna I'm hearing of nonsense going on, like normal~

      @Morshu/Viri Hi it me c:

      @Mael sorry that I'm confident in my avatarality, I don't need to question it like some people.

    4. Kiozo


      everyone else I had no answer for but <3

  4. Not sure if anyone else has this issue. So Windows 10 force upgraded from 8. Alright, cool, whatever. My fan no longer spins normally and only when temperatures get overly high. I'm interested in just getting the fan to run in general at a decent pace, any thoughts?

  5. I could create an AMA thread, but I don't think I would accomplish anything. I'm just a fragment of this reality.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rosesong


      Oh shush Kio <3

    3. Kiozo


      A shard can resonate to honest integral feelings, but a shard also can be enclosed in the hand of a full being.

  6. I don't...I don't believe it's fair...

  7. A candidate for my soul mate bled...

    1. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      I am truly sorry for whatever event you're referring to.

    2. Kiozo


      Mostly song lyrics, nothing in particular is being referenced. Thank you though for the kind thoughts!

  8. There comes a point in every person's life where they need to hear something. Something tangible. Something that person can hold onto, and it shouldn't come from the first source that normally does. It needs to come from someone who does care but isn't normally the one to say it. Sometimes that person needs to be loved.

  9. Eyes on fire, eyes on fire, and they're burning from all the tears~

  10. White knuckles....and sweaty palms from holding on too tight...

  11. White knuckles....and sweaty palms from holding on to tight...

  12. I don't know, sidebar, what's always on my mind? My CRUSH >:T #Senpainoticeme

    1. Peepeepoopoo



    2. Diana


      r u pregnant yet

    3. KingRyan


      i know that feel.

  13. I'm singing baby come home, in a melody of tears, while the rhythm of the rain keeps time...

  14. Somewhere between being young, and being right, you were my Versailles at night...

  15. Do you think anger, a sincere emotion? Or a timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away it's pain?

  16. I tried so hard, but I was never meant to be here...

    1. Sonikku


      YOU may think that, but what about others? You and Roo have contributed a lot to my view on competitive battling.

    2. Maelstrom


      You got so far, but it the end, did it even really matter?

  17. How to: break everything that could have worked. A book by not the culprit.

  18. Real G's; moving silence like lasagna.

  19. I've gotta stop passing out...

  20. I kinda wonder who else joined on my birthday :o

    1. derekwst3


      whens your birthday

    2. Kiozo


      28th of March

  21. It's like I'm dealing with Dalmations...and if any of you get that...I'll be impressed. I hope someone does.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kiozo


      Negative. Think about a potentially popular Dalmatians reference then check my profile :P

    3. Sheep


      Oh, hahahah. Them up votes.

    4. Kiozo


      Ey he got it :D

  22. I'm sick of expecting better, I'm sick of regretting defending people, I'm sick of wondering why I'm here, I'm so done with it all.

  23. I really wish I knew the answer to my speaker issues. My laptop won't play anything through the normal speakers or earphone jack; just any USB attachment.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kiozo


      Volume mixer*. Anywho; the port shouldn't be shot if it's the only thing that actually is getting me volume; unless you meant the earphone jack still lol

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I meant the jack.....I am just stupid and call that a port, where as I refer to the USB port as just a USB. But I really don't know dude. THat is a strange thing. You try looking it up somewhere yet?

    4. Kiozo


      I haven't looked it up because I don't know what specifics would pop up the correct information. I've gone into everything on my computer and I feel it's just a bum setting but I can't seem to find anything.

  24. "In this little number, we're graced by two displays of character...a walking contradiction...and I for one, won't stand for this."

    1. Maelstrom


      What's going on?

    2. Kiozo


      Outside of me quoting songs that have different meanings than how I edit them?

      I usually am yet to see.

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